when the oil fields burned
While we're on the subject of oil, this past Sunday, the New York Times magazine re-ran Sebastiao Salgado's 1991 photo documentary of the burning of Saudi oil fields. And, holy crap, they […]
WA farmworkers walk a thousand miles in footsteps of cesar chavez
On March 17th Washington-state-based independent farm worker union, the Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ), began a 28-day tour from Bellingham, WA to the US-Mexico border to galvanize a boycott of Driscoll berries […]
such fun, these scots!
[vimeo 121573942 w=500 h=281] “How do you sow the seeds of a better food system?”
do not lick the fox poop
Echinococcus multilocularis is a cyclophyllid tapeworm that, along with some other members of the Echinococcus genus (especially E. granulosus), produces the disease known as echinococcosis in certain terrestrial mammals, including […]
young crofters
[vimeo 130894951 w=500 h=281] Crofting's New Voices from Scottish Crofting Federation on Vimeo. The plans and dreams of a new generation from the land.
orchard pest thresholds
http://www.mofga.org/Portals/2/mof&g/MAM%2016/54-Tachinid-Flies.jpg By C.J. Walke The term "threshold" is used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to describe the level at which pest pressure and crop damage have reached the point […]
wall to wall natural building workshop series
our beloved brian dewan and others in john cage piece 4/9/16
For more information, click HERE!
md is the first state to ban bee killing pesticides for consumer use
Neonicotinoids are a newer class of insecticides that are chemically related to nicotine. Like nicotine, they act on certain receptors in the central nervous system. In insects, they cause paralysis […]
a useful piece of political literacy for agrarians in springtime
From director Isabel Hegner, this documentary goes inside the military regime that has been controlling the country of Burma since 1962.
farming with draft animals scholarship
For young farmers, Tillers is offering scholarships in Alternative Power – how to use draft horses and oxen to power farms more sustainably and productively. These scholarships will fund 60% […]
dph: cool information directory
The idea of the dph database of experiences was born in 1986 from the desire to link people and groups working towards the construction of a responsible world of solidarities. […]
just another juicy book about monopoly practices
"The Fish That Ate the Whale" is the fourth book on the banana barons to be published in English in the past five years, and even interested readers may by […]
another sailing cargo vessel gets going!
TIMBERCOAST is going to offer wind-powered cargo shipping. Our 1920’s schooner AVONTUUR will set her sails from Germany to Australia where we’ll set up a permanent trading route in the South […]
the femme farmer project
In the past three decades, the number of women-operated farms has increased substantially in the nation. Between 1978 and 2007, according to the agency’s Economic Research Service, the number of […]
kale, racial justice, and reclaiming our collective right to the earth
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StygQm6YlwQ] A beautiful walk around Soul Fire Farm with the thoughtful, insightful, and fiercely passionate Leah Penniman. This film was produced by The Next System Project and the Laura Flanders […]
vegetables without the plastic
Able and Cole, a produce delivery service in the UK, is now using the UK's first fully-compostable bag for vegetables. They are formed from non-GMO starch potatoes and a compostable polymer, […]
sweet little info video on efficiency on large v. small scale farms
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN9gni4dXlE?list=PLXsLLGSaYdqLz7duVQeLQs1TkkUBHvaEW] This video was release in the build-up to last weekend's World Forum on Access to Land in Spain. March 30-April 2, 400 participants from 70 countries discussed the human, […]
free webinar on collaborative trade and fair markets
Yellow Seed, a nonprofit organization that facilitates connections between farmers and fair markets, recently partnered with Impact Hub Berkley, a social impact working hub out of the Bay Area, to host […]
the revival of the carolina's greatest fruits and berries
When: Friday, April 8, 2016 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Where: Robert Mills Carriage House 1616 Blanding Street Columbia, SC 29201 Cost: Members: $35 Non-members: $40 See: http://www.historiccolumbia.org/events/2016-gardening-symposium-keynote Dr. David […]
rachel's war
In the Spring of 1962, The New Yorker published Rachel Carson’s anti-pesticide manifesto, Silent Spring, in three installments. Carson’s message quickly transcended the magazine’s readership, eliciting a national response that […]
free public domain audiobooks
Audiovox is an open source, volunteer-run podcast/audiobook service. People can sign up to read their favorite books in the public domain and anyone can listen for free! Check them out […]
a great timeline
Check out this timeline (found HERE) from the center for new economics. It's great!
barn burned down: fundraiser
https://static.youcaring.com/api/uploads/fundraisers/546085/d53bd02c-1ec4-4347-b4dc-a33d175a8487_profile.jpg Dearest friends and family, I am writing to appeal for help on behalf of my sister Molly and Little Wing Farm. This farm that she built up over the […]
community economies
http://www.communityeconomies.org/site/assets/media/images/Nuestras_Web_Opt.jpg The Community Economies Collective (CEC) and the Community Economies Research Network (CERN) are international collaborative networks of researchers who share an interest in theorizing, discussing, representing and ultimately enacting new […]
watch the power of friends of the earth
40 years - our campaigns in pictures 2011 marks 40 years since Friends of the Earth was founded. Check out their images of just some of the amazing campaigns that […]
new up-up screening map!
http://upupfilmfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/upup_logo.png Up Up! Farm is a film collection with 17 hours of documentaries by 13 independent filmmakers (including Greenhorns) about the future of farming, featuring young farmers from around world. […]
maine history online: trade and transport
https://www.mainememory.net/sitebuilder/static/mho/common/essay-headers/885-1.jpg Future French Foreign Minister Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord journeyed to Maine a few years after the American Revolution scouting economic opportunities for his employers. While he wasn't overly impressed with […]
smart phones come from mountains
[vimeo 107812653 w=500 h=281] This video is put out by Fairphone, an Netherlands-based company that produces smart phones with opaque, open, and more socially-responsible supply chains. If this sounds like […]
dirty money: why corporate funding of art is problematic (at best)
"Maybe Faust had it Right," this fabulous and short article by Nick Theiberger, about the funding of art projects by large mining corporations in Australia within which he outlines the problem […]
the thing sanders, trump, and clinton agree on
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is slated for an up-or-down vote in Congress. Proponents say it’s about free trade. But it looks more like corporate colonization. One issue unites three U.S. presidential […]
salt of the earth
During the last forty years, photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the continents, in the footsteps of an ever changing humanity. He has witnessed the major events of our […]
scots organize around SOIL liberation
https://soilcitydotorgdotuk.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/soil-city-final-logotype-square.jpg?w=220 Soil City is a space for conversation, participatory research and knowledge exchange. By engaging with the citizens of Glasgow and a wider community of scientists, artists, activists and academics, […]
adirondacks: biochar workshop
April 16 & April 17, Saturday & Sunday | 9am to 4pm Instructor: David Yarrow, Terra Char http://www.biochar-international.org/sites/default/files/CHARTREE2.jpg Biochar is yet another tool in the toolbox of regenerative agriculture! In […]
farm manager position: hops production
http://static.squarespace.com/static/54130deae4b00794c96d9ac7/t/54132295e4b096cdd1fef920/1410540181753/hops.jpg Farm Manager Position Available for Hops Production Investing in growing successful Hops Crop for a minimum of 40 acres. We seek an expert with experience in organic farming and […]
slide hand ranch seeks ranch hand
SUMMARY: The Ranch Hand reports to the Director of Operations, and is part of the Ranch Team, which includes the Animal Care Manager, Garden Manager, and part-time facilities employee. The […]
from the ag archives: the harvest of shame
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJTVF_dya7E] On the one hand, it is great to see how far we've come. And on the other, it is pretty difficult to accept how far we haven't. Pay […]
while northerners tap sugar maples, southerners could be tapping longleaf pines
Longleaf pine forests once stretched across 92 million acres from Virginia to Texas. In 1720, the British pushed their American colonies to tap as many trees as possible for the […]