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"ditching NAFTA" may hurt american farmers, but which ones?

Posted: February 17 2017

NPR's The Salt spoke to American farmers growing products (strawberries) in and outsourcing their products (milk, powdered) to Mexico. And no doubt, these industrial farmers will either pay more to import and export their crops and could lose potential markets. Given, however, that NAFTA's effect on small and medium farms in this country-- which we rarely mentioned in the discussion-- has been largely detrimental, and NAFTA's effect on small farmers in Mexico has been unequivocally disastrous, we wonder how this conversation could be extended to address small-scale sustainable agriculture.  Greenhorns, policy buffs, what do you think? Surely, it is not always true that what is bad for industrialized ag is good for sustainable ag, but....
What do you think, Greenhorns, specifically our economics buffs out there, what will it mean for young agrarians and small farms if the US "ditches NAFTA?"