Mountain Roots in CO seeks rising Farm Manager
Mountain Roots Food Project is a local food systems initiative in the beautiful Rocky Mountain community of Gunnison-Crested Butte, Colorado. At Mountain Roots we have a newly established community farm (2 years old) and manage six community /school gardens. We are seeking a full time Farm & Gardens Manager to start in 2019 and help […]
maine rice project still searching for land
We've written about the Maine Rice Project before, it is a non-profit with a mission to get more people to grow and eat sustainably grown rice and grain throughout Maine. It is the brainchild of Ben and Asher of Wild Folk Farm in Benton, who have shown successfully that rice can be grown in Maine and that […]
permaculture farming, an introduction
Permaculture is essentially a design philosophy created for and typically applied to food producing systems. However it has also been translated for use in many other areas such as architecture, community building, and corporate structures. Permaculture, developed by Bill Mollison in the late 1980s in Australia, has been adopted and adapted by gardeners, farmers, and […]
the movement to turn church land into farmland
In March of this year, we along with our partners, sponsors and friends held the first FaithLands gathering hosted at Paicines Ranch in March 2018. Organized by a small group of dedicated faith and land access leaders, the gathering brought together 30 multi-faith participants from around the country working at the intersection of faith, ecological stewardship, […]
the first of the summer events - gps for beginners june 10th
There are less than two weeks to go before we kick off our jam packed summer events schedule in Downeast costal Maine! First up on June 10th is GPS for Beginners, led by Markley Boyer. This workshop will be particularly useful for agrarians, young and old who are looking to more efficiently use their land, […]
bicimakina: biking across the US celebrating alternative uses for human-power
You may be familiar with Farm Hack, started by Greenhorns founder Severine. Farm Hack is a worldwide community of farmers that build and modify their own tools (including a few bicycle based tools like the bike tractor). But have you heard about Bicimakina? Bicimakina is a community of makers, educators, and enthusiasts all joined […]
newsletter: summer schedule....and more!
Hark the peeps! Sniff the earth! SHE IS HERE! In this edition: Greenhorns summer schedule Sources of hopeful and useful news Engagement opportunities with Greenhorns Summer Schedule As you know Greenhorns has recently moved our headquarters to ‘Reversing Hall’ , an old Odd Fellows Hall in Pembroke, Downeast Maine. To celebrate and showcase our beautiful and historic HQ […]
the maine rice project is looking for land!
You may remember our previous post about The Maine Rice Project. Their goal is to get as many farmers and folks as possible eating and growing rice throughout Maine, the Maritimes, and the Northeast. They recently received a grant from Maine Technology Institute to expand their rice growing operation and are looking for help finding new sites […]
first draft of the next farm bill just released
Yesterday, the House Ag Committee released their first draft of the next farm bill, which when passed will be in place until 2023. The process required for the farm bill to pass is as follows: 1. The House Ag Committee releases their draft. 2. The committee meets for "markup," when they suggest and vote on amendments […]
four farm school fellowships available - apply before february 15th!!
The Farm School is offering 4 exciting new fellowship positions in 2018! Program for Visiting Schools Fellowship for Farm-Based Education Leaders: Two of the new Fellowships available from The Farm School invest in training and mentoring the next generation of farm-based education leaders. The focus of the fellowship is on developing practical agricultural skills, production experience […]
farminaries - from souls to stomachs, seminaries are looking to expand their reach
There is a growing recognition in both the faith and farming communities, of the opportunities for both to work together. Greenhorns recognized this and partnered with members from a diverse range of faith communities to hold our Faith Lands conference in California this coming March. We have connected with farmers and faith leaders from all […]
downeast foxfire camp registration now open!
Downeast Foxfire Camp is a ten-day rowing and sailing expedition in eastern Maine that is being hosted by the Greenhorns and taught by the wonderful and talented Arista Holden. The expedition will take place from August 17th - 26th 2018. In addition to travelling in a Bantry Bay gig to rugged, spruce-covered islands and peninsulas, we will […]
"gene drive" proposal to make weeds more susceptible to ROundup
The Heinrich Boll Foundation and the ETC Group recently released a 20 page report about the ill defined and understood "Climate Smart Agriculture". Unsurprisingly the agro-industrial sector has embraced these developments that rely heavily on synthetic biology. Synthetic biology sometimes dubbed “genetic engineering on steroids,” broadly refers to the use of computer-assisted, biological engineering to […]
the cracks begin to show at the young farmers conference 2017
The young farmers conference 2017 took place this past week, and you may have already heard about the controversy that unfolded during and after the first days keynote speech. The keynote was a discussion between Ricardo Salvador from the Union of Concerned Scientists and writer Mark Bittman who is the author of 20 acclaimed books, including the How […]
new farmer's almanac submission time!
Greetings writers, artists, photographers, agrarians! It’s almanac time again! If you would like to contribute to the next volume of the Almanac, now is the time to get thinking, writing and creating agrarian content. This year we have a wonderful new editor Briana - you can contact her with your ideas and submissions at [email protected]. Please […]
bad news - usda vote in favour of inclusion of hydro- and aquaponics as organic
The Packer reports that yesterday the USDA National Organic Standards Board voted 8 to 7 not to ban hydroponic and aquaponic production from being included under the organic umbrella. Lee Frankel, executive director for the Coalition for Sustainable Organics, shared the news today in an e-mail to members. The board did vote in favour of excluding aeroponics from […]
biodynamic wildfire relief fund
Following the devastation caused by the spread of massive wildfires in California over the past week it has become apparent that many of those within the biodynamic community have been directly affected. Among these is Frey Vineyards, a pioneer in Biodynamic® wine and dedicated supporter of the BDA. The vineyard has experienced significant losses due to the fires, […]
rally keep the soil in organic! - oct 8th and 15th
"Organic without soil is like democracy without people." -Vermont Lieutenant Governor-elect David Zuckerman at the Rally In The Valley The first of two rallies to keep the soil in organic takes place this Sunday October 8th at the Intervale Center (180 Intervale Rd) in Burlington VT. The second rally is being planned for Sunday, October 15th on the green at Dartmouth College in […]
2017 empire farm days: soil health centre
The New York State Working Group for Improved Soil Health has just announced its schedule of activities for the Soil Health Center at Empire Farm Days 2017 in Seneca Falls, NY. They have a fantastic line up of speakers spanning the course of three days from August 8th - 10th.
request for proposals: the fifth annual yale food systems symposium
With the 5th annual Yale Food Symposium taking place this September, the organisers are putting out a final call to farmers and activists to submit proposals. The aim of the gathering is to create a platform to share research and knowledge between scholars and those who are tangibly involved in the food system in order […]
hudson valley school plants seeds of herbalism with upgraded training program
Hudson Valley residents! Take this sweet 5-month foundational program in herbal medicine.
goats in the city
Two of our favorite things: regenerative land stewardship and videos of goats doing adorable things.
write 200 words, take an eco-retreat in beautiful appalachia
This is tantalizing: one essay, 3 hours work per day, and a sweet rural eco-retreat in West Virginia.
making the eggs-pansion a reality!
Come on Greenhorns! Let's help Apple Creek Farm meet the demand for eggs at their market in Maine!
if you wanted to track your local wind patterns...
A great tool for those of us who a. love beautiful interactive maps, and b. rely on up-to-date weather information.
latest ourland episode is out! and it's awesome
The latest episode of our land is live. Good for thinking, dreaming, and getting a little teary-eyed.
regenerative enterprise
Regenerative Enterprise, or the idea that business doesn't have to suck so much. Wait! Don't go: before you think I'm about to preach to the choir on creating businesses that go beyond the extractive model, or throw some vague "Be sustainable!" nonsense at you, don't worry. Enter, the Regenerative Business Institute, a nonprofit with its roots in permaculture and […]
the future of farming in new england
Can New England farmers survive in changing climate? A new podcast says, yes-- and they absolutely need to.
get regenerative: watch this inspiring keynote on no-till practices
Not using no-till practices yet? Prepare to be inspired.
call for film submissions for change making tool-kits
Inspire food activists around the country: submit your film now!
the true story of a farm turned cult
Greenhorns contributor Helen Zuman has a wild story to tell.
amazing footage of corn monsters
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_hvGmoLrE0] You're never seen a sprout look this ghoulish. AMAZING video from band C.A.M.P.O.S. for their song Teosinte, which features incredible slow-mo of the title seed germinating. Most of the sites that reviewed the band mentioned that teosinte is a "form of Mesoamerican corn," but being the horticulture geeks that we are, we can't help […]
rural route film tour 2017
Check out the sweet trailer for the the Rural Route Film Tour!
to reduce food waste, farm insects
Can we use insects to convert food waste into animal feed?
what an english sheep farmer has to say about rural america
"The future we've been sold doesn't work."
carbon farming in los angeles
News got you down this week? Our friends at Kiss the Ground serve up another heaping video of hope.
experts say 2017 might be crawling with ticks
We've got your back: it's not too soon to study up and start making DIY tick repellant.
the seed we need: there's not enough
Can organic farmers build strong, resilient, local SEED economies? Seed Hack, anyone?
grassroots, big sky: why we must see the food movement as part of a bigger whole
How do we make our farms centers for social justice?