Politics & Activism
such fun, these scots!
[vimeo 121573942 w=500 h=281] “How do you sow the seeds of a better food system?”
dph: cool information directory
The idea of the dph database of experiences was born in 1986 from the desire to link people and groups working towards the construction of a responsible world of solidarities. […]
kale, racial justice, and reclaiming our collective right to the earth
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StygQm6YlwQ] A beautiful walk around Soul Fire Farm with the thoughtful, insightful, and fiercely passionate Leah Penniman. This film was produced by The Next System Project and the Laura Flanders […]
sweet little info video on efficiency on large v. small scale farms
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN9gni4dXlE?list=PLXsLLGSaYdqLz7duVQeLQs1TkkUBHvaEW] This video was release in the build-up to last weekend's World Forum on Access to Land in Spain. March 30-April 2, 400 participants from 70 countries discussed the human, […]
free webinar on collaborative trade and fair markets
Yellow Seed, a nonprofit organization that facilitates connections between farmers and fair markets, recently partnered with Impact Hub Berkley, a social impact working hub out of the Bay Area, to host […]
rachel's war
In the Spring of 1962, The New Yorker published Rachel Carson’s anti-pesticide manifesto, Silent Spring, in three installments. Carson’s message quickly transcended the magazine’s readership, eliciting a national response that […]
the thing sanders, trump, and clinton agree on
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is slated for an up-or-down vote in Congress. Proponents say it’s about free trade. But it looks more like corporate colonization. One issue unites three U.S. presidential […]
mexican farmworkers strike over low wages, blocking harvest
by Richard Marosi Veronica Zaragoza grew up in these coastal fields, picking berries and tomatoes and watching an industry being transformed.She saw new greenhouses erected, irrigation lines spread through the fields, […]
a french tool box of farmer-driven technologies and practices...now in english!
http://latelierpaysan.org/IMG/jpg/whoweare2.jpg We are a French-speaking collective of small-scale farmers, employees and agricultural development organisations, gathered together as a cooperative named l’Atelier Paysan. Based on the principle that farmers […]
multicultural food porn from los angeles
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__2uT1cZWkY] City of Gold Now In Select Theaters
power north adirondack harvest festival!
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/t31.0-8/s960x960/981194_10154639552550410_6993809548193316428_o.jpg For more information, check out the Facebook Page!!
just food? conference, march 25-26, cambridge
the king of beers wants to push craft brews out of your supermarket
LunaseeStudios/Shutterstock The world's largest brewer in Dec. 2015 introduced a new incentive program that could offer some independent distributors in the U.S. annual reimbursements of as much as $1.5 million […]
eating organic grain is more important than ever
Richardson Milling says: Richardson Milling, the largest oat miller in North America, has no intention of changing its policies on glyphosate. In fact, they recently said that: IT'S OK FOR […]
sustainable (documentary trailer)
America is facing a food crisis driven by profitability and a lack of consumer education. While the window to transforming our heartland continues to shrink, passionate individuals have emerged who […]
labor rights/ the history of this idea in america
A series of short films dealing with different aspects of the systemic challenge our country is facing. The first three—featuring PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell, MIT’s Phil Thompson, and Boston College’s […]
prime act introduced in the senate
Washington, D.C.—March 10, 2016—Yesterday, Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the PRIME (Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption) Act, lending Senate support for Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) […]
addressing harassment in the workplace
As geobiology professor A. Hope Jahren wrote in the New York Times last week, female scientists often receive emails from male colleagues that are leering, lascivious, and unwarranted: all examples […]
how to feed 9 billion in 2050? eat insects
Scientists have suggested eating of insects as a way to address food shortage and improve nutrition. Many edible species of crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars and termites are highly nutritious, according to […]
tired of not being able to download those awesome scientific papers?
Never fear! Sci Hub is here! It's the first website in the world to provide mass & public access to research papers...FOR FREE. Check it out HERE.
the dark act has been introduced into the senate
Monsanto's Dream Bill (H.R. 1599) would prohibit any state efforts to require labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMOs) — and it already passed in the House of Representatives and was […]
experts call on feds to reevaluate acceptable risks
Concerns over use of glyphosate-based herbicides and risks associated with exposures: a consensus statement February 17, 2016, Environmental Health The broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate (common trade name “Roundup”) was first sold […]
is farming an act of public service? time to prove it.
Enter the Young Farmer Success Act, which would extend the student loan debt forgiveness granted to persons in public service by the Higher Education Act of 1965 to full time […]
throw away the teflon, use cast iron
There have been several stories lately about the poisons of teflon and the down-right corruption from DuPont (influencing the EPA, among other agencies). There is currently a corporate lawyer battling […]
scientific american chimes in on beyonce's "formation"
Beyoncé's "Formation" makes many statements about social and political realities in the U.S., but song and video perhaps speak especially strongly to black women in academia. Truly, Formation by Beyoncé is the hype […]
updates on tpp and ttip
The recent legal challenge brought by TransCanada seeking $15 billion in damages over the Obama Administration’s decision to reject the Keystone Pipeline, has raised new questions about the TPP. The […]
kerrygold ballymaloe litfest of food and wine!
20-22 May 2016 The Kerrygold Ballymaloe Literary Festival of Food and Wine is a weekend filled with fascinating facts, inspirational stories, intriguing discussions, incredible knowledge, fantastic music, fabulous dancing and […]
irish food art chick
Katie Sanderson is a chef on the move. For the past five years she’s been putting on imaginative food events in locations around Ireland: a café for artists in a […]
just food forum on land access, rights, and ecology: march 25-26, cambridge, ma
yeah baby! cover cropping makes the NYT front page
I can almost hear organic farmers across the country rolling their eyes, cover cropping: this is news? And, I know, I know, you've been doing this for years-- but, yes, actually […]
from corn-fed to vegetarian to freegan to vegan to meat eater
Dustin's View, Jan. 31, 2016, Wreflective Writing Would you describe yourself as a long-time farmer and environmental activist? Not at all. I used to be a redneck. I used to […]
the year that ended dangerously: the ETC's ireverant, snarky, and spot-on end of year review
Every year, our friends at the ETC (stands for Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration) puts out an, as they say, "irreverent," year-end recap-- and this year's is out […]
we are all flint
The same forces that have made the Flint disaster possible are the same ones that are bent on privatizing public water supplies and preventing a just resolution to the growing world […]
for your pod bud ears
“And one of those farmer’s said, 'you know we can do this work. This is our lives. We have pride in what we do, this is hard work: building these […]
want to know why a large portion of the us doesn't trust big ag or government findings?
There are 60,000 unregulated chemicals in use by chemical companies right now and the EPA/FDA/USDA aren't regulating. This is a frightening David-vs-Goliath New York Times piece which is well worth […]
federal action on insecticides harmful to bees
EPA is making moves again on neonicotinoid insecticides with report saying--- in a dramatic understatement typical of the agency that has rarely regulated agricultural chemicals with any rigor ----that the insecticide […]
immigration impacts all of agriculture: learn more while watching movies!
[vimeo 129248739 w=500 h=281] Watch the trailer for The Line from Kent Bassett on Vimeo. You can rent the film for the very affordable cost of $1.00.
developing the grape cultivars of the future
With a focus on disease resistance and hardiness, researchers are hard at work developing the grape cultivars of the future. Through a multidisciplinary collaborative project called VitisGen, researchers are are […]
good example of citizen science
The Practical Farmers of Iowa have released their latest study on the effects of apple cider vinegar supplementation in feeder pigs. Apple cider vinegar is held to being a health […]