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federal action on insecticides harmful to bees

Posted: January 6 2016
imidacloprid-4sc-box-jugEPA is making moves again on neonicotinoid insecticides with report saying--- in a dramatic understatement typical of the agency that has rarely regulated agricultural chemicals with any rigor ----that the insecticide in question (imidacloprid): "Potentially poses risk to hives when the pesticide comes in contact with certain crops that attract pollinators."
You have 60 days to read the "risk assessment" and all interested members of the public are invited to comment---
Did you know that, by law, the agency has to read every single comment from The Public? And each letter becomes part of the permanent public record. If the EPA ignores important evidence in the public record; its decisions can be invalidated in court.
If you have any experience or knowledge of risks of neonicotinoids:
Check out EPA press release HERE!
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