ideas + models
solar farm in oregon tackling fossil fuel dependence and colony loss
SolarCulture (a PineGate Renewables project), is an initiative developed to enhance environmental stewardship, promote sustainable agriculture, and collaborate with the community to support research with a goal of encouraging smarter […]
geothermal greenhouse - growing exotic fruit in the nebraska winter
Russ Finch is the ultimate grandaddy of Farm Hack . He designed a greenhouse in his backyard that is heated using geothermal energy. Despite the fact that winter temperatures in […]
a digital map leads to reparations for black and indigenous farmers
Check out this awesome article written by very good friend of the Greenhorns, Jean Willoughby for Yes! Magazine. Jean writes about the recent changes within the farming movement. Her article […]
the strategy of crooked cucumbers
In the southwest German city of Freiburg, there is a successful co-op of some 260 people who are participating in successful organic vegetable gardening and sharing the costs and risks. […]
have you heard about regroup farm?
ReGroup.Farm is the tale and reality of a group of Boomers, Gen X-er's and Millennials found themselves on a farm in the Midwest. They recognized that something very interesting was happening […]
emancipatory educational experiences in scotland
[youtube] Drumduan school, in the Scottish highlands, offers it's students a unique and emancipatory education experience free of any form from exams or standardised testing. It's educational focus is […]
community finance, resilience and agriculture
Growing Magazine recently published a good examination of community finance, community resilience and community agriculture - the CSA model. They profile 3 different farms: Brookford Farm in NH, Norwich Meadows […]
faith farmers
The Common Friars are men and women, married and single, lay and ordained, of an emerging monastic order in the Episcopal Church, seeking to understand and live out what it means […]
rich people farming
The NY Times published an interesting article recently about Kimbal Musk's (brother of Elon) foray into farming. Mr. Musk is promoting a philosophy he calls “real food,” which nourishes the […]
restorative agroforestry proposed as a solution to climate change related forest fires.
Forest fires have become an increasingly significant issue in the last decade and it seems as though nowhere is safe from the death and destruction that they bring. Few places […]
solar cookers, the simple solution to a host of complex challenges?
Solar cookers could not be more simple in many ways, their basic means of operation catches the suns rays and uses this heat to cook food. Some use aluminium coated […]
growing true blue indigo dye in a closed loop system
As part of their True Blue project, Fibershed, have recently released a report on the processes and practices involved in the making of blue indigo dye. They explain the idea […]
accessible innovation
An interesting wind powered sailing initiative that is documenting different low-tech solutions from around the world.
a tree for a landlord, a tree for an office
[vimeo 47713837 w=640 h=360] We should all be so lucky.
let's get everyone to the table
Local fresh health food for all persons! Please help!
watch: practicing for when peace breaks out on the latest our land
Great things are happening at the intersection between social justice, farming, and faith. Watch the latest episode of outland to get inspired!
goats in the city
Two of our favorite things: regenerative land stewardship and videos of goats doing adorable things.
the open source ethos in agroecology
A great read on open source in agroecology-- its history, potential, and-- ultimately-- its utter necessity.
mapping perennials
An interactive website that allows you to find perennial farms anywhere in the US.
free download of "pasture rabbit for profit"
Nichki Carangelo, of the delightful Hudson Valley-based, cooperative Letterbox Farm Collective, has just finished a publication on the commercial production of pasture rabbits. Funded by a SARE grant, "Pasture Rabbit for […]
regenerative enterprise
Regenerative Enterprise, or the idea that business doesn't have to suck so much. Wait! Don't go: before you think I'm about to preach to the choir on creating businesses that go […]
to reduce food waste, farm insects
Can we use insects to convert food waste into animal feed?
it's art, it's recycle, it's fuel, it's interfaith, it's awesome
A great initiative coming out of Amsterdam, that brings a community, professionals, and artists together to solve a food waste challenge
before you throw rocks, read this book
Tech companies and the digital economy don't have to be all bad!
accelerating appalachia today on GH radio
Accelerating Appalachia is a "word HUB for sustainable business," providing training to, coordinate mentorship for, and encourage financial investment in organizations who are "solving big problems with their business models." […]
full scholarships for mediation training in the nys agricultural mediation program
The NYS Agricultural Mediation Program is offering scholarships for mediation training to folks rooted in rural agrarian communities.
the radically pragmatic idea of biomicry
The folks at Kiss the Ground give us a lesson in biomimicry, an extraordinarily useful concept which can basically be summed up to "don't waste time reinventing the wheel."
the conversation continues: hydroponics divorce people even further from the stewardship of the land
This recent submission to our series on whether or not hydroponics should be considered organic comes from Joanna Storie, a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Institute of Agricultural […]
raising hell(gate) in urban farming
Throughout its seven years, Hellgate Farm has always done things a bit differently than other urban farms in New York City- from raising backyard chickens and housing an apiary, to […]
pint-sized tea estates
North Bengal's small-scale tea farm movement is growing rapidly.
speaking your truth: in honor of every human being marching in the women's march tomorrow
Audre Lorde for the win!
crop planning resources for farmers
'Tis the season for nailing down your crop plan for the Spring! (Hypothetically, this would have been on our to-do lists for early December ago, but I can't be the only one […]
another model for financing farm starts
Creatign farmer focused credit union in Maine.
commons based technology: a glimpse inside l`atelier paysan
A photo tour of Les Recontres, a radical hands-on skill-sharing event in France hosted by French farm hacking heroes l'Atelier Paysan.
big thoughts Small farmers movements and defending subsistence both depend on a new worldview. We can't think in a mechanical rational way and personally relate to nature. We also can't patriarchy and capitalism and […]
forget the champagne this NYE: we found lost apple cider
[vimeo 147721444 w=640 h=360] Shacksbury Orchard out of Vergennes, VT is collecting lost apple varieties and creating remarkably distinctive hard ciders from them. In the best thing since Rodolph came to […]
hospital plus farm
This seems like a combo we could use more of: according to Ecowatch, "this hospital prescribes fresh food from its own organic farm." The reporting in the linked article accurately […]
Between the Sky and the Earth In times of google maps are the evidences of detecting and viewing lands; we read them, we move according to them, we navigate with them, we get lost and we found ourselves with them.
can a farmland investment company help you get access to farmland?
A new Report by the folks of Land for Good and the University of Vermont delves deep into the complicated terrain of Farmland Investment Models, aiming to provide farmers the nitty-gritty needed […]