the 12th annual blackfly ball is this weekend!
The 12th annual all-ages dress-up Blackfly Ball is taking place this weekend, August 19th, in Machias, Maine. The Ball has been taking place every year since 2005 to celebrate the restoration and reopening of the Machias Valley Grange Hall and as a testimony to the 100+ years that the building has served as a community center to […]
fictional playbooks for totalitarian dystopia
Scarier than fiction - A look at protest posters and resistance art that draw from literature.
vintage grange pin
Spotted this weekend at the NOFA Mass Winter Conference! Thanks to conference presenter Martin Dagoberto of MA Right to Know and MA Pollen Action for coming over to share this sweet swag with us!
before bernie sanders: a 19th century populist's run for the presidency
We are nearing a serious crisis. If the present strained relations between wealth owners and wealth producers continue much longer they will ripen into frightful disaster. This universal discontent must be quickly interpreted and its causes removed. It is the country’s imperative Call to Action, and cannot be longer disregarded with impunity. So begins […]
state of the maine grange
STATE OF THE GRANGE by Mary Pols Originally Posted on the Portland Press Herlad This week, the Maine State Grange holds its annual conference in Skowhegan. What, you didn’t know? Once upon a time, you absolutely would have known, because Grange was an integral part of Maine rural life, a gathering place for farmers and community […]
maine grange halls
Photographer, Rose Marasco, has developed a large collection of photographs of the aging Grange halls of Maine. The halls in her photographs are at once regal relics of the past and a little spooky, leaving us both nostalgic and slightly unsettled by their slight disrepair. See a sampling of the collection on her website. A […]
the grange hall in ojai has great upcoming events
The Grange Hall in Ojai has got it going on! Beginning this weekend (sign up quick!) the Ojai Grange is hosting a series of summer classes on a variety of different homesteading/self-sufficiency topics.Check out for more information and to sign up! Below is the flyer for a homesteading Farm Camp for girls age 8-14 […]
history of the grange wars
West Coast Grange Wars: A Reborn Farmers’ Movement Takes on Corporate Agriculture By John Collins, Rural America In These Times As more and more grocery shoppers refuse to write-off the origins of their food as some unsolvable whodunit, a network of sustainability minded, locally oriented farmers are working to connect those people to calories from known sources. […]
the west coast grange wars
On one hand you have an established order that, while quick to conjure its Populist origins, appears threatened by the kind of grassroots change it once championed. On the other, a contingent of rogue Grangers—progressives decidedly less interested in nostalgia than their national counterpart—attempting to breathe new life into an aging system that doesn’t seem […]
the farmers guild holiday party!
Kick off the holiday season with an evening of good music, local food, and the release of the brand new Farmers Guild Cookbook, a collection of recipes from our favorite young farmers and their own harvest, along with a collective exploration into our agrarian future.
help the grange farm school get started!
Support the campaign HERE, and visit their website. We're building the Grange Farm School to help aspiring farmers learn the skills they need to pursue their dreams as small farmers and to provide healthy local food to their communities. We can't think of a more important task right now than training the next generation of […]
greenhorns at healdsburg shed!
Friday March 7th, 7pm at the Healdsburg Shed PUNK YEOMAN: The Past and Future of the Grange Join Greenhorns founder Severine Von Tscharner Fleming and evangelist Jen Griffith for a lively evening of learning as we focus on modern farming in their presentation "Grange Future". Grange Future is a community history project undertaken by […]
terrific grange resource!
Independent Grange Communications Network —an unofficial voice from and for the Grange grassroots— Download the full newsletter HERE Archived issues HERE. Subscribe HERE
greenhorns at shed!
Join Greenhorns founder Severine Von Tscharner Fleming and evangelist Jen Griffith for an evening of learning as we focus on the past and future of modern farming, "Grange Future." Learn about the early and more recent history of the Grange, the controversy with California State Grange halls and GMO labeling, and the revival across the […]
greenhorns in maine tomorrow!
Thursday night( JAN 23) for the Halcyon Grange at Blue Hill Public LIbrary, 7pm ( with potluck cookie jar) about the history and future of the Grange movement. Severine Fleming will report her work (with Jen Griffith) on a project called Grange Future. The Grange is the oldest Agricultural organization in the United States, its peak coincided with the golden […]
some grange press
Always a good thing. Can-do: Grange shows how to preserve nature's bounty by Mike Lauterborn Monday, August 12, 2013 for the Fairfield Citizen With a can-do attitude and an interest in preserving the bounty of the harvest, a group gathered Saturday at the historic Greenfield Hill Grange to learn about canning and preserving homegrown fruits and vegetables. […]
incredible rural project
Curtains Without Borders. Curtains Without Borders is a conservation project dedicated to documenting and preserving historic painted scenery. The painted curtains are found in town halls, grange halls, theaters and opera houses. They were created between 1890 and 1940, although on rare occasions, pieces painted after 1940 are also included in our inventories.
granges reviving
New Blood Sparks Identity Crisis for Fraternal Group of Farmers --Jeff Brady, NPR, June 14, 2013. Lots of passionate people are taking up farming these days, motivated by frustration with industrial farming, concerns about the environment, and a desire to build community and local food markets. Some of these new farmers have joined the Grange, […]
confirmed band!
for our Grange event in Keeseville, NY! Pocatello. Listen to some songs HERE
save the date!
Ausable Grange, Keeseville, NY. June 22nd. Greenhorns, dancey bands. More information to come!
a nice history of 19th century social movements in agriculture
Check it out HERE. A snippet: Three movements to build public life The Grange Initially a movement to improve agriculture. Travelling speakers would speak about the latest scientific agricultural techniques, and the operations of the commercial economy. An offshoot of the Morrill Act which established land grant universities (like the University of Maryland) to advance […]