beehive collective
mesoamerica resiste
The Beehive Collective has a new poster! In their words: These graphics depict many stories of resistance to Project Mesoamerica, formerly known as the PPP (Plan Puebla Panama), a massive infrastructure […]
beehive design collective is expanding!
Wanted: Seven inspired & diligent souls to join forces (Beehive Design Collective in Machias, ME) Wanted: Seven inspired & diligent souls to join forces with the Beehive Design Collective It's […]
beehive collective posters
today (january 31st) is the last day of a special offer from our friends at the beehive collective, and the last day of the kickstarter campaign. Help keep their good […]
beehive collective is swarming
Check out the Beehive Collective on tour, sharing stories on their new poster, "The True Cost of Coal," about mountaintop removal and everything interconnected with the process. Please pass along […]