farm hack iowa
BY: Max Freund The Gazette / 20 June 2012 IOWA CITY — Carolyn Scherf wants to harvest her peas while lying down. On Wednesday, the Solon-based vegetable farmer and 20 […]
AWESOME resource
For farmers looking for alternatives to FSA/ conventional lending: here are community driven finance models for your toolkit anthony and sallie. we are adding to our new booklet.. which […]
quivira confence -- 11th and counting!
November 14-16th, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Embassy Suites How to Feed Nine Billion People From the Ground Up:Soil, Seeds, Water, Plants, Livestock, Forests, Organics, and People This year, the Quivira Conference will […]
news from nourishing the planet
On Thursday we will be launching Eating Planet–Nutrition Today: A Challenge for Mankind and for the Planet here in New York City with an incredible lineup of speakers including: Jonathan Bloom, global food waste expert […]
TEDxManhattan talks available online
TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat” Videos of All Speaker Presentations Online and on DVD June 25, 2012 | New York City - Earlier this year, The Glynwood Institute for […]
last push for the forage kitchen kickstarter!
They've raised a bunch already - help them make it to the finish line! Thanks for all the support you've given so far. We’ve raised $96,000, and now we have […]
seeking CSA farmer
Organic CSA at the Tipping Point Seeks an Adventurous and Experienced Farmer! Greenmoore Gardens CSA is Now Hiring: Production Manager About Greenmoore Gardens is a Certified Organic farm located outside of […]
SF farmer panel
Join Farm School and several local farmers for a panel discussion on the topics of small scale farming and localized art projects. LittleCity Gardens, Hayes Valley Farm, Dogwood Farm, and City […]
santa cruz apprenticeship
The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz offers the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture, a full-time, 6-month program that trains adults in the concepts and practices […]
research in biodynamic world
Announcing Call for Pre-Proposals and Collaborators for Biodynamic Research The Biodynamic Association is seeking creative, relevant and innovative research projects that will advance the understanding and practice of biodynamics. By making this Call, […]
young farmer slideshow
check out a crop of sassy, tan-shouldered young farmers from coast to coast -- hot off the press at -- Photos courtesy of To learn more, check out FarmPlate's young farmers profile series.
support this film!
The Farmer Veteran Project is a work in progress by Vittles Films, a young film collective based in Durham, North Carolina -- about a combat veteran seeking a new way to serve his […]
dairy apprenticeship / hudson valley
Small organically minded (NOFA-NY Farmers' Pledge Farm) goat dairy in the Mid-Hudson Valley/Catskill region of New York seeks live in farm and creamery intern to start asap. Learn organic management of […]
here's how they justify crop insurance
always good to watch their methods to help understand what we're up against. no doubt we need disaster relief for our nation's farmers, even resilient ones, but in what other […]
upcoming classes in this cool social technology called precencing
symphony of the soil, a new film
Watch a clip and buy the DVD here:
national young farmers conference!
Yes, it's not until December, but you can start planning now. SAVE THE DATE: 2012 Young Farmers Conference: December 12-14, 2012 Every December, over 250 young farmers from across the […]
[youtube=] Clearwater
beginning farmer training webinar
Coming up next Mon, June 25, you can learn from two amazing organizations here in the Northeast, both offering a full array of services to train and support new […]
NYFC seeks a western organizer!
A great opportunity to work with the National Young Farmers' Coalition in the Colorado River Basin. COLORADO RIVER BASIN ORGANIZER The National Young Farmers’ Coalition seeks a full-time Colorado River […]
big young farmer track at winter confrerence
Beginning Farmer Track at the NOFA Summer Conference August 10-12, 2012, UMass Amherst Register Now Online! And click here to read descriptions of the following workshops in the Beginning Farmer […]
beginning farmers! be counted!
URGENT! You must sign up by July 1 to be included in the 2012 Ag census. This is the sign-up deadline for farms to voluntarily register. It's important to get […]
call for maps!
The CAGE Lab* is seeking maps, map ideas, researchers and cartographers for a special atlas on food. As a project of guerrilla cartography, Food: An Atlas will be a collection of maps conceptualized […]
unemployed? america needs farmers
Dear Mr. Obama, I heard you're looking for ways to decrease the unemployment rate. Have you considered ag? Sincerely, A farmer
small farmers, read this book !
Small Farm Equipment lays the groundwork for understanding all the various machines and mechanisms on the farm, describing best practices in the context of the workplace, rather than the yard […]
young farmer west coast coordinator position
The National Young Farmers’ Coalition seeks a full-time Colorado River Basin Organizer to build 7 new young farmers coalition affiliates in Colorado River Basin states (AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, […]
unique employment opportunity
St. Lawrence University is launching a new academic program, The Sustainability Semester, and we are excited to announce a unique position designed to give the next generation of thinkers and leaders […]
farmer resource network
brought to you by the fine folks at FarmAid -- the Farmer Resource Network connects you to more than 500 organizations developing innovative approaches to producing, processing and marketing food […]
young farmer survey
a thoughtful article and a survey request from Matthew Hoffman on the National Young Farmer's Coalition blog: Is there a special connection between women and sustainable agriculture? People sometimes talk […]
get dusty
ohh la la, new greenhorn swag on our etsy page -- bandanas, posters, stickers galore ! these bandana beauties are screen printed by the lovely laura cline, artwork by brooke […]
CENSUS. be counted
this is a reminder to make sure that your beginning farmer clients are signed up to be included in the 2012 Ag census. July 1 is the sign-up deadline for farms […]
factory to farm
The Guardian - May 30, 2012 Pah, pah, pah. This is how Chinese farmers have described the dreadful sound of watermelons exploding in their fields. Last summer, the overuse of […]
farmrun, at your service
[vimeo=] our good friend, andrew plotsky:
a farmer on the affordable care act
Farmers to benefit from health insurance reform By AMY MORENO-SILLS For the Capital Press I love the simple pleasures of farming, from seeing a child's face light up with wonder […]
awesome children's books
we like this children's garden story. tell us your favorites ag related stories. [email protected]
films with a purpose
[vimeo=] see more at "social and environmental causes you care about."
ACTION TODAY! I called, did you?
Today, the full U.S. Senate is debating the 2012 Farm Bill. Organic farmers need you to call your Senators TODAY. It's an easy call. Let's make sure our families receive […]
farm bill infographic
From TakePart: We've already pointed out how the Farm Bill currently being debated in Congress is going to have a massive impact on everything that goes on your grocery shelves […]
farmhack IOWA and the design charette!
We're very excited for farmack Iowa NEXT WEEK! Don't forget to RSVP. Here's the latest: Farm Hack Iowa team is way excited for next Wednesday, and we hope you are […]
food chain radio
Another radio show that's well worth a listen. Especially on those rainy days in the greenhouse. There are some great topics in the archives - we've pasted a few below. […]