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The CAGE Lab* is seeking maps, map ideas, researchers and cartographers for a special atlas on food. As a project of guerrilla cartography, Food: An Atlas will be a collection of maps conceptualized and conceived within a very short timeline of 4 months.
call for maps!
Posted: June 18 2012

The CAGE Lab* is seeking maps, map ideas, researchers and cartographers for a special atlas on food. As a project of guerrilla cartography, Food: An Atlas will be a collection of maps conceptualized and conceived within a very short timeline of 4 months.
Any and all subject matter related to food is welcome – from urban food security to rural food industrialization; foodstuffs distribution to cuisine diaspora; foraging for food to being paid not to grow it –Food: An Atlas endeavors to map food in its myriad contexts and conditions and at all scales of research and geography.
We seek contributions from current or recent research that may already be mapped and current or recent research that could be mapped, including historical data and investigation.
As a project of guerrilla cartography, our intent is to use kickstarter.com to raise the necessary funds to self-publish Food: An Atlas. With the talent we expect to attract and the interest and quality of the maps we are sure to produce, we anticipate that Food: An Atlas will be an easy sell.
Food: An Atlas is a non-profit venture. Money raised to fund the project will be put toward printing and binding. The purchase price will be kept minimal to make the atlas accessible and any net proceeds generated from sales will go to a food-related charitable organization, nominated and voted by participating editors, researchers, and cartographers of Food: An Atlas.
Food: An Atlas is co-edited by Darin Jensen, Director, CAGE Lab, Geography Department, UC Berkeley, and Molly Roy, CAGE Alumna and freelance cartographer. We recently worked together as editor and assistant editor on Mission Possible: A Neighborhood Atlas (missionpossiblesf.org) and are excited to work together again on this collaborative and democratic project of guerrilla cartography.
You may contribute to the content of Food: An Atlas in any number and combination of the following ways:
Submit an awesome map of a food subject (with sources).
By submitting a map you are giving graphic editorial rights to the editors of Food: An Atlas.
Submit an awesome food subject to be mapped (with sources).
By submitting a subject or theme you are giving the editors of Food: An Atlas the right to use your subject (with attribution) and assign a cartographer to the map.
Volunteer to be a cartographer or researcher for a submitted subject yet to be mapped.
By volunteering as a cartographer or researcher, you are expected to accept the project assigned to you by the editors and agree to take direction from them.
July 13: Subject/research idea and sources due
July 20: Project announcements and assignments from editors
August 3: Data and data sources due
August 31: Draft 1 due to editors
September 7: Edit 1 returned from editors
September 21: Draft 2 due to editors
September 23: Post to kickstarter.com with best exemplar maps
September 28: Edit 2 returned from editors
October 12: Final Draft due to editors
November 16: Send to printer
NOTE: The timeline is very strict. Once a subject or research idea is accepted, it becomes the property of the project. If you miss a draft deadline, you forfeit your project to the collaborative effort and the editors will reassign your project to a cartographer.
Submission Guidelines**
Submitting a map
- Submit a pdf version of your map.
- Submit a text document detailing the sources used for the data of your map.
If your map is selected for inclusion, you will be required to submit projection and scale metadata.
Please specify if your map has already been published. Include where, by whom and date.
By submitting a map you are giving graphic editorial rights to the editors of Food: An Atlas.
Submitting a subject, theme or idea to be mapped
- Submit a text document of less than 300 words explaining your idea.
- Include a detailed description of the data and it’s sources.
If your map idea is selected for inclusion, you will be required to submit the data required to complete the mapping.
By submitting a subject or theme you are giving the editors of Food: An Atlas the right to use your subject (with attribution) and assign a cartographer to the map.
Submit a text document with your name, relevant talent (cartographer, geographic researcher, etc), and specific mapping and illustration software that you are experienced with.
**You may submit as many maps or map proposals as you wish as long as you are able to supply adequate and appropriate data.
Send your submission to: [email protected]
Proposal Submission Deadline is July 13, 2012
Please feel welcome to forward this Call For Maps to all those who would be interested in contributing to this project.
*The CAGE Lab is the Cartography and GIS Education Lab in the Geography Department at UC Berkeley.