war between humane society and big ag groups
"AG -GAG" bars journalism on farm. if you need more to worry about , read on, at least this one's a victory. California’s Dangerous Anti-Whistleblower Bill Pulled by Author (April […]
groundswell programming scholarships
The Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming is offering scholarships for limited-resource trainees in its 2013 Sustainable Farming courses. These courses provide training in small-scale, commercial organic farming systems […]
an article from the conservation world
The Faith-based, Trickle-down Model of Conservation 4.0 — Michael Soulé Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth. – […]
we celebrate the life of les blank
Mentor, relisher of life. Les Blank, Filmmaker of America’s Periphery, Dies at 77By Bruce Weber, Published: April 7, 2013 Les Blank, whose sly, sensuous and lyrical documentaries about regional music […]
sales position with estancia beef
POSITION: Regional Sales Manager for the Dallas/Houston area Download the full position description HERE THE COMPANY: Estancia Beef sells the highest quality grass-fed beef on the market and is expanding […]
welsh government ahead of the game
on young farmer issues. Check out their templates, grants and mentorship program. Young Entrants Support Scheme
ridge to reef apprenticeships
Ridge to Reef Farm is seeking reliable, hardworking, and dedicated individuals who are passionate about growing food to join our 2013 farm crew on the island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin […]
quivera coalition's new agrarians
An excellent program. From New Agrarian Program Director, Virginie Pointeau Introducing the 2013 New Agrarian Program Apprentices: With the arrival of spring comes the graduation of our 2012-2013 San Juan Ranch apprentice—Martha […]
undercover in a slaughterhouse
An example of excellent journalism. You can only read the original Harper's Magazine Piece, The Way of All Flesh, if you are a subscriber. But here is Ted Conover being […]
our almanac on boing boing!
Check it out Here's the write-up: Rick Prelinger sez, "Our friends at The Greenhorns, a national organization of young farmers, just published the first (and hopefully not the last) edition […]
scythe revival
This from the Scythe Association in Britain & Ireland [vimeo http://vimeo.com/20468686] And don't forget about our friends at Scythe Supply in Maine
confirmed band!
for our Grange event in Keeseville, NY! Pocatello. Listen to some songs HERE
well done, lindsey
Op-Ed: To Recruit a New Generation of Farmers, We’ve Got to Get the Story Right The National Young Farmers Coalition wants to set straight the economic facts of local food […]
regenerative enterprise
Here's a sneak peak at an exciting new book, Regenerative Enterprise: Optimizing for Multi-Capital Abundance, by our friend Ethan Roland. Download the excerpt
farm camp seeks staffers
New Pond Farm's Summer Camp in West Redding, CT is looking for a few exceptional staff with camp & farm experience for this summer. The camp serves a diverse group […]
call for papers
from The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development Special Topic Call for Papers: Land for Food: A Focus on Farmland Protection and Land Grabbing Deadline for manuscripts: May 15, […]
a poet we love
Rebecca Gayle Howell. Preorder her newest book, Render/An Apocolypse. How to Plant by the Signs When the ground is lit when your back, hands, intent are lit full well full […]
save the date!
Ausable Grange, Keeseville, NY. June 22nd. Greenhorns, dancey bands. More information to come!
apprentice at great song farm
Biodynamic, Horse Powered Vegetable CSA in New York's Hudson Valley Seeking Apprentice for 2013 Season April through November. Serving 90 on farm CSA members vegetables along with 40 Winter CSA […]
urban ag land access
via Little City Gardens. A public hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. CA greenhorns, take action! Access to land is a crucial issue for small scale farming, both urban and rural, […]
excellent resource - work in the new economy
The Sustainable Economies Law Center We want to live in a world where every person has satisfying options for making their livelihood, including through participation in cooperative enterprises, micro-enterprises, social […]
VT events with greenhorns artist in residence
The Vermont Sail Freight Project (VSFP), sponsored by the Willowell Foundation, is a sail-powered food trading adventure linking the farms and forests of Lake Champlain with the Lower Hudson Valley. During […]
urban agriculture incentive zones act
For the past year or so, a group of urban agriculture activists here in SF, has been working to push forward the idea of incentivizing urban property owners to sign […]
from stump to ship
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIKCjQdxtO0] "For more than 150 years, logging techniques remained the same. Men cut trees by hand and loaded them on horse-drawn sleds to be hauled over snow to the river. […]
farm listening session with congresswoman delbene, washington
Join us for a Farm-Based Listening Session with Congresswoman Suzan DelBene! Saturday, April 13th, 10 AM - 12:30 PM Local Roots Farm, Duvall Share your thoughts on the Farm Bill […]
mapping the food system in montana
Agriculture Department mapping Montana’s food system A new interactive online map created by Montana’s Department of Agriculture paints a picture of the potential for improving Montana’s food system infrastructure and […]
farm job in gambier, ohio
ASSISTANT MANAGER FARM POSITION OPEN Assistant Farm Manager job newly created. We are a retired couple seeking help with sheep, goats, laying hens, and land management. Housing, food, and monthly […]
allied media conference
AMC2013: Media Strategies for a More Just & Creative World 15th annual ALLIED MEDIA CONFERENCE JUNE 20 - JUNE 23, 2013 • DETROIT, MI The Allied Media Conference is a laboratory for […]
potential land opportunity in texas
This has come to us by way of another organization. The original message is pasted below. If you're in Texas, and looking for land, read on! It would take some […]
vermont cheesemaking workshops
2013 is Peter Dixon's 15th year of Cheesemaking Workshops near his home in Westminster, Vermont. In our third year at Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking and our first year at the Parish Hill Creamery, […]
michael pollan's latest work
Cooked A Natural History of Transformation In Cooked, Michael Pollan explores the previously uncharted territory of his own kitchen. Here, he discovers the enduring power of the four classical elements—fire, […]
vegetable breeding intensive
Register by email at [email protected] $50, worktrade & student discounts are available, pay with check or paypal (use donation button on the right) Fred Hempel is an organic farmer and […]
vermonters - consider dry beans!
Facebook Event HERE NOFA-VT site HERE
burnett farm seeks interns
Burnett Farm is seeking one more intern for the 2013 season. We are a NOFA NY certified organic mountain farm. Our season is short and intense. The variety of floral […]
vermont sail freight on gothamist
16 days to go on their kickstarter campaign! Vermont Farmer Building Sailboat To Transport Produce To NYC by Neil Casey for Gothamist The city has lots of rooftop farms and […]
history lesson - salvation army farm colonies
Around the turn of the century, the Salvation Army founded three intentional communities in Colorado, Ohio, and California in an effort to relieve urban poverty that followed in the wake […]
new mexico internship opportunity
Greetings from the Terrible High Desert! We have a unique opportunity to work on 3 farms located within 5 miles of each other near Abiquiu New Mexico in the Lower […]
rev billy's newest book
The End of the World In pages that crackle with the lightning of an electric storm, the Reverend Billy, messianic leader of the Church of Stop Shopping, thunders from his […]
norwell farms seeks field assistants
Located in Norwell, Massachusetts, Norwell Farms is a community-supported farm that strives to bring our community together through nutritious seasonal produce, engaging volunteer opportunities, and local outreach. This season, we […]
what is the post carbon world?
Trailer for Godfrey Reggio movie "the holy see" [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duIcpOm8tyY] "The Crisis of Civilization Watch", is a documentary feature film investigating how global crises like ecological disaster, financial meltdown, dwindling oil […]