community orchards
The National Center for Appropriate Technology announces a new ATTRA publication, "Community Orchards." Abstract: This publication introduces community orchards and discusses the history of the community orchard movement and the […]
alan savory on TED
This is brilliant. [youtube=]
range rider position in Montana
The Rodear Initiative (RI) is a pilot project for an innovative management system designed to improve the health, diversity, and productivity of public and private rangelands in the Northern Rockies. […]
this is the farm
An amazing podcast series from the Texas Young Farmers Coalition! Great listening if you've got a rainy day in the greenhouse or some downtime at the end of a long […]
awesome infographic on healthy farm practices
from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Check it out HERE Congress Should Prioritize Modern, “Healthy Farm” Practices When Farm Bill Debate Re-Starts This Month Industrial Model of Agriculture Is a […]
lovely ladies seeking to buy their urban farm
Check 'em out. We are writing to ask for your support at a critical moment for Sidewalk Ends Farm. As you know, for three years now, we've worked hard to […]
the ultimate raised bed
vilsack on usda discrimination
Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund Contacts: Heather Gray [email protected] / 404 765 0991 USDA discrimination by Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture,0,2259372.story In "Easy harvest; A […]
great food videos
[vimeo=] More here:
farm hands
Farm Hands: With a fresh perspective, Colbians join farming's next generation by Molly Pindell, Colby College As the nation’s farmers grow older, fewer young people are turning to agriculture as a […]
vandana shiva: seed freedom
wanted: farmhand, new york
We have a small organic, sustainable farm just outside of Hudson, NY. We need a farm worker to milk one cow a day, feed 2 pigs, feed a flock (about […]
kitchen vignettes
Gorgeous videos. [vimeo] Many more HERE
vermonters - take action!
Several important bills are coming right up. Much more info available at GMO Food Labeling Bill – H.112 Tues 5/7 – House Judiciary Committee PASSED the GMO Labeling bill […]
occupy monsanto
On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto. Why do we march? Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious […]
kansas ranch seeks apprentice
JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Resident Apprentice for Dubuque Land & Cattle Dubuque Land and Cattle (DLC) works in partnership with Pheasants Forever (PF) and is an award winning 3rd generation […]
spring action at the gill tract
Occupy the Farm announces Spring action When: Saturday, May 11th at noon Where: Albany City Hall - corner of San Pablo and Marin On May 11th, farmers, students and concerned […]
our essay collection!
Congrats to all of our editors and essayists - GREENHORNS: The Next Generation of American Farmers - has just won a 2013 Nautilus Gold Award in the Living Green / […]
beginning farmer and rancher opportunity act
know what it says. Beginning Farmer and Rancher Opportunity Act of 2013 H.R.1727 and S.837 SUMMARY Agriculture is a vibrant sector of our nation’s economy, yet high barriers to entry […]
discrimination at the USDA continues
WEDNESDAY, MAY 01, 2013 Discrimination at USDA: Response to New York Times Susan A. Schneider Professor of Law and Director, LL.M. in Agricultural & Food Law University of Arkansas School […]
MOFGA has so much to offer
Sign up for their emails! Events in Maine and Beyond - Mark Your Calendar! MOFGA's Chainsaw Safety, Level I May 4, Cambridge, Me., 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 19, […]
chicago urban farmers
making it happen! Check out their kickstarter campaign Chicago ‘Cooperation Operation’ to Transform South Side Lot into Creative Farm-scapeby Whitney Richardson The Cooperation Operation (Coop Op) is a diverse group […]
new england young farmers, get on this list serve!
Hey everyone, Just a reminder that our next YFN is TOMORROW! All are welcome - don't let the "Young" part of "Young Farmer Night" keep you away!! We will be […]
open seasame project
washington state crop mobs!
Tilth Producers of Washington and Washington Young Farmers Coalition HANDS-ON LEARNING WORKSHOPS (aka "Crop Mobs") Like an old-fashioned barn-raising, these workshops provide an opportunity to join together and support a […]
lobbying in albany, brought young farmer kimchee to state comptroller
Not enough young farmers there! We must do better.
conventional wisdom
ciw march for fair food
food will win the war
[youtube=] Food Will Win the War is also a band.
working farms survey
Help a journalist out and share what you know! Here's a note from Jason: I am a freelance journalist writing an article on the economics of running a small farm, […]
awesome new newsletter on maine grains & oil seeds
This is the first issue of the Maine Grain and Oilseed Newsletter. In response to the growing number of questions from farmers regarding the production of grains and oilseeds, we […]
north carolina apprenticeship
Farm in the Beautiful Mountains of North Carolina! We have a position open for farm work for trade of room and board. We have a small farm 30 minutes outside […]
seed libraries
Great concept, similar to the way our friends at the Hudson Valley Seed Library got started. How to Start a Seed Library at Your Public Library:
4th national women in sustainable agriculture conference-- call for workshop proposals
Greetings Greenhorns!! As a leader in the national young farmer movement, I wanted to take a moment of your time to invite you to submit a proposal to present at […]
have you ever picked a carrot?
food banks and systems change
The Hunger Game Food banks may compound the very problems they should be solving By Nick Saul Picture a vast warehouse the size of a football field. Forklifts stand loaded […]