some great videos here! HaymakersTV [vimeo http://vimeo.com/32802486] HaymakersTV features short, compelling films about successful food entrepreneurs - tastemakers, food artisans, distillers, distributors, chefs, retailers, and innovators making a difference in […]
another pathway into farming: food safety victims!
Antibiotics in livestock raising concerns up the food chain Citing danger to humans, health groups challenge widespread use; FDA resisting demands for change While Sam Spitz's friends were loading up […]
dear blog readers,
Do you know of any other young farmer movies that we haven't mentioned here that you could tell us about? We are trying to have a very complete list. Please […]
tuthilltown spirits seeks orchard manager
great opportunity! We are seeking an experienced orchardist to manage our newly planted cider apple orchard in Gardiner, NY. Ideal applicant will have experience with creating, managing and executing pest […]
fencing webinar
UVM Extension New Farmer Project Webinar Series 7 PM EST, Tuesday, May 28, 2013: Fencing for Multi-Species Grazing with Colin Kennard, of Wellscroft Fencing. Colin Kennard's experience has given him […]
ag census!
A reminder from the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund May 31, 2013 is the last day to return your Agriculture Census Form! (1) By Mail: Farmers can return […]
two options
The story of an environmental activist (Dr. Vandana Shiva) and a farmer (Bija Devi) and their fight to preserve heirloom seeds in India amidst great opposition.
praise be: mainstream press talking REAL AG issues
Hats off to the New York Times, who dare to face the music, not just laze in the apricot haze of artisan honey on an overpriced panna cotta. Wells Dry, […]
more than honey
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/45684169] In MORE THAN HONEY, director Markus Imhoof tackles the vexing issue of why bees, worldwide, are facing extinction. With the tenacity of a man out to solve a […]
seeking farmhand in austin, texas
Job Opening - Tomato Packing Crew Position in Austin, TX Johnson's Backyard Garden is an organic CSA farm located in Austin, TX. We grow over 30 different types of vegetables […]
gmo rally in augusta, maine
Right To Know GMO: Citizen Lobby Day Thursday, May 30th 8:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m. At The Capitol In Augusta Please come to the State House to help us shore […]
public lab kickstarter
Help launch a campaign for simple, affordable near-infrared imagery: Infragram Want to know exactly which of your plants need a little more love and attention? This low-cost, easy to use […]
farm manager job on maui
Job Opening – General Farm Manager Around the world, a new generation of farmers and practitioners of regenerative agriculture are redefining our relationship with the land and are producing healthy, […]
communal bread oven
Bread of Beirut -- Street Food Series To mark the publication today of Anthony Shadid’s memoir House of Stone – which is full of the tastes and smells of traditional […]
spanish town where everyone has access to farmland
27% of Spaniards are out of work. Yet in one town everyone has a job Alasdair Fotheringham Marinaleda, Spain As Spanish unemployment reaches another record high, the residents of rural […]
climate and agriculture in the USA
Hicks Nix Climate Fix By TIMOTHY EGAN Everybody loves a farmer, judging by the popularity of this year’s hit Super Bowl ad about the virtues of those who coax food […]
a great new film by godfrey reggio
our solstice mixer is one month away!
Don't miss it. Solstice Mixer Grange Campout June 22-23, Keeseville, NY It’s our yearly summer blow out, - Spoken word artist Laura Brown Lavoie - A presentation by Vermont Sail Freight […]
much afoot with our Canadian brethren
The Young Agrarians! Who are the Young Agrarians? Young Agrarians is a grassroots initiative made up of agriculturalists and media conspirators intent on growing food sustainably. Inspired by The Greenhorns to build a […]
ranch jobs!
via the Quivera Coalition. Quivira Coalition – Land & Water Program Opportunity Summer Watershed Restoration Intern: Download the PDF for full job descrption & application. The Quivira Coalition seeks a 2013 summer intern who […]
growing food in a hotter, drier land
Gary Nabhan's newest book, out next month. From his website: With climatic uncertainty now “the new normal,” many farmers, gardeners, and orchardists in North America are desperately seeking ways to […]
connecticut farm tours
from the New Connecticut Farmer Alliance. Read on for the full schedule. Each Farm tour, accompanied by a potluck, will take place every third Sunday of the month. Tours will […]
battery urban farm seeks lead farmer
Applications due this Friday. The Battery Conservancy is seeking an enthusiastic individual with significant farming experience to assist in running Battery Urban Farm in The Battery, the public park at […]
big food ideas
the BBC collects these each year. Listen to their selection of 2012's big food ideas HERE.
the great grape & bean pairing
Saturday! http://vermontbeancrafters.com/
Via the National Wildlife Federation. At close to midnight last night, the House Agriculture Committee voted 36-10 to approve the farm bill. Unfortunately, the bill they passed out of committee […]
dairy grazing apprenticeships
http://www.dairygrazingapprenticeship.org/welcome Earn while you learn! The Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship is the first legally recognized, fully accredited apprenticeship for farming in the United States. Mission The Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship of GrassWorks, […]
cooked - michael pollan on democracy now!
http://www.democracynow.org/2013/5/6/michael_pollan_on_how_reclaiming_cooking We spend the hour with Michael Pollan, one of the country’s leading writers and thinkers on food and food policy. Pollan has written several best-selling books about food, including […]
french farmers
French recession: Farms feeling the pinch A year after French President Francois Hollande was elected, promising growth and jobs, the economy has slipped back into recession. As the BBC's Christian […]
farm & homestead day at MOFGA June 15
A Hands-on Skill Sharing Event, Saturday, June 15, 2013 MOFGA's Common Ground Education Center Unity, ME, 9 am - 3 pm - Gates will open at 8:30 am Event is […]
almanac history!
The Old Farmer's Almanac -- Agrarian Chic In A High-Tech Age By Jack Smith IT WAS A CLEAR AND MOONLIT NIGHT, claimed the witness, and shortly before midnight he saw […]
the mystery revealed
almanac press
Listen in! Why are almanacs still produced today in spite of the web? Why are they so compelling? In this episode of In My Backyard, Lisa Bralts uses modern technology […]
farm business class
Registration is now open for the Vermont New Farmer Project farm business class Growing Places. This Summer: Growing Places for aspiring and start-up farmers Location: Vital Communities offices, White River […]
the new agrarians
We love this band! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kPR9TIiEDA] The New Agrarians
sheepscot general seeks cook
Great opportunity for a greenhorn chef! Sheepscot General Store is looking for a cook who is creative and excited about fresh food. Someone who is fast paced and ready to […]
graphic interface for farm planning
AgSquared [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/64709288 w=400&h=300]