book: the meat racket, the secret takeover of america's food business
In The Meat Racket, investigative reporter Christopher Leonard delivers the first-ever account of how a handful of companies have seized the nation’s meat supply. He shows how they built a system […]
grassroots seed network
Maine farmer, seed curator forms new grass-roots group By Mary Pols for the Portland Press Herald, February 16 After a rift in the community of seed-savers, Will Bonsall takes matters […]
useful context on the why and wherefore of industry science
Following up from this GRIST article on how pesticide companies went after a frog-loving scientist, this recent article helps to shine some light on what "Good Laboratory Practices" are and […]
mofga: grow your own organic garden workshops
Locations across Maine April 2, 2014: 6-9 pm Are you concerned about the rising cost of food? Unsure what the term “certified organic” means? Interested in learning how to grow […]
cows save the planet
[vimeo] Interview, photos and video by Erik Hoffner, World Ark contributor Think for a moment about the pressing challenges the world faces: poverty, hunger, political instability, war and climate […]
food patriot's new documentary trailer
[youtube=] Touched by their teenage son's battle with a foodborne superbug, filmmakers Jeff & Jennifer Spitz document their family's struggle to raise backyard chickens, grow food, and transform into Food […]
2014 land access symposium
Agrarian Trust, a program of the Schumacher Center for New Economics, is pleased to announce the schedule and line-up for our 2014 Land Access Symposium. In the next 20 years, an […]
study finds roundup, a monsanto product, may be linked to negative health issues
Heavy use of the world's most popular herbicide, Roundup, could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson's, infertility and cancers, according to a new study. […]
the moo man
Check out the trailer: [vimeo] More @ their website: The Moo Man
food movements unite!
Food Movements Unite! Strategies to Transform Our Food Systems Now available for e-readers and in Italian translation. In communities around the world the power of the people is at work […]
the kelly kettle -- a trick we learned in the uk
For making mid-morning tea out in the field! Also known as a Storm Kettle, and offered by Lehman's and by (UK) The hollow kettle, made of double skinned aluminum, […]
greenhorns at shed!
Join Greenhorns founder Severine Von Tscharner Fleming and evangelist Jen Griffith for an evening of learning as we focus on the past and future of modern farming, "Grange Future." Learn […]
a note from GMO free new york
Greetings to all Endorsers of the NY GE Food Labeling Campaign! If you're here in NY with me, I hope you're all surviving the Arctic tundra we've seemingly turned into. […]
MOSES new farmer summit
New Farmer Summit April 4-5, 2014 Primrose Valley Farm Belleville, Wisconsin (near New Glarus & Madison) Two full days of workshops, networking, hands-on learning, organic food and fun! 24 workshops focused […]
a farm bill infographic too good not to pass on
If you have a tough time wrapping your head around Farm Bill legislation, check this out for a quick summary of what just got signed into law.
we suggest organizing a community screening...
Or buy a DVD copy from us to support our work and actually own a physical copy. A But yes! We did manage to get the film distributed on Amazon, available for […]
hub camp: the nuts and bolts of local food distribution
Los Angeles, CA: Mar. 16 – 18, 2014 Davis, CA: Apr. 27-29, 2014 Practical training for the entrepreneurs and organizations building the New Food Economy. Walk away from Hub […]
boulder conference: protecting and caring for earth’s community of life
Boulder, CO Apr. 3- Apr. 7, 2014 The Contemplative Alliance and Naropa University would like to invite Boulder area farmers to join a special gathering of faith and spiritual leaders, […]
food sovereignty e-book!
Towards Food Sovereignty Throughout the world, food providers (such as farmers, pastoralists, forest dwellers, and food workers) and new social movements, rather than academia and think tanks, are the prime […]
vote for our land!
Our Land is featured in the Real Food Media Contest. Watch and then show your support for this project HERE.
moses conference, coming right up.
La Crosse, Wis. Feb. 27 – Mar. 1, 2014 The MOSES Conference, started 25 years ago with 90 people who wanted to learn more about farming organically, has grown to […]
off the charts
the song-poem story. OFF THE CHARTS: The Song-Poem Story is a fascinating, at times unsettling, documentary that exposes the strange underworld of the song-poem industry. In this little known subculture, "ordinary […]
collaboration for mutual aid
Hudson Valley greenhorns, take note. Collaboration for Mutual Aid: Feb. 25th 6-9:30 PM. New small farms are proliferating here in the Valley. In the coming years, we may face some direct-marketing […]
subscribe to the greenhorns newsletter!
We highly encourage you, our blog readers, to join our e newsletter so that you hear about upcoming events, projects and much more! There are nice announcements of many kinds, […]
growing the grower
a short piece about one greenhorn in North Carolina. The article also mentions an important N.C. incubator farm - the Farmer Incubator and Grower Project, which greenhorns in the area […]
a great speech
by NOFA-NY's Farmer of the Year There was a lot of pride and excitement in the North Country agricultural community when "one of our own" was named Farmer of the […]
reposting this nice video
and remembering our maiden sail freight voyage! Watch here: Fresh Produce Sails the Hudson
rogue farm corps
this training program is still accepting applications for the coming season. Think you want to be a farmer?Join Rogue Farm Corps in Training the Next Generation of Farmers. Applications are still […]
build your network, grow our future
This upcoming event from the NCFA looks great! Connecticut Greenhorns, take note. In collaboration with UConn Cooperative Extension, Farm Service Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Service, CT DoAg, and Community Farm […]
featured resource: CADE
CADE, the Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship is a non-profit organization established in 1991 with a mission to increase the number and diversity of successful farm enterprises and related […]
global warming in 15 seconds
A 15-second NASA time-lapse video shows the steady and rapid warming of the planet since the middle of the twentieth century, with regions in the Arctic and Siberia warming as much as two […]
more bad news on bees
An older article (July 2013), but worth a read. Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought By Todd Woody, July 24, 2013 As we’ve written […]
news from farmhack
Open Shops, 2013 Farm Hack stats, upcoming events and much more! Check out the latest newsletter HERE And stay in the loop by visiting the Farm Hack website often! [vimeo […]
educational opportunities in scotland's crofting community
Training The Scottish Crofting Federation offers a number of training opportunities, supported with funding from the Scottish Government's Skills Development Scheme and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Training is available for […]
worksongs - finally digital! This site holds a collection of songs people have used, are using, or could use to aid labor. It’s maintained by me, Bennett Konesni, a farmer-musician from Maine. It’s […]
new farmer resource map
we continue to work on datasets, but one important point: now you can become a " network member", and add your own dots! thank you to pete, ines, hallie and the whole […]
know any songs?
Imagine an intergalactic mix tape of agrarian resistance. If you know a song that must be on that mix, send it in! [email protected]
free trade & the american diet
An NPR piece from a few weeks ago. The Fruits Of Free Trade: How NAFTA Revamped The American Diet by TED ROBBINS, January 09, 2014 Walk through the produce section of […]
growing innovation online library & book
Another worthy kickstarter campaign: Growing Innovation. Our goal is to create an online library of innovative farm projects and publish a book highlighting exemplary farmer-led projects from our archives. Kickstarter […]