republished and open for peer review: long-term toxicity of a roundup herbicide and a roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
In 2012, the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a study on the chronic toxicity of glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup and GM corn (Monsanto NK603). This study was met with much opposition and […]
young farmer scholarships for CT NOFA gathering!
Take advantage, Connecticut greenhorns! Download more info here!
help the grange farm school get started!
Support the campaign HERE, and visit their website. We're building the Grange Farm School to help aspiring farmers learn the skills they need to pursue their dreams as small farmers […]
peter barnes - economics for the anthropocene
Sunday July 27, 2014 at 7:30 pm American Institute for Economic Research, 250 Division St. Great Barrington, MA. Peter Barnes is an entrepreneur and writer who has co-founded and […]
USDA rolls out a new site for young farmers
The site features sections such as Getting Started, Risk Management, Access to Land & Capital and Expanding business. Check it out.
crop planning!
Todd Jones of Every Last Morsel shares a crop planning tool! Todd Jones, [email protected] Google Spreadsheet:
pedal & plow
You'll want to follow the journey of these folks: Pedal & Plow. Read on for their perspective! It seems everyone has an opinion on “How to Feed the World.” From […]
Here's an interview with Jay O'Callahan, storyteller extraordinaire, on BYU Radio. Check out for more info & stories!
kickstarted: lets get urban farming on pbs!
[vimeo] New documentary about urban farming in America can be broadcast to millions on PBS nationwide and strengthen the Good Food Movement! From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans […]
america has a koch problem: movie parties
On Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29, thousands of MoveOn members will gather in living rooms nationwide for America Has a Koch Problem movie parties. They'll watch Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 […]
until there are fair wages, we cannot have our cake
How do restaurant workers live on some of the lowest wages in America? And how do poor working conditions—discriminatory labor practices, exploitation, and unsanitary kitchens—affect the meals that arrive at […]
the premio daniel carasso international prize is calling for applications
The international prize called the Premio Daniel Carasso aims to reward an international renowned research scientist who, through cross-disciplinary researches, has innovative and realistic approaches in order to develop “sustainable food and […]
slow is fast book & dvd In September 2012, Dan Malloy, Kanoa Zimmerman and Kellen Keene rode bikes down the California coast hoping to see their home state in a new slower-paced light -- surfing, […]
a helpful pdf publication by the usda: food value chains
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PDF This document is designed to provide guidance on how food value chains are initiated and structured, how they function, and the benefits they provide […]
fundraise with local food, not candy bars!
A FarmRaiser is a powerful and innovative way to raise money for your project while helping to build a stronger, healthier community. We use technology and old fashioned organizing to create product-based fundraisers that […]
help get growing cities on pbs!
The film has been accepted by American Public Television, but the filmmakers have to fund its broadcast. Please check out their Kickstarter and consider supporting this inspiring film. The basics: […]
As part of our effort to report more on issues shared by immigrant as well as citizen farmers
this story about indignities suffered by Basque, Maori and other herders. Federal Appeals Court Invalidates Department of Labor Rules That Set Unfair Employment Standards for Sheep and Cattle Herders Government […]
call for musical submissions!
Greenhorns! We would love to hear from you! Please send songs by August 1st in the following format to: [email protected] Track title: Artist: Written by: Link to a recording: Contact of […]
social enterprise in cuba
Listen here A group of 'socially responsible entrepreneurs' from the United States is trying to help Cubans obtain the best of both worlds: Retaining the achievements of the existing system […]
help fund this important project
8 hours to go, and 19% funded! Pitch in a few bucks towards this community farm greenhouse and help them get over the hump.
kyrgyzstan bans all gmo products and gm crops!
The Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan's recent vote to ban all gmo products and gm crops is important. Why? It is estimated that 90% of all temperate fruit in the […]
podcast: marada cook of northern girl, maine food entrepreneur
Click HERE to stream the podcast or download HERE from itunes. Marada Cook is one of Maine’s most remarkable entrepreneurs. She’s part owner and manager of three Maine food companies, […]
book: the voyage of the paper canoe
When he was 17, Nathaniel Bishop hiked 1,000 miles across South America. Later in life, he became interested in canoes. In 1874, he set off with a friend in an […]
the way north: effects of immigration in america's heartland
Last month, the New York Times staff photographer Todd Heisler and a reporter, Damien Cave, set off on an ambitious journey to travel up Interstate 35, chronicling how the middle […]
swoon: submerged motherlands
Brooklyn-based artist Swoon celebrates everyday people and explores social and environmental issues with her signature paper portraits and figurative installations. She is best known for her large, intricately-cut prints wheat […]
new york: farm leasing for farmers and landowners
June 26th, 6-9pm Ballston Spa, NY 12020 Please join us for a panel discussion on farm leasing. Panelists include local farmers, landowners and attorneys with leasing experience. The panel will […]
new infographic: monsanto vs monarchs
Monarch butterflies, celebrated for their remarkable migration across the continent, are in trouble. This year, the monarch population is by far the lowest ever recorded. A primary cause of this […]
the new farmers audio almanac
Check it out! The New Farmer's Audio Almanac is now available for free. Download these audio tracks from for listening in the car or truck, and in the greenhouse!
food maps!
40 maps that explain food in America by Ezra Klein and Susannah Locke on June 9, 2014 The future of the nations will depend on the manner of how they feed […]
a DIY naturalist
& the Aldo Leopold Bench. To spy a Leopold bench in someone's yard is to know something about the family who there resides. Even if you haven't read Leopold's opening […]
young farmers in the news
Organic agriculture attracts a new generation of farmers by Ricardo Lopez for the LA Times By 9 a.m., Jack Motter had been planting peas for hours. He pushed a two-wheeled […]
farmer bling: a bandana with kick!
The Otter Hanky In the market for multiple bandana designs? Check out our "Get Dusty" Bandana featuring artwork by Brooke Budner.
grass, soil, hope
A new book by greenhorns ally & friend, Courtney White. Check it out!
farm hack north dakota
Farm Hack North Dakota Sunday, June 22nd @ Bad Goat Forest Products, Missoula MN See examples of successful DIY tools and dream up your own in Montana's first ever Farm Hack! […]
balancing farm & family
A great resource for farm families! The Maine Family Farms: Life and Business in Balance series recognizes that the needs of farmers at each various life stage are unique, as choices about […]
vt law school's food radio
Food Radio is a monthly program with content around all aspects of the food system. Created collectively by the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems and student group the Food and Agricultural […]
amazing film about the consequences of antibiotic resistance!
recipe/testimonial for horsetail/nettle tea's use as a microorganism support and soil booster
Harvest nettle - from tip to about 1 ft off ground. Chop finely like herbs for a salad. Mix in a barrel 2/3 full of dry nettle and fill with […]