help bring food justice to thousands more in the bay area
There is something magical that happens when you first put your hands in soil and plant. Not only are you transforming the land, you're transforming yourself. Unfortunately, there is a […]
apply to the community seed resource program!
The Community Seed Resource Program (CSRP) provides tools and guidance to community groups interested in creating seed-focused events, exchanges, libraries and gardens. It is a collaboration between Seed Matters and […]
leviathan: a groundfishing documentary for the senses
Leviathan is a documentary — and yet not a documentary. It's a near-wordless, almost abstract depiction of an 80-foot groundfishing boat heading out of New Bedford, Mass. The film's unusual […]
belo horizonte, brazil: the city that beat hunger
From the World Future Council
new study: huge increase in us chronic diseases linked to glyphosate herbicides
A huge increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases has been reported in the United States (US) over the last 20 years. Similar increases have been seen globally. […]
interview with claire hope cummings, seed advocate extraordinaire!
Interview can be found on! Seeds live at the heart of our food system. Seeded plants provide us with just about everything we need to live, from most of […]
maui voters support gmo moratorium, monsanto strikes back!
KAHULUI, Hawaii —The cheers went well into the night. A small army of Maui residents rose up against the big guys and forced a moratorium on genetically modified organisms or […]
application for 2015 msu farmer training program now open
Michigan State University is ready to accept applications for their 2015 farmer training program! Looks like a really exciting opportunity. Here's what they have to say: "The Organic Farmer Training […]
prison dairies give inmates a sense of purpose
via NPR Lisa Morehouse went to Corcoran state prison in California's Central Valley to report on inmates who work in the dairy there. "I really enjoy what I do," says Edward […]
listen to NESAWG's keynote speaker jim hightower on young farmers and local fish
via JIM HIGHTOWER America’s #1 Populist and Food System Reformer, to speak at NESAWG’s It Takes A Region Conference: Region-Sizing: Making It Work! November 11 – 12, 2014 National […]
united nations report says small-scale organic farming only way to feed the world
via UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World by Nick Meyer of ALTHealthWorks Even as the United States government continues to push for the […]
new fair food label!
CIW LAUNCHES NEW FAIR FOOD LABEL The Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Fair Food Standards Council have officially released a label to help shoppers identify which tomatoes come from […]
our horses are bigger than your deere. support draft animal power field days!
Help us create a sustainable fund to support Draft Animal-Power Field Days in the Northeast! As American agriculture is struggling with aging farmers and a shrinking number of farms, sustainable […]
hidden economies: a seminar on economic possibility
The Hidden Economies newspaper is published in conjunction with the seminar of the same name scheduled for 22-24. October, 2014 at the The Royal Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen, DK. […]
central maine organic farm available
A great opportunity for the right greenhorn! We are reaching out to the farming community to find a buyer for our farm. We are currently operating an organic farmstead dairy […]
shaka movement
You want to check this out. Shaka A model for addressing the GMO issue. The SHAKA Movement is an advocacy, communications and educational outreach program and hub, where people and […]
schumacher lectures online + upcoming!
Use this amazing resource! The Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures (listed below) include some of the foremost voices on a new economics. Hildegarde Hannum is the editor of nearly all […]
department of agriculture cracks down on seed libraries
Department of Agriculture cracks down on seed libraries by Naomi Creason via The Sentinel CARLISLE — It was a letter officials with the Cumberland County Library System were surprised to […]
switzer fellowship app is open -- let's get a farm leader in there!
Every year the Switzer Foundation provides funding for 20 scholars and innovators in terminal graduate programs in New England and California. The scholarship is $15,000 for the course of a […]
occupy the farm premiers nov. 7th!
Occupy the Farm, an inspiring documentary about a community struggling to save public land for urban farming, is premiering in theaters November 7th! The film highlights the power of direct […]
only six days left to fund annie's flower farm!
Annie's Flower Farm is coming up on its funding deadline! But it still has a bit of ground to cover. Check out our previous post to see the full write-up. […]
new issue of green money!
The November 2014 issue of the e-magazine Green Money is out! It features a flagship article on Slow Money and the BEETcoin by the founder and chairman of Slow Money. […]
new video: permaculture orchard in quebec
Stefan Sobkowiak runs Miracle Farms, a five-acre orchard that he converted from organic monoculture to a permaculture orchard in 1993. Watch this video where he talks about abundance, biodiversity, and […]
job posting: part-time connecticut farmer alliance coordinator
A very exciting part-time job opportunity in Connecticut! The Connecticut New Young Farmer Alliance is seeking a coordinator to help grow their network, manage events, and promote their organization. The […]
interactive california water rights map
So much has been said about California's record-breaking draughts this year, but some experts have proposed that it's not so much a an absolute lack of water, but a problem […]
farm hack in the fall
there is much going on with Farm Hack this fall! Check out the latest newsletter HERE and visit their website often. Lots of events coming up:
call for articles: farming matters
Deadline: 1 December 2014. Farming Matters As a south Indian farmer said, “soil is the mother of agriculture, the mother of life”. And 2015 is the International Year of Soils. So […]
faith & fears in wendell berry's kentucky
via Grist Faith and fears in Wendell Berry’s Kentucky By Darby Minow Smith Wendell Berry’s mind is preoccupied with four dead sheep. I join the 80-year-old food movement sage for a […]
farmers get student discount to schumacher lectures on creative economy!
On November 15th the Schumacher Center will be hosting lectures by Matt Stinchcomb, founder of Etsy, and Caroline Woolard, founder of and The theme is Creative Enterprise in […]
help out Food is Free!
For almost three years a group of enthusiastic folks in Austin, TX have been growing food and building community in their neighborhoods. They're called Food is Free and they started by […]
techno-utopia reading list!
Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures: Cold Evil: Technology and Modern Ethics by Andrew Kimbrell Buddhist Technology: Bringing a New Consciousness to Our Technological Future by Arthur Zajonc The Community's Role in Appropriate […]
canada (halifax): new farmer roundtable
This roundtable brings together Canadian stakeholders working on new farmer issues under the New Farmers' Initiative, a partnership of FarmStart, along with Food Secure Canada and the Canadian National Farmers' Union Youth Coalition. […]
excelsior farm needs a new greenhouse, give em' a boost!
We currently have two small greenhouses in which we grow more than 15 different crops within the course of the year. We have used them efficiently to grow a lot […]
greenhorns and cycle farm, among others fantastic farmers, featured in orion article "the new farmers"
November/December Orion Magazine Article Today’s green movement is considered by some Millennials and Gen Xers to be an equivalent to the Civil Rights struggle—the organizing principal propelling young people into […]
where to go for good thinking on climate change! -- guernica mag & techno-utopianism
"It’s the greatest fight in human history, one whose outcome will reverberate for geologic time, and it has to happen right now." That's Bill McKibben, who will be in New […]
cotton: for 60 years our biggest export
powered by stolen bodies. Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts addresses the connection between today's violence against black men, and the theft of their ancestors to power our economy: The Worth of Black Men, […]
a worthy project
Annie's Flower Farm. Give it a boost! I grew up on a 360 acre farm on the Southern Oregon Coast, a sixth generation Oregon farm girl. As a child, I […]