ttip information!
This week’s roundup focuses on de-mystifying two areas relevant to our privacy and freedoms: encryption and trade deals. They can both sound like dull and difficult topics, so I’m […]
Out of the nest
This honest essay comes from our friend Drew French of Living the Dream Farm (
eat well guide!
New York, NY (June 23) — The GRACE Communications Foundation today launched its new Eat Well Guide, the largest online directory of sustainable food vendors in the country with 25,000 listings […]
summer supper benefit
The Youth Farm in Crown Heights, Brooklyn is a 1-acre educational farm that produces thousands of pounds of fresh produce and flowers, and create hands on farm education and job […]
nesawg 2015 conference
NESAWG 2015 Conference: Putting MOVE in the Movement Civil rights, labor, women’s rights—the movements that transformed our world can give us insight on ways to accelerate food systems change. What […]
tpp bounces, educate and act
stone soup benefit concert
Join the Folk-Americana sounds of Jonathan Edwards to fundraise for the Stone Soup Institute. The school is internationally based, offering courses of study integrating traditional and contemporary practices and knowledge in the […]
an encyclical letter on care for our common home
Rogue Pope strikes again! Pope Francis has been surprising since he spoke out against capitalism, and he continues to impress by speaking out to give progressive opinions about the critical […]
transformational workshop on transformational landscapes
While we're on the subject of Orchards, this is a great time to remind you that the next workshop in Eliza Greenman's Home Orchard Series is coming up! See details below. August […]
keeping orchards alive and well
[vimeo 21443142 w=500 h=375] Check out the rad folks at the Urban Orchard Project, based out of the UK. They are an organization devoted to creating, restoring, and celebrating fruıt orchards in […]
the greenhorns archival REMİX
Designed for continuous screening ın a tent for kids. Featuring: Draft power extravaganza! Fabulous old-timey war propoganda! Seas of golden grain! And oh holy mountains! It is well worth watching […]
neil young dates!
July 5th - Milwaukee, MI - Marcus Amphitheater Summerfest July 8th - Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheater July 9th - Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheater July 11th - […]
the food shortage lie
The Food Revolution and the War for Our Minds BY JONATHAN R. LATHAM, Rural America In These Times By conventional wisdom it was excellent news. Researchers at Iowa State University […]
creative and collaborative marketing workshops
menu from Morning Dew Farm Small farmers need to be creative and innovative marketers to be successful. The best are those that cultivate community involvement in their farms and nurture […]
history of the grange wars
West Coast Grange Wars: A Reborn Farmers’ Movement Takes on Corporate Agriculture By John Collins, Rural America In These Times As more and more grocery shoppers refuse to write-off the origins of […]
the west coast grange wars
On one hand you have an established order that, while quick to conjure its Populist origins, appears threatened by the kind of grassroots change it once championed. On the other, […]
Maine Sail Freight... begin the imagination voyage
Join multi-media artist, film stripper, singer, instrument-builder, Brian Dewan In songs of land and sea June 28th 6.30 pm at the Blue Hill, Halcyon Grange the kick off public event […]
Are you getting as excited as we are for Maine Sail Freight? Get your boat on with some of these other cool boats in history: The Making of the Plastiki: […]
do farmer's want to be sexy?
photo credit: Donagh Heffernan/ Irish Farmer Calendar How Do Real Farmer's Feel About Their Industry Being Sexed Up? By Lori Rotenberk, Grist, 4 Jun 2015 Donagh Heffernan was living his life, running […]
say hello at maine fare festival
Maine Fare is a unique food festival that brings everyone to the table — farmers, fishermen, foodies, nonprofits, food businesses, and eaters!– to celebrate a vibrant and delicious future for […]
prison reform through gardening
He has eight books in his cell — six gardening manuals and two Bibles. photo credit Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post A Growing Experience: Prison Gardens Transform Inmates who Tend to Them […]
old timey
june 3rd sign on letter
June 3, 2015 Dear Senator/Assemblyperson: New York’s $47 billion farm and food sector is a vital component of the state’s economy and provides jobs for thousands of residents. Growing this important […]
farmer starter program!
[vimeo 99886748 w=640 h=480] Learn how to become a farmer in Austin, Texas! Farmshare Austin’s FarmerStarter program is designed to provide aspiring farmers with the essential skills and training needed […]
the young farmer success act of 2015!
Big news from the National Young Farmers Coalition! The Young Farmer Success Act of 2015 (H.R. 2590) has been introduced in the House by Representative Chris Gibson (R-NY) and Representative […]
sea to seed
[vimeo 128686754 w=500 h=281] Another inspiring sailboat project! This one is dedicated to spreading and studying resilient human culture in islands of the Coast Salish Sea. See more inspiring videos […]
i'd like to start my day off without helping monsanto
[youtube] Neil Young is slowly leaking performances of tracks off of his upcoming album “The Monsanto Years”. It is a protest album against Monsanto and GMO’s. This particular song […]
seed week
Join us for SEED WEEK — a 5 day long convergence, teach-in and training for seed advocates. As land and seed stewards, we have a special responsibility to the seeds we’re growing. We […]
environmental web series: the creature show
[kickstarter url= width=480] The Creature Show is a new webseries about rare, threatened and endangered species, based in New Jersey. Each episode will be available to watch on, free […]
BeefJam is a 3-day event that takes young producers and consumers on a crash course of the Australian beef supply chain and gives them 48hrs to reshape the way we […]
solar electric tractor model 12
[youtube] by Steve Heckeroth
please take a moment to help the gardiner food co-op win 25k to revitalize their community!
You can vote 10 times a day! Please help the Gardiner Food Cooperative to provide affordable local food to their community. <----Click this whole link to vote! No registration is […]
young farmer night 6/3 in charlestown, ri
The next YFN Young Farmers Night is this Wednesday in Charlestown, RI! Walrus and Carpenter Oysters farm, however, is an underwater farm, which means that anyone planning on attending needs to […]
sidebar about sea urchins by janelle orsi, our lovely lawyer
A commons cannot survive within conventional structures, which are highly permeable and designed for ease of buying, selling, and profit-maximization […] How do we structure commons governance to prevent corruptions, […]
west marin review now accepting submissions
The West Marin Review is a Point Reyes Station, California-based literary journal produced collaboratively by a team of volunteers. You can read their submission guidelines here.
great little horticulture trivia nugget
A recent post on the Smithsonian blog tells the story of how a 17-year-old Russian scientist in 1901 discovered the plant hormone ethylene, which causes plants to ripen. It's a must-read […]
up up go
What happens when one gigantic grotesque agricultural monster is eaten by an even bigger and more hideous agricultural monster? It's a spine-tingling story that involves tax aversion, gly-phosphates, surveillance technology, and a […]
monsanto defeated! court ruling in oregon allows ban on GMO crops.
Message from the Our Family Farms Coalition: May 29, 2015 - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! We have DEFEATED the first major stage of the Monsanto-backed legal challenge that attempted […]