purple straw wheat- an heirloom wheat for whiskey, cake and biscuits
In their ongoing quest to revive and preserve ancestral grains, a Clemson University scientist and his collaborators have begun the process of restoring a nearly extinct variety of wheat that […]
mars candy bars: pro gmo labeling and pro gmo
Mars’ Position on GMO Labeling in the U.S. At Mars, we not only ensure the safety of all raw materials in our products, we’re also committed to being transparent with […]
tyson foods loses supreme court ruling
http://www.organicauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/tyson_chick3.jpg Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court handed a loss to Tyson Foods over the company's challenge to an almost $5.8 million class action judgment in a case won by workers […]
check out these thinking bodies...
http://blog.yellow-seed.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/FullSizeRender_3-768x576.jpg Impact Hub Berkeley’s “From the Ground Up” is a four part, year-long program that brings together multi-stakeholder organizations working in sustainable food and agriculture to collaborate on joint initiatives. […]
mexican farmworkers strike over low wages, blocking harvest
by Richard Marosi Veronica Zaragoza grew up in these coastal fields, picking berries and tomatoes and watching an industry being transformed.She saw new greenhouses erected, irrigation lines spread through the fields, […]
a french tool box of farmer-driven technologies and practices...now in english!
http://latelierpaysan.org/IMG/jpg/whoweare2.jpg We are a French-speaking collective of small-scale farmers, employees and agricultural development organisations, gathered together as a cooperative named l’Atelier Paysan. Based on the principle that farmers […]
multicultural food porn from los angeles
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__2uT1cZWkY] City of Gold Now In Select Theaters
ten counterproductive behaviors of well-intentioned people
Common mistakes made in social justice conversations and how to correct them. March 18, 2016, Yes Magazine By: Cody Charles Well-intentioned people make mistakes, lots of them. Mistakes must be […]
Fabulous news, Greenhorns, our new spiffy website for Up up! is live! Up up! is a DIY collective festival made of a great gaggle of amazing agrarian films. The spiffy new website is much clearer than […]
they want a wall? here's a wall
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyWGTMSYA7g&w=420&h=315] Solidarity for the WE WE. The WE WE who are all here on this continent In this territory in relation with the present and the future enough with […]
help the best climate movie of the year get out and get us together
http://youtu.be/hcPOVwfz4c0 This movie. Speaks directly to the heart of climate change resistance. It takes you to the brink of despair and then builds you back up. I cried. I danced. […]
power north adirondack harvest festival!
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/t31.0-8/s960x960/981194_10154639552550410_6993809548193316428_o.jpg For more information, check out the Facebook Page!!
video: how wolves change rivers
When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable "trophic cascade" occurred. What is a trophic cascade and […]
just food? conference, march 25-26, cambridge
the king of beers wants to push craft brews out of your supermarket
LunaseeStudios/Shutterstock The world's largest brewer in Dec. 2015 introduced a new incentive program that could offer some independent distributors in the U.S. annual reimbursements of as much as $1.5 million […]
clean food worshipping cult
This article in Elle might seem like a complete joke, but unfortunately it's not. While recently in Los Angeles, Greenhorns founder Severine VT Fleming ran into some seed schoolers (funded […]
cnga field day april 22nd!
California Native Grassland Association Registration is open for CNGA Hedgerow Farms Field Day on April 22. This year's event title is "Coping with Competition: Weed Control Strategies in California Grasslands." […]
the creature show, episode 3
The Creature Show is a documentary webseries dedicated to telling the story of the wild things of New Jersey, and the people trying to save them. The next episode of […]
silvopasture practices and perspectives in the northeastern us
http://www.adkfigs.com/uploads/2/4/4/8/24482582/775342_orig.jpg The use of silvopasture systems on farms in the Northeastern United States has never been documented. Our objective was to gather baseline data to describe silvopasture practices and perspectives […]
soil city
https://soilcitydotorgdotuk.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/labbw61.jpg?w=880 Launching at Glasgow International, Soil City is a long term project initiated by Open Jar Collective, to reimagine the city as if soil matters. “We know more about the […]
eating organic grain is more important than ever
Richardson Milling says: Richardson Milling, the largest oat miller in North America, has no intention of changing its policies on glyphosate. In fact, they recently said that: IT'S OK FOR […]
adirondack region sugarhouses welcome 2016 maple weekends visitors
Clinton, Essex, Franklin Counties, NY. Tours from sap to syrup, tree to table, by tractor and horse-drawn wagon ride or on foot: maple sugarhouses in Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties […]
new documentary on wendell berry premiers at SXSW festival
The Seer: A Portrait of Wendell Berry, premiered yesterday at SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin. The film spans four seasons; revolving around Berry; his muse of Henry County, Kentucky; and this pivotal contemporary […]
fellowship in food and farming in unity, maine
Maine Farmland Trust has announced its new Wang Fellowship in Food and Farming, named in honor of David and Cecile Wang, long-term advocates and supporters of agricultural justice. The fellowship is […]
GOOD DIRT premier @ BAM, april 10
GOOD DIRT is a multimedia performance based on real stories from six diverse farm families in the Hudson Valley. Written by Jeremy Davidson and directed by Mary Stuart Masterson of Storyhorse Documentary Theater, GOOD […]
sustainable (documentary trailer)
America is facing a food crisis driven by profitability and a lack of consumer education. While the window to transforming our heartland continues to shrink, passionate individuals have emerged who […]
inverness almanac volume 3 – spring/summer 2016.
http://solitarypractitioner.com/v3.jpg the inverness almanac is a semi-annual print publication project; a record and an artifact for posterity; a collection of practical knowledge and ruminations about our natural world; an outlet […]
art and agriculture
https://ruralscape.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/cird_march211.jpg?w=487 Early this January, the National Endowment for the Arts announced its new program, Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design where, an emphasis is largely placed on rural design. As their […]
labor rights/ the history of this idea in america
A series of short films dealing with different aspects of the systemic challenge our country is facing. The first three—featuring PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell, MIT’s Phil Thompson, and Boston College’s […]
keep yer animals watered!
prime act introduced in the senate
Washington, D.C.—March 10, 2016—Yesterday, Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the PRIME (Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption) Act, lending Senate support for Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY) […]
golden coast mead
“The times when I have the most passion flowing through my bones is when I am making mead and sharing it with people,” says Frank Golbeck, the CEO and Head […]
heroic food- apply now!
The Heroic Food Full-Year Immersion (FYI) Program is designed for veterans with an interest in ecologically sustainable farming for small scale commercial or homestead operations. Trainees either come from local areas and […]
addressing harassment in the workplace
As geobiology professor A. Hope Jahren wrote in the New York Times last week, female scientists often receive emails from male colleagues that are leering, lascivious, and unwarranted: all examples […]
our sound track genius does a new platform.. support if you can
A lot has changed since Paul and I met each other, on stage, in 2000. Paul had a mustache and wanted to tear it all up. Now he has long […]
meatsmith classes are up! vashon, wa
Brandon and Lauren are not strangers to meatsmithery, in fact they are owners of Farmstead Meatsmith. "We generally harvest for small family farmers who raise a couple of pigs, a […]
kidding, but we're not kidding about it
We just wanted to mention that it must be springtime!