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soil city

Posted: March 15 2016

Launching at Glasgow International, Soil City is a long term project initiated by Open Jar Collective, to reimagine the city as if soil matters.
“We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot.” Leonardo DaVinci, circa 1500s
Soil City is a space for conversation, participatory research and knowledge exchange. By engaging with the citizens of Glasgow and a wider community of scientists, artists, activists and academics, we hope to gain a better understanding of the relationship between healthy soil and healthy people.  We’ll be exploring how inequalities within society are reflected in the way land is used or remains ‘vacant’. By reframing soil as a valuable collective resource we aim to play a role in challenging economic, environmental, and health inequalities in Glasgow. You can expect to find explorations of soil culture through the alchemy of composting, growing, foraging, fermenting, brewing and cooking, as hospitality and sharing food together are at the core of Open Jar Collective’s approach, and living soil is what supports our nourishment.
To read more, click here!