here are some wisconsin folks fermenting some seriously scrumptious sauerkraut + kim chi. Powerkraut is a small family business located in Southwestern Wisconsin committed to hand producing delicious, nourishing cultured food and fermented drinks for […]
another salty farm band
these boys can rock. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCwnFyLKLY0]
california farmlink.. what can we say
they just rock. national leaders in this complicated field-- brokering one of the most delicate relationships there is. California FarmLink will host a “Farm Finance Expo” on February 18 from […]
those of you with a nomad inside
hop on the bandwagon with these movers and shakers Common Vision brings inspiring and relevant earth education to diverse communities to cultivate dynamic and experienced leaders in sustainability practice and […]
a call out for the ivy league
here's to agrarianism in higher education. The Program in Agrarian Studies at Yale is an experimental, interdisciplinary effort to reshape how a new generation of scholars understands rural life and […]
a new model for academic calendars
from our friends at Sterling College. Craftsbury Common, VT—Independent colleges and universities, already under financial strain due to diminished endowments, are now facing calls from politicians and pundits to cost […]
John Patrick Organic. There is show today! @ 348 West 36th Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues.
pig business
check out the website HERE. This is just part one -- you can see more on youtube. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1_knWUpVk&feature=PlayList&p=CA61E734A083927E&index=0]
a sweet new farm project
lower down in the hudson valley, near pawling. Check it out HERE
super seed bank
the folks at Baker Creek Seed Company have a new retail location/seed bank in Petaluma. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep0_iwEYLtg]
this adm spoof has turned into quite a fuss
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFQL5jyAtsU] we also received this from The Yes Men: A legal complaint from agribusiness giant ADM has resulted in the removal from Youtube of a fake video of ADM's CEO […]
monsanto alfalfa
get informed by a farmer who's next to it. Loon Organics, Hutchinson, MN Read their post and weigh in! add your name to the 50,000 eaters who CARE DEEPLY about […]
our cry into the mailing list/wilderness,
" Why aren't there tax breaks for landowners leasing to beginning farmers!?" brought a sensible reply from India Burnett Farmer, program director of the Rutland Area Farm & Food Link: […]
2010 CSA Conference
the greenhorns will be in attendence moderating the farmer panel, hoping to see lots of fresh young farmer faces! Join us for the 10th Annual CSA in NYC Conference, and celebrate the growth of CSA in […]
this just in! cornell poultry school
The Cornell Small Farms Program and Northeast SARE are pleased to co-sponsor the upcoming Cornell Poultry School for Small Farms. This full day workshop, to take place on Saturday, March […]
here is a job for an organic organizer - NY
I'd apply for it myself except that I'm already so slammed with Greenhorns. - Severine *WORK FOR NOFA-NY! POSITION RE-POSTED!!! APPLICANTS FROM FIRST POSTING ENCOURAGED TO RE-APPLY* *EDUCATION AND OUTREACH […]
queer farmer film project
these folks have some great events coming up. read on for details....
fundraiser for bk farmyards
check this out. What: Fabulous 3 course meal, Fundraiser for bk farmyards! Where: Get Fresh, When: February 22nd 7pm Why: to help start a new farm at the High School […]
my lovely and brilliant friend dina is giving a talk at yale
go! usually its a bunch of policy obesity wonks ( useful creatures in their own way) but dina will be providing the farmers perspective http://www.yaleruddcenter.org/news.aspx?id=36 because frankly, the war on […]
silly sassy greenhorns
Beekman 1802 Too many of us are out of rhythm with the world around us. Which is why we founded Beekman 1802. Whether you have a hundred acres of land […]
we've met so many lovely people over the internetz! I've been a squeeky wheel about young farmers rights at all the relevant agencies, and I even joined the farm bureau […]
and while we are asking
graphic designers? we are looking for a few volunteers to work on graphics for upcoming mixers. thus far our pleas out into the wilderness have yielded marvelous results. got an […]
online, offline, in line
for the training to get us growing. and sustaining and succeeding at farming ! More from the Small Farms Program at Cornell... Grow Your Dream: Online Courses To Help You […]
collected seed farm
we received this nice email last week... Dear fellow food grower, I am a young farmer in Upstate NY. You gave me your card at a food conference last summer. […]
we can't go-- but maybe you can?
Register now! for the 4th Annual Future of Food and Nutrition Conference at Tufts University in Boston, held on April 10th 2010. Check out details and how to register HERE. […]
HomeGrown heads to Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor greenhorns! Mark your calendars for the HomeGrown Local Food Summit coming up on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, from 8am-4pm. Cost will be $18 for registration, $12 for delicious […]
calling all helping hands
This just in-- Severine needs a high intensity helpmate. One month commitment, housing+ board. Full time. For organizational logistics, event prep, busywork, sewing seed envelopes, dashing around, fixing mashines, sorting […]
opportunity in the hudson valley!
thanks to suko for the heads up on this stellar internship: Gray Horse Farm is a NOFA-NY Certified Organic livestock farm. We are located in Clinton Corners, NY, just 90 […]
little city gardens kicks off!
Brooke was on my radio show yesterday.She is expanding her farm. She is the beautiful one in the greenhorns trailer-- who knocked on the car windows to get access to […]
just in
The farm bureau is working on leadership training and growing more Ag activists. Comments?
Young Farmers Needed for a Fly-In on 3/3
we received this notice - respond ASAP if you're interested. Hi folks - We’re looking for 1 or 2 young farmers to participate in a fly-in on March 3 in […]
tune in today!
don't miss out on the greenhorns radio show today at 2pm, when we talk with the lovely brooke budner, california-based artist, urban grower and food lover. to learn more about […]
those of you literate in food policy
and those of you watching Food Inc. know that food safety regulations are a high priority for the obama administration. Unfortunately, to be quite succinct about it, the fox is […]
the land search continues..
Smithereen Farm is still looking for a new farm location. We have had a lot of conversations, but no match yet. We'd like to stay in the Hudson Valley, preferably […]
organic calvados
I was recently given some of this as a present - look how glorious... Chateau de Brouay Calvados
wilkie & mcnary
a neat video from 1940 - "Wilkie & McNary Know Their Farming"
well - i could suggest a few speakers.
anyone we know going to this? American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference, February 20-22, Tulsa, OK
pointer brand clothing - tennessee
Some more good gear for the list - Pointer Brand. High Back, Low Back and Carpenter Overalls, Carpenter Jeans, Blue Jeans, Coveralls, Hunting Clothes, Denim Jackets, Shorts and Shortalls for […]
northern california women's herbal symposium
PlantWomen gather! The Tribe comes together! www.womensherbalsymposium.org Three times a year women from many backgrounds of life gather together in great celebration for four full days of inspiring Herbal and […]
green corps fellowships
You can nominate candidates to this terrific program, which offers 1 year paid fellowships. Click HERE to nominate someone. The mission of Green Corps is to train organizers, provide field […]