Politics & Activism
call for film submissions for change making tool-kits
Inspire food activists around the country: submit your film now!
support the young farmer success act
A new bill to provide debt relief to young farmers!
it's art, it's recycle, it's fuel, it's interfaith, it's awesome
A great initiative coming out of Amsterdam, that brings a community, professionals, and artists together to solve a food waste challenge
what an english sheep farmer has to say about rural america
"The future we've been sold doesn't work."
when farms are not fair
The California Institute for Rural Studies takes a strong eye to the lives of farm workers in rural CA. We speak with them on the GH radio today.
thinking like a commoner
Author and activist David Bollier makes a case for commons based economics.
save the rainforest: revisiting an old battle
Stay vigilant: "Save the Rainforest" is not a past decade's issue.
california is blessed with rains, but what about other regions?
California may be climbing out of its drought, but much of West Africa is struggling with the effects 0f climate change.
agrarian economics: a letter from a young farmer
I met Kevin Morin in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, a town on the outskirts of Montreal, and home to some of the last vestiges of agricultural land on the island metropolis. At the time […]
the death of the russian peasant
The deterioration of the Russian villages draws both eerie and hopeful parallels to rural America.
talkin healthcare for farmers
Vermont Public Radio article on the challenges new and old farmers face when accessing affordable health insurance.
"ditching NAFTA" may hurt american farmers, but which ones?
This NPR report suggests that leaving NAFT could hurt American farmers, but we wonder if it could actually help small-scale agriculture.
rerural: notes on engaging with our towns
In a time of heated rhetoric and disillusion how do we find ways to participate and join in with the communities and rural populations that we are moving to?
real leaders lovin climate
In the age of twitter leadership and instagram bill signings occasionally we see something that's worth mention. The Swedish government has just signed a new climate action plan that commits […]
know your chocolate: a resurgence in small cacao farms in Costa Rica
Seed saving and small scale cacao farming in Costa Rica.
sf bay area: celebrate black farmers with a night of films
Celebrate the history of black farmers in the US and abroad with a night of films in Oakland, CA.
show the country that farmer's count!
Greenhorns! It's no secret that the National Young Farmers Coalition goes to Herculean efforts for young farmers across the country, from fighting lobbyists from big ag to make sure the […]
Friends, it's clear to us that the activism bug is sweeping the nation. Suddenly even my once-apolitical mother is calling her senators every day. It's beautiful, and it's important. On […]
fictional playbooks for totalitarian dystopia
Scarier than fiction - A look at protest posters and resistance art that draw from literature.
occupied territory farmers tell their needs
Delegation from farm and peasant organizations in Spain meet with rural Palestinians to discuss their needs and ongoing resistance to political, economic, and social repression.
this is what it looks like when MONSANTO rents the state house in Iowa
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4VKOPfKz1w] And this is what happens when activists like our hero Reverend Billy refuse to stand by silently. Brought to you by Occupy the World Food Prize, a response […]
the seed underground
Join author and activist Janisse Ray on a tour through the world of seed saving in here latest book on farming, seeds, and the movement to preserve genetic diversity.
"bee" kind to pollinators!
Amazing facts and ways to protect the world's pollinators.
new michael keaton film features the evolution of macdonalds
In the spirit of the old adage: If you can't beat 'em... learn everything about 'em that you possibly can so that you can beat 'em later.
the conversation continues: hydroponics divorce people even further from the stewardship of the land
This recent submission to our series on whether or not hydroponics should be considered organic comes from Joanna Storie, a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Institute of Agricultural […]
tomorrow on greenhorns radio! jeff conan on the devasting effects of palm oil production
Tomorrow January 25th on the Heritage Radio Network, Greenhorns radio talks to Jeff Conan, Senior Forest Campains Manager at Friends of the Earth, a global activist network that campaigns for international […]
pint-sized tea estates
North Bengal's small-scale tea farm movement is growing rapidly.
speaking your truth: in honor of every human being marching in the women's march tomorrow
Audre Lorde for the win!
resistance of the heart against business as usual
We are cultivated by the land. Thoughts on the daily act of farming.
keep saying "no" to roundup!
A new study shows that Roundup can cause a serious liver disease and other longterm health issues.
health care and young farmers
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dthAUBasLWM] We are so grateful to Shoshana Inwood, an assistant professor at UVM, for drawing attention to the struggles that young farmers face when it comes to procuring health […]
blog and podcast focused on women in agriculture
Interviews, coloring books, stories, and thoughts from female farmers across the globe.
walden today might have thoreau turning in his grave
The little pond the keeps on giving, what we can learn about climate change from Walden 163 years after Thoreau.
industrial vs. regenerative farming
The case for regenerative farming over industrial farming.
talking about transitions
Inspiring and thoughtful video lectures from the second 'Our Land' symposium in Sante Fe and Albuquerque.
is the world bank in with monsanto?
Influenced by agribusiness giants, the rating mechanisms of a World Bank index threaten the seed sovereignty of small farmers globally. Please help!
commons based technology: a glimpse inside l`atelier paysan
A photo tour of Les Recontres, a radical hands-on skill-sharing event in France hosted by French farm hacking heroes l'Atelier Paysan.
woman power: home to cameroon's sustainable farming movement
Greenhorns correspondent Andrew Toothacker makes an expedition to Cameroon, a country where 90% of farmers are women and revolution is in the air.
successful tribunal and peoples assembly
http://webiva-downton.s3.amazonaws.com/877/59/e/7027/foei_web.jpg TNC's (Transnational Corporations) currently have world policy customized to streamline their interests. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a primary example along with many other 'free trade' arrangements […]
rad social justice and farmer training in the bay area
Applications are now open! The Bay Area Farmer Training Program provides the education, training and tools for a new generation of farmers in California's Bay Area to create socially-just, ecologically sustainable and economically […]