urban farming
Bioneers 2021 Discount Codes!
Join our friends @bioneers at the #Bioneers2021 virtual conference to experience how some of the wisest among us are bridging the space between worlds. Prices increase on 10/15, so register […]
learn about rooftop farming: virtual talk and farm tour with Lindsay Allen, Higher Ground Farm
EVENT LINK: FLP SPEAKER SERIES: LINDSAY ALLEN, FARMING OPERATIONS DIRECTOR, HIGH GROUND FARM (registration required for an emailed Zoom link) Hosted by the Food Literacy Project, join this FREE online […]
sankofa community farm [philadelphia, pa]
View Bartram's Garden full site here to discover the beauty of Sankofa Community Farm. Click here to support the Sankofa Community Farm at Bartram’s Garden! Farmstand (June–November)Thursdays, 3:30–5:30 pm: 5400 […]
farm or three ring circus? maybe both
In this feature on the Brooklyn Grange, one of the premier urban farms in the country, we ask: are there ways that rural and urban farms can work together to reform the food system?
carbon farming in los angeles
News got you down this week? Our friends at Kiss the Ground serve up another heaping video of hope.
island farm oasis in the middle of NYC
What can rural farmers and suburban schools learn from New York City's educational urban farms?
the conversation continues: hydroponics divorce people even further from the stewardship of the land
This recent submission to our series on whether or not hydroponics should be considered organic comes from Joanna Storie, a Doctoral candidate in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Institute of Agricultural […]
raising hell(gate) in urban farming
Throughout its seven years, Hellgate Farm has always done things a bit differently than other urban farms in New York City- from raising backyard chickens and housing an apiary, to […]
kickstarted: lets get urban farming on pbs!
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/42288661] New documentary about urban farming in America can be broadcast to millions on PBS nationwide and strengthen the Good Food Movement! From rooftop farmers to backyard beekeepers, Americans […]