nyc bans roundup in parks!
The Black Institute and The Church of Stop Shopping celebrate the end of Spraying Bayer-Monsanto’s pesticide “RoundUp” in NYC Parks —The New Law will go into effect May 22, 2021 […]
seed: the untold story - a documentary following the history and perilous future of food crop biodiversity
Over the last century, "94% of our seed diversity has disappeared". In this documentary, follow passionate seedkeepers and activists to unbury the history and future of seeds. From the directors, […]
monsanto sues arkansas over dicamba ban
In the most recent development in the dicamba scandal Monsanto have filed a lawsuit in Arkansas’ Pulaski County Circuit Court, suing state regulators for blocking dicamba for the 2018 growing […]
bad news for those of you following the dicamba issue...
The EPA has finally announced its decision on dicamba last week. The department, headed by Scott Pruitt has decided to allow farmers to continue to spray the weed killer on […]
a legal step forward in the fight against herbicides
Monsanto's Roundup is facing increasing legal pressure with it's active ingredient being labeled as potential carcinogen. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s marquee product, Roundup, […]
[youtube] Galvanizing video by none other than Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir to support their amazing new project that maps playgrounds and parks that use round-up.
DARK Act Comeback
This just in from the Organic Consumers Association newsletter: DARK Act Comeback? Everybody loves a Comeback Kid—unless that "kid" is the DARK Act. In March, the Senate voted down the DARK Act, the […]
monsanto cancels building new industrial plant
The Gazette, and Iowa City newspaper, recently published a story mentioning the "struggling farm economy" being the cause of the cancellation of a $90,000,000 Monsanto seed corn plant. The story […]
monsanto's plan to help the honeybee In 2011 Monsanto, the maker of herbicides and genetically engineered seeds, bought an Israeli company called Beeologics, which had developed an RNA interference technology that can be fed to […]
muzzled by monsanto
Is Big Ag squelching research showing its new RNAi GMOs may be dangerous? By Caitlin Rockett After nearly 30 years studying how plants use their genes to defend against viruses, […]
Consumed: a new movie thriller about GMOs
[vimeo 143568165 w=500 h=209] Help change the conversation on GMO! Attend a screening of a new movie thriller about GMOs in a theater near you! Consumed is an amazing film, […]
monsanto's pr- attempting to control science
BREAKING! DR. VANDANA SHIVA EXPOSES DETAILS OF MONSANTO'S INSIDIOUS AND DARK ORCHESTRATED WRITERS-FOR-HIRE PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN. Dr. Shiva shines the light on Monsanto's high stakes network of pseudo-journalist propagandists in this […]
monsanto's latest monstrosity (and a call for submissions)
An insult to all things holy and good.
red rocks
What are young farmers doing after hours? Just hanging with Neil. NBD.
i'd like to start my day off without helping monsanto
[youtube] Neil Young is slowly leaking performances of tracks off of his upcoming album “The Monsanto Years”. It is a protest album against Monsanto and GMO’s. This particular song […]
monsanto defeated! court ruling in oregon allows ban on GMO crops.
Message from the Our Family Farms Coalition: May 29, 2015 - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS! We have DEFEATED the first major stage of the Monsanto-backed legal challenge that attempted […]
outgrow monsanto
greenhorns report on the national ffa convention
Greenhorns, in partnership with Organic Consumers Association were in attendance last month at the national gathering of the FFA. The FFA National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, saw a sea of 60,000 students representing every nook and cranny of America (and its territories) gathered together for fellowship, belonging, education and scholarly competition. Between the ages of 13 and 18, many of these students are next-in-line to the family farm and occupy a strategically powerful position in the future of American Agriculture; they are kids with land. With a self-confidence rarely seen in teenagers and impeccable public speaking skills, these students in their blue corduroy jackets cut quite the impressive figure, particularly in a stadium context.
They are team-spirited, motivated and articulate, and most of them credit these qualities to the organization that brought them together, the FFA. The FFA is turning these next-in-line farmers, agriscientists, ag teachers and farm sympathizers into successful leaders, fierce entrepreneurs, and good Samaritans...for Big Ag.
This polished youth constituency at the FFA sing the praises, almost exclusively, of Big Ag. How did this happen? Lets start with the obvious place; let’s follow the money.
big data concedes: farmers should own their own data
(Photo courtesy of Pete Walton, taken at the National FFA Conference) From NPR: Top agribusiness companies, including Monsanto, DuPont, John Deere and Dow, have moved into the information business, offering […]
new study: huge increase in us chronic diseases linked to glyphosate herbicides
A huge increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases has been reported in the United States (US) over the last 20 years. Similar increases have been seen globally. […]
maui voters support gmo moratorium, monsanto strikes back!
KAHULUI, Hawaii —The cheers went well into the night. A small army of Maui residents rose up against the big guys and forced a moratorium on genetically modified organisms or […]
learn how to buy the media!
Read the Emails in the Hilarious Monsanto/Mo Rocca/Condé Nast Meltdownby Tom Philpott for Mother Jones Last week, Gawker uncovered a hapless tie-up between genetically modified seed/pesticide giant Monsanto and Condé […]
monsanto and foreign aid: forcing el salvador’s hand
From this June's Foreign Policy Journal The United States will withhold the Millennium Challenge Compact aid deal, approximately $277 million in aid, unless El Salvador purchases genetically-modified seeds from biotech […]
salvadoran farmers successfully oppose monsanto seeds
What does Monsanto do with their expired seeds? They try and pawn them off on other countries through packages offered by US aid. When the farmers of El Salvador uncovered […]
republished and open for peer review: long-term toxicity of a roundup herbicide and a roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
In 2012, the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published a study on the chronic toxicity of glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup and GM corn (Monsanto NK603). This study was met with much opposition and […]
new infographic: monsanto vs monarchs
Monarch butterflies, celebrated for their remarkable migration across the continent, are in trouble. This year, the monarch population is by far the lowest ever recorded. A primary cause of this […]
who’s behind the u.s. farmers & ranchers alliance and why it matters
On Thursday, September 22, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), a new trade association made up of some of the biggest players in the food industry—including the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, […]
superweed map of the usa
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, has spawned a new generation of superweeds that are spreading rapidly across the United States. Since farmers planting Monsanto's genetically engineered Roundup […]
study finds roundup, a monsanto product, may be linked to negative health issues
Heavy use of the world's most popular herbicide, Roundup, could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson's, infertility and cancers, according to a new study. […]
growing indignation in the scientific community about seralini
The Goodman Affair: Monsanto Targets the Heart of Science by Claire Robinson and Jonathan Latham, PhD Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, has jested that instead of scientific peer review, […]
news from food democracy now This is one of the most important emails that we will ever send. We’ve been hearing rumors about this for months, but Monsanto and the GMA have made their move. […]
news on glyphosates
Check out this article about the toxicity of Round-Up. And two responses: Rodale vs. Monsanto
occupy monsanto
On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto. Why do we march? Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious […]
calling all vermonters
Your tiny state is about to take on the wrath of monsanto. Courage! Solidarity! Get out the vote! Rural Vermont - ACTION ALERT & Legislative Update Now is the time […]
on superweeds
Nearly Half of All US Farms Now Have Superweeds By Tom Philpott, Wed Feb. 6, 2013 for Mother Jones Last year's drought took a big bite out of the two […]
the monsanto case is getting lots of press
NPR: Farmer's Fight with Monsanto Reaches the Supreme Court NYTimes: Farmer's Supreme Court Challenge Puts Monsanto Patents at Risk And this from The Chronicle of Higher Education: In Standing Up […]
super insects?
First Super Weeds, Now Super Insects -- Thanks to Monsanto May 30, 2012 by Dr. Mercola A new generation of insect larvae is eating the roots of genetically engineered corn […]
occupy monsanto action
the press release is great - how was the action? If you were there we'd love tohear from you - send testimonials and photos to [email protected] Occupy-Monsanto to Wear Bio-Hazmat Suits […]
monsanto guilty in france!
do we dare to hope for a guilty verdict here? Monsanto found guilty of chemical poisoning in France French farmer Paul Francois says he suffered neurological problems after inhaling Monsanto's […]
family farmers v monstanto
RSVP to attend A Citizen’s Assembly of Support for Family Farmers vs. Monsanto - January 31, 2012 On January 31, family farmers will take part in the first phase of […]