Food Week of Action

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celebrate with farmworkers in vermont

As part of Food Week of Action, today we are celebrating with farmworkers in vermont and as we recognise the huge milestone that was reached in the food and farming world earlier this month. On Tuesday October 3, farmworker leaders from Migrant Justice and the CEO of Ben & Jerry’s jointly signed the Milk with […]

Posted: October 21 2017
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join the climate justice movement.

As part of Food Week of Action, the Presbyterian mission, sponsors of the week, bring us a message of climate justice today. God created the earth, and it is sacred. As Psalm 24:1 proclaims, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it.” Therefore we are called to stewardship of the earth. When […]

Posted: October 20 2017
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support farmworkers - boycott wendy's

As part of today's Food Week action, support farmworkers by delivering a manager's letter to a Wendy's near you. Dear Wendy’s Manager, As a Wendy’s consumer and supporter of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' (CIW) groundbreaking Fair Food Program, I urge Wendy’s to join with the CIW and the Florida tomato industry as they work […]

Posted: October 18 2017
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international day for the eradication of poverty

[youtube] Today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the theme this year is: A path towards peaceful and inclusive societies.  Todays call to action recognizes the importance of reaching out the the poorest throughout the world. As a global society, we are only as rich as our poorest member and we all […]

Posted: October 17 2017
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its world food day!

Today is world food day and the second day of Food Week of Action. World food day was established in 1945 on the anniversary of the launch of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Celebrated on the 16th of October each year, the purpose is to raise awareness of hunger and poverty and to […]

Posted: October 16 2017
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happy international day of rural women!

The UN designated October 15th as international day of rural women in recognition of the crucial role that women and girls play in ensuring the sustainability of rural households and communities, improving rural livelihoods and overall wellbeing. Rural women play an invaluable and significant role in food security, resource stewardship and and environmental sustainability. Although women account […]

Posted: October 15 2017