current events
red clover genome for sustainable farming
November 30, 2015 The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in collaboration with IBERS, has sequenced and assembled the DNA of red clover to help breeders improve the beneficial traits of this […]
free produce movement
As we approach the holidays ever deeper, we must question what we are buying and gifting to our loved ones. Where did your gift come from? Who made it? Does […]
a tale of david vs. goliath
About 96,000 pounds of Oscar Mayer Classic Wieners were recalled Sunday by Kraft Foods Group Inc. of Columbia, MO, because of a packaging error. Classic Cheese Dogs are contained in […]
rewild! escape from monomania
Rewild! Escape from Monomania by: George Monbiot October 17, 2015, Rural America Most human endeavours, unless checked by public dissent, evolve into monocultures. Money seeks out a region’s comparative advantage—the […]
did you watch hillary and bernie debate?
Time to pay attention. You can stream the debate here: One thing we noticed: ZERO mention food, farmers, or agriculture - not in the context of public health or climate change. […]