climate change
solar geo-engineering: warnings from scientists, indigenous peoples, youth, and climate activists
This spring scientists, Indigenous people and climate movements came together to stop the SCoPEx project's attempt to carry out a solar geoengineering experiment in Kiruna, Sweden.Next week, Michael Mann, Raymond Pierrehumbert, Jennie Stephens, Tom Goldtooth, […]
gary nabhan: researchers unveil sustainable farming methods for southwest farmers hurt by climate shift
February 24, 2021 Agriculture has been a major part of the state’s economy for a very long time, but droughts and heat waves have made many farmers’ jobs more difficult. […]
agriculture resilience act
Farming has always been a risky business. But today, extreme weather events and trade wars are creating challenges that threaten food production and jeopardize farmers’ livelihoods. We must work to […]
TODAY: public debate on regen ag as climate solution
Tune in!! Make your voice heard and participate in the public dialogue! From scholars like the leaders of organization Soil4Climate: the global movement of scientists, practitioners, and engaged citizens working […]
SIGN ON: Farmer Letter on Climate Change!
A coalition of farm organizations and their allies around the country are circulating the farmer statement on the climate crisis, viewable in the form here. This statement has been put […]
kiss the ground: book and documentary about the hidden power of soil.
[youtube] Discover the hidden power soil has to reverse climate change, and how a regenerative farming diet not only delivers us better health and wellness, but also rebuilds our […]
check out this wonderful new podcast series
Down to Earth is a podcast about hope. As climate change collides with our industrial food system, we focus not on doom but instead on people who are developing practical, […]
pick for chief scientist of the not a scientist
Sam Clovis, Trumps nominee for chief scientist of the USDA, is not a scientist, he does however, question the scientific consensus that climate change is a result of human activity. […]
carbon farming workshop: sequestering carbon for climate change mitigation
Believe it or not, there is some good news about climate change; agriculture, if done correctly can play a powerful role in removing carbon from the atmosphere where it is […]
solar cookers, the simple solution to a host of complex challenges?
Solar cookers could not be more simple in many ways, their basic means of operation catches the suns rays and uses this heat to cook food. Some use aluminium coated […]
biochar, worth all the hype?
I first heard about biochar from a gentle and unassuming older lady who was making biochar at home in her kiln. She explained the role that biochar could play in […]
crops of the future.
When portrayed by the film and TV media, the one thing that all fictional futures seem to have in common is a coffee shortage. Only the elite and the lucky […]
the future of farming in new england
Can New England farmers survive in changing climate? A new podcast says, yes-- and they absolutely need to.
call for film submissions for change making tool-kits
Inspire food activists around the country: submit your film now!
california is blessed with rains, but what about other regions?
California may be climbing out of its drought, but much of West Africa is struggling with the effects 0f climate change.
real leaders lovin climate
In the age of twitter leadership and instagram bill signings occasionally we see something that's worth mention. The Swedish government has just signed a new climate action plan that commits […]
last minute gift idea for the environmental troubadours in your life
Learn more and buy the book here!
revolutions start from the bottom: film series on agricultural solutions to climate change
[vimeo 173969073 w=640 h=360] Unbroken Ground from Patagonia Provisions on Vimeo. Film maker Chris Malloy asks, how can different aspects of agriculture and our food economy alter to change our […]
artists capture carbon and fossil fuel criminals
photo cred: Danny Lyon Burn Zone, is Danny Lyon’s newest published work. Burn Zone is a Cri de Coeur directed at the artist community and our youth asking them to […]
what thanksgiving looks like at standing rock
Ever late to the party, The New York Times is finally giving Standing Rock some much-deserved coverage. This gorgeous and inspiring video (and its accompanying article) gives sober context to Thanksgiving celebrations all […]
beautiful new hopeful documentary on solutions to the current eco-crisis
[vimeo 171389901 w=640 h=360] Ryan Wirick, a documentary filmmaker is looking for help supporting and funding his new feature-length documentary, The Need To GROW, a "solution-packed journey into the lives of […]
the climate monologues: live in NYC nov 18
[youtube] Finally! We've been waiting for ages for a one-woman musical about climate change, and this one is fantastic! See it live at the United Solo Theatre Festival in […]
seven ways to be a better leader in systems change
Oh man, we just love this: Seven Lessons for Leaders in Systems Change. Great for educators, activists, community leaders, farmers, and-- generally-- everyone who gives a damn. Here's a taste, […]
funeral for an extinct species
[vimeo 25260994 w=640 h=360] A cool theater group called Feral Theatre produces rad-eco-theater pieces, and maybe they hit pretty close to home...
on the front lines of the great fight of our times
[youtube] The activists currently protecting the water commons, their indigenous heritage, and our planet against institutionalized corporate greed. We stand with them. See Thursday's post for more background on the […]
small (and large) ways to support the native activists fighting to protect our land water commons
Despite the resounding silence on the matter in mass media, the fight over the Dakota Access Pipeline continues at Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Hundreds of protesters, many of them Native Americans and […]
let the optimism flow
ultra-extra-awesomely-superb podcast series: earth matters
Have you been listening to Earth Matters?? This fabulous podcast series gives voice to indigenous activists, environmentalists, and people around the globe working for social justice. We cannot recommend it highly […]
biodiversity conference, harvard, april 30th
Announcing the following conference at Harvard on April 30th: THE POWER AND PROMISE OF BIODIVERSITY: VISIONS OF RESTORING SEA, LAND, AND CLIMATE Geological Lecture Hall 24 Oxford Street Cambridge, Massachusetts, […]
help the best climate movie of the year get out and get us together This movie. Speaks directly to the heart of climate change resistance. It takes you to the brink of despair and then builds you back up. I cried. I danced. […]
labor rights/ the history of this idea in america
A series of short films dealing with different aspects of the systemic challenge our country is facing. The first three—featuring PolicyLink’s Angela Glover Blackwell, MIT’s Phil Thompson, and Boston College’s […]
the year that ended dangerously: the ETC's ireverant, snarky, and spot-on end of year review
Every year, our friends at the ETC (stands for Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration) puts out an, as they say, "irreverent," year-end recap-- and this year's is out […]
among other failures paris deal mentions agriculture a whopping zero times
Maybe you heard that the Climate Summit in Paris had lead to an "landmark deal," and you were as skeptical as we were. Maybe you also wondered how often the […]
here we go magic
NPR's The Salt: "Alaskan Farmer Turns Icy Patch of Tundra Patch into a Breadbasket." But tapping that ultra-rich soil takes time. To prepare the land for farming, Meyers starts in June […]
somaliland: a parched earth
Somaliland's harshest drought is decimating the herder way of life and displacing thousands. By Ashley Hamer Hargeisa, Somaliland - Swaths of Somaliland, a fragile, internationally unrecognised nation-state in the Horn […]
soil solutions to climate problems
Narrated by Michael Pollan, this four minute piece is expository in nature and is aimed at a general audience who may have no idea that there is any relationship between […]
how many bicycles would it take to power the internet?
Oh, just "a mere two billion bike generators, with 8 billion people pedal- ing." That's right, as it turns out, the entire population of the earth (and then some!) would […]
earthalujia! sundays nov-dec, joes at the public in NYC
Revernd Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir "are wild anti-consumerist gospel shouters and Earth loving urban activists who have worked with communities all over the world defending community, life and […]
did you watch hillary and bernie debate?
Time to pay attention. You can stream the debate here: One thing we noticed: ZERO mention food, farmers, or agriculture - not in the context of public health or climate change. […]