Soul Fire Farm's action steps and policy platform for food sovereignty

Soul Fire Farm's action steps and policy platform for food sovereignty [pdf]:
CHECK OUT this incredible resource and guide for addressing and dismantling racism in the food system, galvanizing the movement for land and racial justice, written by the illustrious folks at Soul Fire Farm.
Thank you to Nora Feldhusen, Organizing Committee Member of the Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition, for recently circulating the document. In her words, this "is a great resource for considering how we can move towards food sovereignty, centering BIPOC communities. In particular, a great starting point in this document is section #5 on Internal Organizational Transformation for actionable ways to build more equity and antiracist practices into our farms and organizations."
Furthermore, Nora shares:
If you’re looking for organizations and groups to financially support, here is an incomplete list of food justice initiatives in [the Hudson Valley] region that are BIPOC-led and/or primarily made up of BIPOC youth:
Soulfire Farm
Wild Seed Collective
YMCA Kingston Farm Project
Kite’s Nest
Rise and Root Farm
Additionally, here is a list from Soul Fire Farm of action steps you can take RIGHT NOW:
- Call your congressperson and tell them to end the war on Black lives
- Check out the declaration in response to the recent wave of anti-Black police murders that contains links to many resources and calls for actions
- Donate to projects on the Reparations Map for Black-Indigenous Farmers
- Learn more at