FLORIDA "foodie movie night"
Foodie Movie Night - "The Greenhorns" (Free Admission!) http://www.eatlocalweek.com/ Wednesday, November 16 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Dandelion Communitea Cafe and the Florida School of Holistic Living 618 N. Thornton Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/eatlocalweek
White House Rural Young Entrepreneurs Summit
Please spread the word far and wide to any young entrepreneurs and farmers you know! Register HERE.
peasants. free from DEBT
This blog post analyzes the texts posted to Tumbler by We are the 99% / Occupy Wall Street protesters. It finds that the concerns voiced by the protesters are consistent […]
want some baby goats new york?
Edgwick Farm is a soon to be licensed microdairy and creamery that will produce farmstead goat cheese in Cornwall, New York. They are expecting between 50 and 75 kids to […]
farmland in southern CA for free for a year
One at a time , Weldon, CA Looking for a Resposible: - single male or female - couple -couple with a kid or two I have twelve (12) acres of […]
food writing with molly o'neill
There are a few spots left in Molly O'Neill's on-line food writing seminars and there are still several scholarships available as well. The fall seminars begin next week. A best […]
solar powered chicken tractor!
we won best doc at rural routes film festival!
Here is the video of the panel. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_j1eu-XorM] http://ruralroutefilms.com/
intern & apprenticeships
start planning now for next season! For starters, we know that Green string Farm is looking. Amazing place. http://www.greenstringinstitute.org/internships.html Remember to check ATTRA, MOFGA (Maine), etc.
butcher a chicken with bittman
Mark Bittman gives step-by-step instructions for deconstructing a raw chicken. View the instructional video HERE.
almanac work is getting started
Severine is on the road gathering steam and contributers to the YOUNG FARMERS ALMANAC project. dyer- rebecca beekeeper- sam milk maiden- louella work songer- bennett, creek natural historian- barbara all […]
thank you to brewster and the internet archive
for our screening in San Francisco and for making a FREE TO ALL library of alexandria. may it remain vital and pure. Internet Archive Brewster Kahle on Ted.com
pledge for local radio COLUMBIA COUNTY
ROOTS DOWN [root]: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant. In the wake […]
food workers organize around healthy meals
UNITE HERE, the largest worker organization representing food service workers, has launched a new initiative and website bringing the perspectives of food workers to the discussion about sustainable food. We are also doing […]
Fundraiser dinner for farmers @ Bard College
OCTOBER 30 - Come celebrate the work of Hudson Valley farmers and be flavored by local chefs cooking an all local dinner to raise funds for two great area farms! […]
california / japan exchange
In case you didn't know about this amazing art project - http://openrestaurant.org/ "OPENrestaurant is the project of a collective of restaurant professionals who moved their environment to an art space as […]
value value add add add with a dollop of whipped cream
Petaluma Pie - based in Pentaluma, CA - (you may have seen them at a chef demo at the county fair and another at the Heirloom Exposition - they are […]
farm jobs
put your wool thinking cap on and make it HAPPEN: www.growfood.org
fundraiser for farmers affected by Irene
This event was organized by our energetic and dedicated intern, Ines Chapela. Great work, Ines. Come celebrate the work of Hudson Valley farmers and be flavored by local chefs cooking […]
beginning farmer and rancher opportunity act
this is the cluster of bills I keep talking about. Young would-be farmers have a tough row to hoe by By GABRIEL SILVERMAN in the News Observer ASHINGTON -- The […]
e.f. schumacher lectures
The Thirty-first Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures will be held Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 10am-5pm. Speakers are Gar Alperovitz, Juliet Schor, and a Special Panel "Voices of Today's Youth: […]
we're hooked
[vimeo=http://vimeo.com/30715971] Farmstead Meatsmith have been busy. See here.
GE sweet corn on its way
From Food & Water Watch: Genetically engineered Monsanto sweet corn is approved and could be on your plate next year. Genetically engineered sweet corn, the first Monsanto crop designed to […]
at it again
This Land Is Your Land You can find Joel Salatin's soul in his slaughterhouse. Just behind the oversize shed that serves as his farm's shop is what Salatin calls the […]
jobs at the wallace centers of iowa
an Iowa organization with some great agriculture programming. Wallace.org. Chef/Food Programs Manager: Culinary arts education with strong interest in local foods; ability to develop food programming & value-added food products. […]
farm loan funds in new england
Courtesy of The Carrot Project. Deadlines for some of these are right around the corner! The Carrot Project Agriculture Loan Fund The Carrot Project Agriculture Loan Fund serves the state […]
hurricane irene farmer relief fund
Here's a quick press release about a relief fund for farmers. If you know farmers who need help, or if you want to help, read on! FarmieMarket and All Good […]
seeding the future - tomorrow!
The Greenhorns and Internet Archive Present: Seeding the Future – A Town Hall meeting for Small-Scale Agriculture Tuesday, October 18th • 6:30pm 300 Funston St. San Francisco+++Fall Harvest Potluck+++ Meet and […]
secrets of the sun & moon
a workshop with our friends at Frey Vineyards. The Secrets of the Sun & Moon Friday, January 6, 2012, 9-5PM A Coros event at beautiful Frey Vineyards - 14000 Tomki […]
the greenhorns oregon premier
At the Mary's River Grange Hall in Philomath, Oregon on Thursday, October 20. 6:00pm Young Farmer and Food Artisan Mixer Sponsored by OSU Small Farms Program Supported by The Greenhorns […]
Oct. 25 CSA webinar for New Farmers
UVM Extension New Farmer Project Webinar A CSA Primer for New Farmers October 25, 7:00 pm Community Supported Agriculture continues to be a burgeoning movement for small-scale, sustainable farms. As […]
PAWC is December 4-6, 2011 Kellogg Conference Center, Tuskegee University. PAWC = The Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. 2011 Conference Theme: "Empowering Underserved Farmers and Rural Communities Through Effective Farm Bill […]
Young Farmer Squeeze
article here: http://www.capitalpress.com/washington/SB-young-farmers-100711-art check out photos here: http://farmrun.com/?p=2593 and http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.258236727544783.54483.164653070236483&type=1
a cross post from civileats blog, worthy of sharing: Siena Chrisman's take on speculation, land grabs, corporate consolidation, and solidarity… on Civil Eats today: http://civileats.com/2011/10/13/why-the-food-movement-should-occupy-wall-street/
Young Farmer Colloquium
still grappling with whether farming is right for you? let's help you figure it out: young farmer panel, screening of "The Greenhorns" documentary, and a Q&A session. thursday, november 17. […]
a hard cider revival
This Sunday Oct. 16, join New Amsterdam Market in NYC as we kick off Glynwood's Cider Week -- seven days of celebrating all things cider with tastings, classes, and special events […]
a TED about farmers
TEDxFruitvale: http://www.tedxfruitvale.org/ its and off shoot of the big TED:http://www.ted.com/ Its a TED for "farmworkers, farmers, activists, artists, students, professors, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs to celebrate the people upon whom we […]
food to bank on incubator slots open!
FOOD TO BANK ON is a three-year farmer incubation project that connects beginning sustainable farmers with business training, markets and mentorship, while providing farm-fresh product to food banks and shelters.
mapping and projecting future damage. noaa comes up with mobile app
for ecological responders http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/news/weeklynews/oct11/ngs-mobile.html