farmer support job, oregon
Friends of Family Farmers (FoFF) is a grassroots organization promoting sensible policies, programs, and regulations that protect and expand the ability of Oregon’s family farmers to run a successful land-based enterprise […]
these mainers, badass to the core
the third and final installment of oat, from farmrun/meatsmith folks
a new cd from blair pathways
Rerecording miners and protests songs, organized by the anti mountain top removal folks. Pre-order or download the CD HERE The story of the Battle of Blair Mountain is an […]
party at heritage radio network in bushwick...
There is a special code for greenhorn fans. Go! Support the radio! Our promo code for the Sept 9th event is: "Greenhorn" Purchase tickets and get more info here: […]
beef out this weekend!
Music starts Friday at 6 pm. Cooks, crafters and helpers can show up earlier! Join us for pokeberry dying, garlic cleaning, worksonging, carrot weeding, bonfire and dance party. Bring your […]
texas young farmer coalition - up and running!
Website and all: Join TXYFC for an evening of delicious brews, good company, and really smart farmers cold talkin’ at our first Young Farmer Mixer! We’re very, very excited […]
visual language for any doubting thomases in your family
Full graphic HERE
calling virginia greenhorns
WE have a few names from SSAWG of young virginia farmers who wanted to represent and coordinate and get things rolling in virginia-- but we are looking for some more […]
farmland investing, a growing sector
Where are there benefits for young farmers? How do these schemes impact the matrix of farmland ownership? How does it compare with the land-grabs and speculative investment that we have […]
can we believe in politics?
a song by our hudson hero: Brian Dewan. Who also sings songs about sausage making, which we are working on recording for the New Farmers ALmanac. [youtube=]
essay by john ikerd
A recent talk given by John Ikerd -- professor emeritus and sustainable agriculture visionary. Read more of his MANY works: "I believe that to live and work on a […]
viva farms internship (WA)
Viva Farms and Grow Food will be hosting three AmeriCorps positions starting September 16th , 2012 and running through July, 2013. The positions start soon so please send initial application materials […]
main food conference videos
For those who missed the Food Connections conference in late spring in Maine, check out the videos which are now available on YouTube and Vimeo (or if you attended, you […]
apply for USDA value-added grants
Value-Added Producer Grants (VAPG) program is designed to help agricultural producers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based value-added products. Generating new products, creating and […]
fall biodynamic workshop
Fall Intensive Workshop, Wednesday, October 31st through Sunday, November 4th in Woolwine, Virginia. Harvesting of sheaths and the making of the Biodynamic preparations, including spray and compost preps and barrel […]
americorps positions at viva farms
AmeriCorps Farm-to-Community Fellows Viva Farms and Grow Food will be hosting three AmeriCorps positions starting September 16th , 2012 and running through July, 2013. The positions start soon so please […]
sending milk
The faces and places that send milk by Skye Chalmers for the Burlington Free Press Skye Chalmers is the photographer behind a new book, Sending Milk, which features images of […]
seed saving workshop
Growing for Future Sowing: Saving Quality Seed from Your Farm's Fields Date: August 28, 2012 Location: Hudson Valley Seed Library: 484 Mettacohonts Rd., Accord, NY 12404 (Ulster Co) Time: 3:30 PM-6:00 PM If […]
much afoot and apedal in south dakota Cycle Farm, LLC is located in the heart of Spearfish Valley, in the northern Black Hills of South Dakota. The land has been farmed for many years; most recently […]
amazing researcher, with output food history
History at the Table "History at the Table" aims to serve as a central point of information and discussion about emerging collaborations among working farms, local and regional food networks, […]
rocket mass heater workshop
outside of Missoula, Montana - October 26-28th, 2012. Come get your hands dirty & get inspired to heat & cook more efficiently! On the agenda: Rocket Mass Heater & Rocket […]
tomato tasting at red fire farm
Local Chefs, local food and the biggest bounty of tomato varieties grown anywhere in the Pioneer Valley come together on Saturday August 25th at the annual Red Fire Farm Tomato […]
gmo, right to know
New campaign finance reports reveal that Monsanto Co. just contributed $4.2 million to defeat Proposition 37, which would require labeling of genetically engineered food. That is the largest contribution in the race. Total contributions […]
kinderhook new farmer event
The Kinderhook Memorial Library will celebrate the arrival of the New Farmer Narrative Project exhibit: Journeys into Farming with a free film screening of the award-winning new farmer documentary GROW! The event will […]
mothers to regulators: we will not comply
August 16, 2012-Washington, DC (Business Wire)—On August 18, 2012 a group of mothers and others, members of the advocacy groups, the Raw Milk Freedom Riders and Lemonade Freedom Day, will take their raw […]
interesting author interview
Here is Peter B. Collins interview with Janisse Ray, a farmer and author of The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food. (an excellent read) tune in HERE
kill the recipe
If you happen to be in Brooklyn on Sunday, August 26th - head out to Cool Beans to celebrate the forthcoming release of Kill the Recipe: A Cookbook and Visual Guidebook […]
job in connecticut
Farm Manager Position - Anderson Acres Farm Job Description: Two farm owners / managers to develop a diversified permaculture farm in western Connecticut. Start-date: September 15, 2012 Summary of Position: […]
npr's planet money on crop insurance
Episode 394: Why Taxpayers Pay For Farmers' Insurance In spite of the drought, many U.S. farmers will do just fine this year. They are, after all, covered by crop insurance […]
csa manager position
Orchard Pond Organics CSA Manager Position Available-Tallahassee, Florida We are a USDA Certified Organic farm with a 130 member CSA in Tallahassee, Florida currently looking for someone with previous farm […]
seeking a fall farm job? head to maine.
Apprentice on a Farm in Maine with MOFGA’s Apprenticeship Program! Many amazing farms are looking for strong seasonal workers to end the harvest on a high note. Positions are available […]
seeking organic farmer in washington state
via Tilth Producers Michelle Coda owns a 23 acre piece of property in the Upper Skagit River Valley in Washington State and would like to have someone live on the […]
grazing workshop with jim gerrish
Hudson Valley Young Farmers Coalition, The Greenhorns, and Herondale Farm are proud to announce a grazing workshop with Jim Gerrish! A more formalized poster/image will follow. Save the date and […]
any greenhorns want to represent us in madison?
if so, please email [email protected] Sacred Agriculture 2012 Biodynamic Association Conference November 14-18, Madison, WI Join us on November 14-18, 2012, at the beautiful Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in […]
brunswick, the movie
Brunswick is a film about landscape change, told through the personal story of a farmer’s lifelong connection to his now-threatened land. The film weaves together the plight of Sanford Bonesteel, an […]
midwest young farmer gathering & field day
Upper Midwest CRAFT and the Biodynamic Initiative for the Next Generation are teaming up for a fantastic farmy weekend August 25-26 atAngelic Organics Farm and Learning Center in Caledonia, IL. Farm Machinery CRAFT Field Day ~ […]
hudson valley farmers forum! let's fill that venue AUG 20
Hudson Valley Farmers Forum Monday, August 20th, 4-6pm Columbia-Greene Community College, Student Dining Hall, Main Bldg. South Entrance. Parking lots E,F,G This will be a rare opportunity to hear from […]
edible city
Edible City, a 60 minute documentary film, tells the stories of the pioneers who are digging their hands into the dirt, working to transform their communities and do something truly […]