green city growers
How Can Urban Agriculture Go From Niche To Food System? Everyone loves a story of a plucky urban farm, but what steps do we have to take to make them […]
audio podcasts from farm hack!
Missed out on the Farm Hack fun? Now you can catch up with audio podcasts! Wow, how new media of us. Podcasts from Farm Hack NYC HERE
hey rattler
We love worksongs! Max Godfrey leads the old Leadbelly tune Hey Rattler at Plant & Sing 2012 at Sylvester Manor on Shelter Island. [vimeo]
the lexicon of sustainability project
is interested in your take, greenhorns! The Lexicon of Sustainability project is a crowdsourced project focused on the critical ideas and concepts that define sustainable food production and foodsystems in this country. […]
european farmers stage mega protest
Setting fires and spraying thousands of gallons of milk to protest unsustainable milk prices. Prices which are lower than the cost of production. Europe Milk Quota Protest: Police Sprayed With […]
greyrock farm internships
Download the details here: Greyrock Farm - 2013 Job Description. Greyrock Farm is a full-food, free-choice, year-round CSA. In addition to our CSA, we also have a weekly farm store […]
crop planning webinar
CCOF Crop Planning Webinar December 11, 2012, 9:30-11:00 a.m. CCOF Members: $20, Non-members: $25 Register Now! Are you already thinking about what you want to grow next year? Crop planning […]
open letter from occupy the farm
On Friday November 16, 2012, the University of California (UC) razed all of the publicly planted crops on the Gill Tract. Occupy the Farm is disappointed that the UC has […]
job in new mexico
La Semilla Food Center is seeking an experienced organic Farm Manager to oversee daily production operations of La Semilla Youth Farm. The Farm Manager will be responsible for ensuring diversified vegetable and […]
high altitude farmer training
a note to all you lovely readers from Dana, friend of the greenhorns, asking for your help and willingness to share your wells of knowledge. to reply, email [email protected] I am […]
thank you alan lomax,
for open sourcing your whole collection online ! Here is a radio piece about it.. and a link to the collection online:
max on tour!
if you are an organizer ( even a greenhorn organizer) and you'd like to sing some worksongs with max - and can pass a hat for gas money and cook […]
naked lady holiday calendars
A Naked Lady farmer calendar from Rosharn Farm in Rehobeth. They are raising money for a ' Pasture to plate" mobile slaughter house and processing kitchen. Read all about it. […]
Join in on March 22 @ 5:30 for the first-ever Meat Ball, celebrating local meat, live music, dancing, and awards! Part of the 2013 New England Meat Conference! Dates: March 22-23, […]
soup & sing
Warm up your voice, fingers, soul, and spirit before the Whallonsburg Grange Xmas Show. Share songs and soup, no musical experience needed. Bring favorite songs to share and instruments if you […]
extension job. get in early, work for the government!
Penn State Extension Educator, Horticulture Penn State Extension, Schuylkill County is seeking an individual who will function as a team member of the Penn State Extension State Horticulture Team, working […]
rockin lineup. amish keynote, sandy, josh volk. wow
Harvest CASA’s Annual Conference, Jan. 18-19, 2013 Amish Organic Dairy Farmer and Author David Kline to Deliver Keynote Address Nov. 20, 2012—Hundreds of farmers, food system advocates, intensive gardeners, and […]
an article, bittersweet
The Death of Farmbrain by Amy Halloran These days, everyone seems to enjoy tending chickens and eating local. But lifestyles are rarely ways of life, and the grain that goes […]
announcing bitter seeds and dustbowl event
[youtube=] Carey Center for Global Good Sheds Light on Global Farming Tragedies Hosts Dust Bowl Photo Exhibit & Film on Suicides Caused by GM Crops RENSSELAERVILLE, NY – On Saturday, […]
alaska farmer training program, check it out
Happy Spirit of the Season and pre-Solstice-looks like we've survived and thrived in 2012! The Calypso Farm/Susan and Tom's Sust Ag/Life program is now in its second year, and it's […]
real time farms
allies in Michigan, mapping farms across the country. [youtube=]
apprentice + crew leader positions
Some great opportunities on this Nebraska farm: Robinette Farms Apprenticeship Program Robinette Farms Crew Leader Position Robinette Farms is a small scale family farm in Martell, Nebraska. We grow 5 […]
time to apply for winter conference scholarships!
These folks have funded 25 scholarships for young and beginning farmers from the Hudson Valley for the NOFA-NY conference in January. Most conferences offer scholarships - do your research! We're […]
a reminder: wonderful new organization, making big strides
A Growing Culture Had a lovely time with co-founders at the Quivera Conference in Albuquerque. What fun! What good hearts! Check them out. A Growing Culture seeks to empower the […]
watch with your family: the dust bowl
from ken burns. It airs in several parts on Sunday nights but is available to watch online for a short time.
canadians way ahead on young farmer financing
Young farmers show interest in new FCC Young Farmer Loan In just over six months, Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has approved over 800 loans worth more than $187 million under […]
nice report back from farmhack
by Cathy Stanton. Where slow food meets slow knowledge I shed 40 pounds this week, and it feels great. The weight was in the files and materials from the Ethnographic […]
label gmos washington! Gotta get those signatures, don't know if you guys have posted about this yet. Deadline is Decemeber 31 for gathering signatures if we want this to be voted on […]
in defense of feet
[vimeo=] Farmrun is an agrarian creative studio. Their blog is back.
No Issue in New York State has created as much controversy and public debate as hydraulic Fracturing - or Fracking. On May 15, 2012, a disparate group of N.Y. scientists, […]
nofa-nh beginning farmer mixer
NOFA-NH Beginner Farmer Mixer Hosted by Phoenix Hill Farm December 8th, 6-12pm Join us in celebrating and connecting a vibrant community of homegrown and handmade makers. This NOFA-NH farmer […]
soil carbon challenge
kickoff in Vermont: [youtube=] Check out: Soil Carbon Coalition Carbon Calculator
it's never too soon to think about next season.
Are you already trawling ATTRA, Good Food Jobs, WWOOF, Local Harvest, and local farmers markets for producers you'd like to work for next season? Good. Good job. Well done being […]
west virginia's road map...
for the Food Economy. Download it HERE “There has never been a better time to go into farming,” said Paul Mock, a well-established hydroponic farmer in Morgan County, in a […]
stop the privatization of meat inspection!
via Food and Water watch: The USDA and other agencies put some things on hold during the election, but now things are starting to move quickly with the looming budget […]
if you're looking to help out here is the place to plug in for hurricaine sandy relief WE're donating a truck full of food there today, come along!
analysis of farmcredit
If you are an applicant to Farmcredit, good to know where they are coming from.
e.f. schumacher lectures
32nd Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures "The Role of the Internet in Creating a Just and Sustainable Economy" Date: Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 Time: 6:30-8:30pm Location: First Church in Cambridge (11 Garden St., Cambridge, […]
soil carbon challenge
[youtube=] Waitsfield, VT. October 21 - 22, 2011
oxford real farming conference
January 3-4, 2013 Oxford, UK It's the only national conference promoting structural change in the UK agricultural system - we're helping organize a strand to talk about getting a new […]