hollywood babes are getting it together for consumer awareness
The beauty of the land cannot mask the brutality of a farm town. As harvest draws near, Betty confronts a terrifying new reality and will go to desperate lengths to […]
apocalypse pig
The last antibiotics begin to fail... http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/files/2015/11/Clemson-pig-e1448140337896.jpg On Thursday, researchers from several Chinese, British and US universities announced in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases that they have identified a […]
soil solutions to climate problems
Narrated by Michael Pollan, this four minute piece is expository in nature and is aimed at a general audience who may have no idea that there is any relationship between […]
buffalo ny: farm partner wanted
Common Roots Urban Farm is seeking a farm operations partner with a strong interest in farming in an urban setting. You should have experience growing diversified crops for at least […]
march 25th and 26th, 2016: just food? forum on land use, rights and ecology
Does your work connect to land and food? The Harvard Just Food? Forum seeks proposals that focus on issues of land justice in the food system. We encourage proposals that […]
before bernie sanders: a 19th century populist's run for the presidency
We are nearing a serious crisis. If the present strained relations between wealth owners and wealth producers continue much longer they will ripen into frightful disaster. This universal discontent must […]
wa: the herbfarm is hiring
To learn more about this opportunity, click HERE!
https://youtu.be/1PbtZeH3aIo Imagine regional textile communities. Rebecca Burgess did and has created something amazing. Check out the website for Fibershed here and watch more of their videos HERE!
handmade makers market ojai, ca
Ojai, California. Get your canned goods, pottery, organic body products, cards, handwoven and local plant dyed clothing, essential oil blends, local organic seeds, handmade sandals, fermented foods, goat milk […]
Consumed: a new movie thriller about GMOs
[vimeo 143568165 w=500 h=209] Help change the conversation on GMO! Attend a screening of a new movie thriller about GMOs in a theater near you! Consumed is an amazing film, […]
patagonia starts to sell peasants' food
[vimeo 107305950 w=500 h=281] What we eat does more than just fill our stomachs and nourish our bodies; good food lifts our spirits and helps us understand the world a […]
Yes, yes. Up UP~ order this film festival for your school, grange, library or community non profit
We made this, and we're dang proud. It's a whole glorious collection of young farmer films! Now, you can order it to screen from Collective Eye Films for your nonprofit or […]
how DO they get all those little seeds into packets?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfze7gpoSR8&w=560&h=315] And now you know!
cobia: it's for dinner? (this is bogus)
We are here to call out this bogus fish farming article from the April 2014 issue of National Geographic on a "pioneering" fish farmer in Panama. "The Other White Meat" follows Brian O’Hanlon, who's […]
call for applicants: farmer in residence
URBY is seeking to hire a Farmer in Residence for a unique Urban Farm nested within a new, 600-unit rental complex on the North Shore of Staten Island. This is […]
visit sev on an island this feb!
2016 SAN JUAN ISLANDS AGRICULTURAL SUMMIT! Summit Dates: February 11-13, 2016 Summit Location: Friday Harbor, San Juan Island The San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit is back in 2016! Returning to […]
In case your family/ friends want to go on a trip… with food first!
Our Tours Food Sovereignty Tours offer you an opportunity to travel to international destinations to experience local food systems and the food sovereignty movement first-hand. Through one- to two-week educational […]
another easy video on the history of solidarity and abolition
Abolitionist allies Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimké turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the […]
sewing the seeds of syria: farming group rescues plant species threatened by war
The Experimental Farm Network seeks to preserve the world’s biodiversity one seed at a time. The best case for a plant’s survival is for people to grow it widely. Taylor […]
bread is broken
On the morning of July 13, like most mornings, Stephen Jones’s laboratory in Mount Vernon, Wash., was suffused with the thick warm smell of baking bread. Jones walked me around […]
usda makes another website
USDA has a new website and you can see it here. Its purpose is to support new farmers and is pretty awesome. We are thankful for the websites, USDA! What we'd like […]
a combination of funk and angry grampa
Bay area, get ready for your ear drums to get rocked! Arann Harris and The Farm Band are described as one part dumpster fire, touch of summer camp, heap of […]
a new network!
CALLING ALL FOOD MOVEMENT ACTIVISTS! Are you… …a staff member of a nonprofit organization or public agency developing a regional food supply chain? …a student interested in practical training that […]
In their call for signatories, the organizers of the World Forum on Access to land write: "The current situation – persistence of hunger, population growth, exclusion, massive unemployment, environmental crisis and […]
hey bay area farmers! barter for graphic design!
San Francisco-based graphic designer, Josh Halshead, is looking to barter his work with farmers for vegetables, CSA shares, seeds, learning opportunities, and maybe even an apprenticeship. A sample of his […]
northeast new farmer winter gathering: dec 12
For more information, click HERE!
keep the soil organic: the truth about hydroponics
Keep The Soil In Organic began as a petition started by Dave Chapman, the owner/grower at Long Wind Farm, and David Miskell of Miskell's Premier Organics. Why are we doing this? We […]
plant breeding for local food systems
Abstract: The rapid growth and co-option of the local agriculture movement highlights a need to deepen connections to place-based culture. Selection of plant varieties specifically adapted to regional production and […]
bread reimagined
The Bread Lab is arming bakers with a whole new set of grains. Once upon a time, there was white flour and whole-wheat flour, and that was about it. In […]
environmental racisim: hog farms in north carolina
The first thing Violet Branch does when she wakes up is to inhale through her nose to see whether the smell of hog excrement from across the street has seeped […]
hoedown hootenanny - an urban barndance benefit for PLACE, nov.14, OAKLAND, CA
14 DATE: Saturday, November 14, 2015 TIME: 7:00pm – 11:00pm COST: $10-20 FACEBOOK EVENT LAST Second Saturday HoeDown Hootenanny of the season! Featuring an eclectic mix of Gypsy, Jazz, Balkan, Blues, Americana, Acoustic, […]
the propagandists: outing corporate ties
Propagandists.org posts information about propaganda, its history, and dossiers of known government and industry propagandists that operate today. Each year, the US Government and industries spend hundreds of millions of […]
ample table for everyone opens application period for food security projects
Philanthropy News Digest November 5, 2015 Each day, 22 percent of New York City’s children are hungry and do not know when they will eat next, while their families lack […]
hand labor, tractor labor and horse labor: a question of power and scale
By Jelmer Albada When considering the potential utility of draft animal power on the modern 21st century farm, I like to begin from the perspective of examining those farm models […]
young farmers! rouge farm corps is hiring
Rogue Farm Corps is now accepting applications for the 2016 season. FarmsNext is a full season entry-level residential internship program that combines hands-on training and skills-based education in sustainable agriculture. […]