hot stuff: from timber to tide
[vimeo 144892147 w=640 h=360] From Timber To Tide from Pixillion on Vimeo.
color au natural
I know there are some serious DYIers in the audience-- and I bet that if I were to draw a ven diagram with DIY folks in one circle and who would […]
street goat: an exemplary crowd-funding campaign
[vimeo 146758688 w=640 h=360] Street Goat - Crowd Funding Campaign Film from Joanne Barker on Vimeo. The money's all been pledged and raised, but this sure was a great idea […]
"the farmer's office"
Are you feeling cool, calm, collected? If not, try reading Julia Shenk’s “ The Farmers Office: Tools tips and templates to successfully manage a growing farm business”. Comprehensive, logical, holistic […]
community so sweet
[youtube] Riding yesterday's coattails: another jovial video that's part of the University of Maine's Cooperative Extension office's Growing Maine series. This time around, Ed and Pat Jillison of Jillison's […]
NPR's the salt puts spotlight on industrial ag workers
We don't often see mainstream media outlets report on the often invisible farm workers that hold up so much of American agriculture-- let alone do in depth and humanizing interviews with […]
these border collies melt my stoneheart
[youtube] This short documentary out of the UMaine Extension office may appear jut to be another movie about sheep, but don't be fooled; it's actually the most heartwarming dog movie […]
tickets now available for the rural route film festival!
Tickets are now available for the 12th annual Rural Route Film Festival! Get yer Opening Night tix at Brooklyn Grange here! Get yer Museum of the Moving Image tix here! The line-up […]
ASAP: demand that obama veto the DARK act!
The following message is from our friends at the Cornucopia Institute and references the recent GMO labeling law, so called the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act, which […]
affordable sustainable ag education opportunity for north carolina folks
Located at the very center of North Carolina’s local food and farming scene, the Sustainable Agriculture Program at Central Carolina Community College is a unique opportunity for sustainable agriculture education. […]
Looking for some permaculture inspiration? Well, we've got some for you! Bustan Qaraaqa, in the West Bank's Jerusalem, is a "permaculture project promoting sustainable, creative solutions to problems of environmental […]
An Evening Gathering to Support the 2nd Annual International Soil Not Oil Conference Thurs, July 21, 7:30pm, 2016 Free At the Farmer & the Cook Restaurant 339 W El Roblar Dr, […]
documentary: the hand that feeds
[vimeo 52870881 w=640 h=360] The Hand That Feeds trailer from Robin Blotnick, a film on reforming the food system by organizing from the ground up for fair wages, fair working conditions, […]
brits weigh in on brexit's implications for UK food security
Our verdict is sober. Brexit looks likely to mean destabilisation just when we need to focus on pressing issues like food’s impact on climate change and obesity. In the short […]
FREE lifetime lease on a 65 acre land trust parcel in WV [EDIT: NO LONGER AVAILABLE]
[[[[[[[THIS LAND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT APC WITH REQUESTS FOR INFO.]]]]]]]]] The Appalacian Catholic Worker has put out a call for someone to rent a beloved […]
[youtube] Modified is a gorgeous and deeply personal feature-length documentary that delves into the labyrinth of asking why, if they are labelled in 64 other world counties, are genetically modified organisms […]
Agrarian Trust Symposium speaker Kim Stringfellow's cool ass project!
The Mojave Project is really just kind of the bomb-diggety. But don't take our word for it: to learn more, we recommend this absolutely gorgeous video. The project is an "experimental transmedia […]
hudson valley farmers are making responsible meat eating easier
Attention Northeastern meat eaters! These beautiful farmers, and our friends, over at Cairncrest sell sustainably-raised, small-scale, hand-processed pork (raised on forages, local non-GMO grains, and whey from yogurt manufacturing) and 100% grass […]
apply for amazing farm incubator program in NC
The Roots & Fruits Farm Business Incubator in Black Mountan, NC provides the tools and resources aspiring agricultural entrepreneurs need to develop and manage viable farm enterprises in Appalachia. The […]
farmaid 2016
This year's Farm Aid concert is scheduled for September 17 in Bristow, VA. Featuring: Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Alabama Shakes, Sturgill Simpson and many more artists. Get […]
NYFC is looking for grain farmers to blog
Apply to be a 2017 Blogger for NYFC Each year, NYFC recruits a few young farmers to blog about their experience starting a new farm business. Our bloggers chronicle the […]
hawaiins fight in court to preserve GMO ban
In case you missed it, two weeks ago, our friends and allies at the Hawai'i Center for Food Safety took five cases through the 9th circuit appeals court focusing on the rights […]
farm aid 2016 concert details! Farm Aid’s annual concert is an all-day music and food festival, featuring a unique lineup of artists and genres and family farm-identified, local and organic foods with its own […]
the soil commons Many of the most widely used antibiotics have come out of the dirt. Penicillin came from Penicillium, a fungus found in soil, and vancomycin came from a bacterium found […]
let the optimism flow
come a long way baby: new film on the evolution of organic
[vimeo 170086849 w=640 h=360] Peppered with priceless footage of the origins of the organic movement, this film delves head-first into where we came from and where we're going. Our favorite quote from […]
scientific study finds roundup at 1/100th the agricultural dose toxic to soil fungi
Soil microorganisms are highly exposed to glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup, which is widely used worldwide. This article evaluates the toxicity of a commercial formulation of Roundup on the fungus Aspergillus […]
patagonia provisions: unbroken ground This summer, Patagonia Provisions will release Unbroken Ground – a 25-minute film that explores the critical role food plays in finding solutions to the environmental crisis. The vast majority of our food is […]
yikes!!!!! the future of agriculture or science fiction?
In a recent ECONOMIST article, the future of agriculture is controlled by computers, genetic manipulation, big data, and the assumption that we humans know what is going on with soil-plant […]
norwegian seaweed!
For you seaweed fans out there, check out this online Norwegian seaweed shop!
avocado theft
So far this year there have been nearly 40 large-scale thefts from avocado orchards on the North Island of New Zealand, with as much as 350 avocados being stolen each time. Avocados […]
ultra-extra-awesomely-superb podcast series: earth matters
Have you been listening to Earth Matters?? This fabulous podcast series gives voice to indigenous activists, environmentalists, and people around the globe working for social justice. We cannot recommend it highly […]
a poem to get rid of fear
[youtube] Because some weeks, and I think this is one of them, poetry is the thing that will carry us up.
fund the library for food sovereignty!
[youtube] Donate at the indigogo page here! In the creators' own words, "A Growing Culture (AGC) is a global coalition that connects farmers to each other and to the […]
can organic feed the world? a webinar
Can Organic Feed the World? A webinar hosted by Friends of the Earth Tuesday, June 21st 1:00 – 2:00 PST Two commonly held beliefs about world hunger are that we […]