the farmers aren't alright
A discussion between farmers on mental health and the challenges of being well while you work.
thinking like a commoner
Author and activist David Bollier makes a case for commons based economics.
save the rainforest: revisiting an old battle
Stay vigilant: "Save the Rainforest" is not a past decade's issue.
grassroots, big sky: why we must see the food movement as part of a bigger whole
How do we make our farms centers for social justice?
staple bedside reading material
Greenhorns, we want to point you in the direction of two texts on contemporary farm life! The first is The Journal if Peasant Studies, a publication that focuses rural politics and development. If […]
help wanted on draft-powered farm in saratoga springs
Featherbed Lane Farm, a full year and daft horse-powered CSA, is seeking a farm assistant for 2017.
more reasons why bees are awesome
New research demonstrates bees pack more smarts into their tiny little brains than we thought.
internship this summer in farmland conservation in greenwich, ny
Intern with the Agricultural Stewardship this summer and gain skills in education, nonprofit project management, and farmland conservation.
severine in ireland
A chance to see greenhorns founder talk farming in Ballymaloe.
the incredible american-made, open source, radically accessible, and utterly adaptable tractor
The Oggún company created an innovative business model to build the perfect tractor-- and to make it affordable to small farmers everywhere.
island farm oasis in the middle of NYC
What can rural farmers and suburban schools learn from New York City's educational urban farms?
PSA: go outside: it's foraging season
Our friends at Kiss the Ground give us some sweet inspiration to get outside and find wild edibles and medicinals.
graziers wanted in NY
Dairy farmer apprenticeship training program opportunities in NY state.
california is blessed with rains, but what about other regions?
California may be climbing out of its drought, but much of West Africa is struggling with the effects 0f climate change.
go rogue: join the farm corps
RFC Chapter Coordinator, Katy Giomboini explains what inspires her about the Rogue Farm Corps training model.
agrarian economics: a letter from a young farmer
I met Kevin Morin in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, a town on the outskirts of Montreal, and home to some of the last vestiges of agricultural land on the island metropolis. At the time […]
medicine poem-pep talk
Spoken word poet and radical self-love activist Sonya Renee Taylor gives us wisdom, first like a shot to the arm and then like a life-saving transfusion.
the four horsemen of the good food movement
The Four Horsemen of the Good Food Movement: identifying weaknesses to make the movement stronger!
greenhorns feature: resilient farming in a changing new england
Liza Bemis grows veggies on her great-great grandfather's farm and spoke with us about how to create and maintain resilient farms in an ever-changing world.
before you throw rocks, read this book
Tech companies and the digital economy don't have to be all bad!
be a delegate at slow food nations
Registration is now open for delegates who would like to represent their regions at the Slow Food Nations summit in Denver July 14-16, 2017.
the death of the russian peasant
The deterioration of the Russian villages draws both eerie and hopeful parallels to rural America.
talkin healthcare for farmers
Vermont Public Radio article on the challenges new and old farmers face when accessing affordable health insurance.
"ditching NAFTA" may hurt american farmers, but which ones?
This NPR report suggests that leaving NAFT could hurt American farmers, but we wonder if it could actually help small-scale agriculture.
urban farming fellowships in berkeley, california
Urban Adamah in Berkeley, CA is now accepting applications for its spring, summer, and fall fellowships.
praise be the tree
Have you taken any time today to think about how great trees are? Andy Lipkis of Tree People in Los Angeles is on Kiss the Ground to right that wrong.
"agriculture has been one of the greatest blessings and curses to civilization"
Mark Shepard, restoration agriculture guru, is teaching a workshop in Stephentown, NY.
rerural: notes on engaging with our towns
In a time of heated rhetoric and disillusion how do we find ways to participate and join in with the communities and rural populations that we are moving to?
learn to farm in faith at the parish school in norwood, oh
Applications being accepted now for Parish Farming School in Norwood, OH. All who are interested in the intersection of urban farming, food and faith are invited to submit an application […]
accelerating appalachia today on GH radio
Accelerating Appalachia is a "word HUB for sustainable business," providing training to, coordinate mentorship for, and encourage financial investment in organizations who are "solving big problems with their business models." […]
real leaders lovin climate
In the age of twitter leadership and instagram bill signings occasionally we see something that's worth mention. The Swedish government has just signed a new climate action plan that commits […]
biodynamics in idaho on greenhorns radio this week
Miles Teitge is a young biodynamic farmer and educator, and he speaks to why young farmers and sustainable farming should move to Idaho.
know your abattoir: there's a shortage of local slaughterhouses, and it's kind of a big problem
There's a bottleneck problem in sustainable meat: increasingly more producers and consumers and fewer slaughterhouses equipped to get meat from one to the other.
know your chocolate: a resurgence in small cacao farms in Costa Rica
Seed saving and small scale cacao farming in Costa Rica.
sf bay area: celebrate black farmers with a night of films
Celebrate the history of black farmers in the US and abroad with a night of films in Oakland, CA.
in defense of hydroponics
The latest post in our ongoing discussion about the inclusion of hydroponics in the National Organic Production standards comes from Helen Lee, a sustainability specialist, consulting and promoting local and sustainable businesses who […]
full scholarships for mediation training in the nys agricultural mediation program
The NYS Agricultural Mediation Program is offering scholarships for mediation training to folks rooted in rural agrarian communities.
emergency day of action against DAPL
The Sacred Stones Camp at Standing Rock has put out the call for immediate emergency action to stop the drilling below the Missouri River for the Dakota Access Pipeline after […]
ann arbor: historic biodynamic farm seeks head farmer(s)
The Community Farm of Ann Arbor is looking to hire a head farmer.