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"Our Landscape in Common, Customary Rights and the Incoming Generation"

Posted: March 31 2020

Watch now! Severine v T Fleming's virtual presentation, Our Landscape in Common, Customary Rights and the Incoming Generation, featured at the Stegner Center’s 25th Annual Symposium, Food and the Environment: Resilient and Equitable Food Security for the West.

Our Landscape in Common, Customary Rights and the Incoming Generation

We are in a "fascinating moment to talk about the future of land use and the emergence of new customary rights in response to the crises that we face".

Her talk highlights case studies and proposals "to think about reorganization and reorientation and reformatting of social economic and legal regimes".

Severine asks the crucial questions. Theoretically and philosphically speaking, what is the scale of the repsonse that is needed in these times? "How, especially in this time of crisis, are we thinking more boldly about the reconfiguration of our social institutions and economic forms to respond to the unfolding climate -- and of course health -- crisis? The level of engagement and response that we could enact to build local food reslieice and rediversify the use of our landscape, and repair the ecological degradation that we see on our lands in the same way that we are approaching the preservation of human life -- that would be the scale of repsonse that is needed."

Severine von Tscharner Fleming, the Executive Director of Greenhorns and a leading organizer and cultural worker within the young farmer movement for 12+ years, co-founded the National Young Farmers Coalition, FarmHack and Agrarian Trust. A part-time farmer and board member of the Schumacher Center for New Economics, her work has spanned many media to celebrate, bundle and broadcast the voices and life-ways of young agrarians.