unveiling a shiny new tool library
Shiny New Tool Library at! After receiving a SARE grant in partnership with UVM this past spring to improve functionality of our Tool documentation platform, this summer has been a big web development […]
tell gov.cuomo to turn on the TAP
From: John Brown Lives! The research is clear: Education reduces recidivism, improves job prospects for individuals once they leave prison and strengthens communities. Since 1995, though, New York has blocked […]
red clover genome for sustainable farming
November 30, 2015 The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in collaboration with IBERS, has sequenced and assembled the DNA of red clover to help breeders improve the beneficial traits of this […]
call out for great holiday gifts
It may not be a samurai sword, but these tools are about as close to one as you can get! Hida Tool and Hardware Company features exceptional tools from Japan. […]
green farming in the green mountains: farmer training program at UVM
Applications are currently being accepted for UVM's farmer training program! The six-month program offers a certificate in Sustainable Agriculture and provides students with a combination of classroom learning and hands-on experience managing […]
farm hack UK
[vimeo 142048712 w=500 h=281] Farm Hack 2015 from Sylvie Planel on Vimeo.
march 25th and 26th, 2016: just food? forum on land use, rights and ecology
Does your work connect to land and food? The Harvard Just Food? Forum seeks proposals that focus on issues of land justice in the food system. We encourage proposals that […]
patagonia starts to sell peasants' food
[vimeo 107305950 w=500 h=281] What we eat does more than just fill our stomachs and nourish our bodies; good food lifts our spirits and helps us understand the world a […]
usda makes another website
USDA has a new website and you can see it here. Its purpose is to support new farmers and is pretty awesome. We are thankful for the websites, USDA! What we'd like […]
it's like a csa - but with software
Great news everone! Farmier is now accepting signups for its farmOS Hosting Service. Sign up now and you can start a 30 day free trial. After 30 days, farmOS hosting […]
open sourcing the q&a for state land rfp
There are 9 farms in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park that are part of a special program called the Countryside Initiative. These Park farms are committed to sustainable agriculture, and work […]
grow it! social media for plants
Check out this new free app to help connect communities to their local landscapes! With real-time plant identification, this could be a wonderful tool to promote plant, flower and tree […]
sail freight projects abound! meet the new FoodBargeHack @ It Takes a Region
We are SO HAPPY to see continued discussion of SAIL FREIGHT! As you may remember, we've been obsessed since our first sail freight project in VERMONT a few years ago, and then […]
this is the most amazing hog scraping and gutting video you'll ever see
8 minutes. It only takes this man 8 minutes.
2016 apprenticeships in regenerative agriculture in the american west
Starting a career in regenerative agriculture? Want to develop technical skills in grassfed beef production, dairy management and cheesemaking, or heirloom fruit tree cultivation and holistic orchard management? The wonderful folks […]
rewild! escape from monomania
Rewild! Escape from Monomania by: George Monbiot October 17, 2015, Rural America Most human endeavours, unless checked by public dissent, evolve into monocultures. Money seeks out a region’s comparative advantage—the […]
farmland leasing workshop in virginia's piedmont region
Calling all farmers and landowners! Are you a farmer looking for land to lease? What about a landowner who wants to lease your land? If this sounds like you, join […]
apply to be a faith fellow
Application deadline is November 1st. Fellowship dates: January 11 – 14, 2016 Location: Stoneville, North Carolina What: A holistic leadership development program for young North American faith leaders (we define […]
learn to farm in alaska
Calypso Farm and Ecology Center, located in Fairbanks, Alaska, is now accepting applications for their 2016 farmer training program! Calypso's Training Program is an intensive experiential education program focused on […]
rocking co-op in montana
[vimeo 131463009 w=500 h=281] Putting food from local farm fields onto dinner tables in Polson, Montana, (pop. 5,000) is about healthy eating and a whole lot more.The Polson Food Hub, […]
food waste and folly
Although his jokes are goofy, he makes some very important points. Thank you for bringing these issues to the mainstream, John Oliver.
great michigan resource for new farmers
The MSU Farmer Field School is comprised of intensive one and two day hands-on workshops. They are tailored to deliver in-depth, practical information building on the decade of farmer training […]
california matters
Here is an awesome video series on food in California. Topics include: the health of farming families , UC Santa Cruz's farm program, school lunches for food justice, the pollinator project […]
defending new england's family fisherpeople
The next generation of fisherpeople are facing policies that force consolidation, privatization, and corporate takeover of the ocean and rights to fish. In 2010, the New England Fisheries Management Council […]
wool symposium, nov. 7, point reyes station, california
The fourth annual Fibershed Wool & Fine Fiber Symposium November 7th, 2015 • Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station 10:00 am to 6:00 pm In addition to hands-on activities and demonstrations, […]
soil and water conservation policy conference november 19 and 20 at drake university
The Drake University Agricultural Law Center, in cooperation with the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, will host a two-day, state-wide conference on soil and water conservation policy. The conference will […]
solution to pollution (or overfishing), is it really aquaculture?
As scientists struggle to count fish, and conservationists attempt to save them, America’s oldest fishing community – Gloucester, Massachusetts is dying. Fishermen are losing their livelihood and even their homes. […]
an APP for transparency of shipping
This absolutely mind-blowing APP, called Marine Traffic, shows real-time information about maritime traffic into and out of ports all over the world. It is an open-community based project, and costs $3.00, […]
apply for the mofga journeyperson program today! deadline sept 21st
Are you a new farmer serious about pursuing a farming career in Maine? Could your farm business benefit from 2 years of free hands-on training, technical support and mentorship from […]
birthing a new compton: richland farms
Birthing a New Compton Matthew Williams, September 14, 2010, KCET '"My neighborhood, explain's joy, peace, love, and happiness, and the best riding we can do," Richland Farm resident and town […]
ithaca, ny: 2015 cornell sheep and goat symposium, october 2-4
Calling all sheep and goat enthusiasts! Mark your calendar to spend the weekend learning from featured speakers, veterinarians and crop experts at Cornell University. Don't be afraid to get dirty with […]
amazing new energy source: introducing TREES
Scientists at the Climate/Energy Design and Research institute (CEDAR) have just announced the discovery of an astounding new energy source that promises to solve several of humanity’s thorniest dilemmas at […]
research highlight: removing non-crop habitat does not increase food safety
Schematic of farm environment using co-management approach for food safety and environment. In 2006, a deadly Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak in bagged spinach was traced to California’s Central Coast region, […]
northern NY research evaluates non-traditional crops for high tunnel growers
The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has funded a number of projects evaluating ways to extend the growing season and crop options for high tunnel farmers in Clinton, Essex, […]
hacking it out
FarmHack, a Greenhorns open-source, easily accessible platform that allows members to interact, debate and build on each other’s innovations to common farm problems, received some great press from Holly Black of […]
women who farm story submission
Across Canada and the United States, women are becoming leaders in the agricultural industry. They are passionately involved in maintaining biodiveristy on the farm, in the soil, protecting the water and […]
monsanto's latest monstrosity (and a call for submissions)
An insult to all things holy and good.
read up on bio nutrient dense farming techniques, monitoring and thinking
improving crop management with aerial imagery set for 2015 empire farm days
Aerial Imagery Seminars Set for 2015 Empire Farm Days The view from an airplane or drone gives farmers a unique perspective of their land and crops. Daily seminars at 1pm […]
enroll in farm school for august 2015!
Innovative New Farm School Prepares Students to Feed People and our Planet A new farm school grows up in Sebastopol, CA, preparing a new generation of farmers to grow food […]