Politics & Activism
Greenhorns 2016 Impact Report
On this winter’s solstice, along with traditions of stoking the hearth and nestling fireside, we thought to drop a line on the past season. In 2016 our Greenhorns network […]
"land restoration economy"
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3EoxRiy01I] This falls under the category: Things I Didn't Know About but Feel Like I Should Have Known About But Are All-the-same Absolutely Fascinating
revolutions start from the bottom: film series on agricultural solutions to climate change
[vimeo 173969073 w=640 h=360] Unbroken Ground from Patagonia Provisions on Vimeo. Film maker Chris Malloy asks, how can different aspects of agriculture and our food economy alter to change our […]
call to the commons
Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA George Monbiot has something of reputation for discussing the more dire circumstances we face today, but in his latest article for The Guardian he presents some reasons […]
via campesina calls for immediate cessation of murder of civilians in syria
La Via Campesino is a tenacious international "peasants" movement long admired by the Greenhorns. (We covered them in a 2011 blog post about their food sovereignty youth training program and a […]
staying abreast of the hackers
We are all rubbing the crusties out of our eyes, reengaging with democracy and the mess created while we were asleep. As the attached article reaffirms for US citizens, our underlying goal is a self-governing Republic. But […]
read this: localism in the age of trump
With a Trump administration looming in 2017, the best course of action for progressives and left-leaning individuals in this country may be at the local level. Although Trump grabbed headlines […]
keep the soil in organic
Can produce grown in a soilless medium be called organic? Vermont-based "Keep the Soil in Organic" says HECK, NO. Growing rapidly, this grassroots movement is drawing attention to the degradation […]
the germans are precise in their critique of merger between monsanto and bayer
This German farmer is backed by hundreds of years of small-farmer family history has a lot to unload to Bayer as they attempt to merge with Monsanto in coming days. […]
get active in SF: people's harvest forum
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and food justice, food sovereignty, and veganism are your bag, check out the People's Harvest Forum. Tickets are still available to […]
DAPL did drill!
"Bismarck qualified for the extra protections, Standing Rock did not, nor did the crossing at the Des Moines River" Ferocious protesters at the Des Moines River in Iowa watched as DAPL drilled under […]
our hero Niel Young calls on the president and the country to stand with Standing Rock
Update: The US Army has denied the permit allowing the NDAP to pass under the Missouri river and through Standing Rock land! In the face of an uncertain transition in […]
we are all deplorables
Journalist Chris Hedges weighs in on the "downward spiral of hating those who hate you," which seems especially relevant given the current political climate. Read an excerpt from his article […]
queer farmer voices wanted for white house meeting
Listen up, queer farmers! Jonah Mossberg, director of the Queer Farmer Film Project's documentary Out Here has been invited by the White House Rural Council to a meeting at the White […]
Bellegarde Bakery
Graison Gill will be on Greenhorns Radio, Heritage Radio Network tomorrow 4pm EST – listen in! And for more information on Bellegarde and their process, check out this video.
what thanksgiving looks like at standing rock
Ever late to the party, The New York Times is finally giving Standing Rock some much-deserved coverage. This gorgeous and inspiring video (and its accompanying article) gives sober context to Thanksgiving celebrations all […]
Police escalation in Standing Rock is threatening lives (please read)
From the Daily Kos: POLICE ESCALATION IN STANDING ROCK IS THREATENING LIVES Last night the Morton County Sheriff's office put Standing Rock water protectors in grave danger. Hundreds were injured, […]
seven ways to be a better leader in systems change
Oh man, we just love this: Seven Lessons for Leaders in Systems Change. Great for educators, activists, community leaders, farmers, and-- generally-- everyone who gives a damn. Here's a taste, […]
why there is a giant media blackhole blackout on the native american oil blockade
For the love of all things good! Can we talk about something other than Donald Trump already? Thanks to Global Research for publishing this informative piece: "The first point is […]
meanwhile at standing rock
http://www.democracynow.org/embed/story/2016/10/24/standing_rock_police_arrest_100_water The indigenous peoples and activists at Standing Rock are facing militarized police and a impenetrable silence in the mainstream media as they work to protect the indigenous rights granted […]
New financing for small farmers:
Kiva and Greenhorns working together to help small farmers grow their businesses Katrina and Keely, Founders of Tinyfield Farm in Brooklyn, NY The Greenhorns and Kiva are working together to […]
our land 2: moving towards an autonomous food system, NM, nov 9-15
OUR LAND 2! November 9-17th, in Albuquerque and Santa Fe New Mexico. ALL THE INFORMATION IS HERE: www.agrariantrust.org/2016symposium This will be the second Agrarian Trust OUR LAND symposium, and once […]
slow money decelorator, boulder, co, oct. 21
Slow Money is hosting the world’s first Decelerator on October 21st, bringing together all who care about Colorado food systems and want to find new ways to invest in them! The […]
eeee, acequias! our land symposium, northern NM, nov. 9-17
OUR LAND 2: Tracing the Acequia Commons A Symposium about land transition, continuity, and commons. NOVEMBER 9-17th 2016 Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico Films. Talks. Exhibit. Acequia Walk. Can […]
nytimes photo essay gives mind-blowing bird-eye view of industrial ag
We can't more strongly encourage you to view and share George Steinmetz's New York Times Magazine's piece "Super Size: the Dizzying Grandeur of 21st Century Agriculture." It, in no small […]
Last week the Rodale Institute announced that it was launching the Organic Farmers' Association, headed up by Elizabeth Kucinich, Board Policy Chair for Rodale Institute. From the regional organic farmer associations to […]
on the front lines of the great fight of our times
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuZcx2zEo4k&w=560&h=315] The activists currently protecting the water commons, their indigenous heritage, and our planet against institutionalized corporate greed. We stand with them. See Thursday's post for more background on the […]
bbc's business daily: what is up with global agriculture subsidies?
Man! We're always asking the same question! Seriously though, this is a great episode, both for those looking for a good primer on the subject and a fascinating case study for […]
farm grrrl power symposium
Tickets available on a sliding scale: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/foundations-and-the-future-womens-leadership-in-the-food-movement-tickets-27100479263?aff=eac2 A day of education, celebration and dialogue, this one-day symposium intends to acknowledge, celebrate and lift up the leadership and voice of women in […]
milk: the new crude oil?
NPR's The Salt, on why the USDA is purchasing $20,000 worth of cheese to help US dairy farmers-- and why it doesn't really make a difference to the big dairy industry. […]
ASAP: demand that obama veto the DARK act!
The following message is from our friends at the Cornucopia Institute and references the recent GMO labeling law, so called the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act, which […]
documentary: the hand that feeds
[vimeo 52870881 w=640 h=360] The Hand That Feeds trailer from Robin Blotnick, a film on reforming the food system by organizing from the ground up for fair wages, fair working conditions, […]
Agrarian Trust Symposium speaker Kim Stringfellow's cool ass project!
The Mojave Project is really just kind of the bomb-diggety. But don't take our word for it: to learn more, we recommend this absolutely gorgeous video. The project is an "experimental transmedia […]
hawaiins fight in court to preserve GMO ban
In case you missed it, two weeks ago, our friends and allies at the Hawai'i Center for Food Safety took five cases through the 9th circuit appeals court focusing on the rights […]
yikes!!!!! the future of agriculture or science fiction?
In a recent ECONOMIST article, the future of agriculture is controlled by computers, genetic manipulation, big data, and the assumption that we humans know what is going on with soil-plant […]
ultra-extra-awesomely-superb podcast series: earth matters
Have you been listening to Earth Matters?? This fabulous podcast series gives voice to indigenous activists, environmentalists, and people around the globe working for social justice. We cannot recommend it highly […]
a poem to get rid of fear
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAYCf2Gdycc] Because some weeks, and I think this is one of them, poetry is the thing that will carry us up.
fund the library for food sovereignty!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWl-Rp7XjaY] Donate at the indigogo page here! In the creators' own words, "A Growing Culture (AGC) is a global coalition that connects farmers to each other and to the […]