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yougurt for the hospitals

Posted: July 1 2010
my first summer farm job was for the head of the swiss biodynamic association on his farm in the emmenthal, switzerland.
Every week we delivered six cases of yougurt to the children's hospital.
bing bang done.. and now noah and the crew at farm fresh rhode island are working in the same direction..
we all like selling food to those who appreciate it. chefs do that. yummy mummies do that.
but frankly, the people in hospitals and elderly homes would really appreciate some of this food as well.
serve it up
Getting Serious about Fresh Food in RI Schools & Hospitals
A new warehouse holds the key to linking farms with institutions responsible for feeding thousands of Rhode Islanders every day.
We need your help to make it a reality.
Only 1% of what we eat comes from RI farms.
The other 99%? We see it as a huge opportunity for strengthening our family farms and addressing community health issues like childhood obesity and diabetes.
We have the farms. We have the food. We have the trucks, drivers and delivery routes. We have the people on the inside at places like schools, hospitals, grocers and restaurants championing fresher, healthier food.
What are we waiting for?
Farm Fresh RI needs an upgraded warehouse - the critical infrastructure - to handle the large quantities of produce needed by schools, hospitals and other big food buyers.
But with the unexpected loss of grant funding, we're in a tough situation. There's simply no way we can continue to meet the new demand from school and hospital customers without the right warehouse equipment.
We're hoping to raise $10,000 from the community in the next 30 days as part of the necessary $75,000 investment we're making this summer in our warehouse space in Pawtucket (by our Wintertime Market site.) It will help us grow from last year's $225,000 in local farm sales to a yearly $2.5 million in 2013. That's a lot of local food, local jobs and a lot of healthy school lunches.
Please donate today. A contribution of any amount will help. We have some donors lined up, but that won't yet cover it. A new walk-in cooler, freezer and cold packing room are simple, but they will yield an abundant harvest on dinner tables across Rhode Island for many years to come.
If you care about changing the way we eat... If you want a future where local farms, fresher flavors and healthier communities are the default, not just the 1%... Your donation can make it a reality!
Cheers to fresh food for every Rhode Islander,
Noah, Sheri, Christie, Hannah, Jenn, Chef Jen, Molly and Tina
Farm Fresh Rhode Island