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Work Weekend at Awesome Farm!

Posted: March 2 2009

Not farming on your own, but longing to get your hands in the dirt? Plenty of farmers could use some help! Including Greenhorns Kaycee & Owen of Awesome Farm in Tivoli, NY...
Saturday April 4th 10-6
Sunday, April 5th 10-5

Lunch will be served both days. Please dress for cold, wet weather. Hopefully you will be shedding all of your layers, but it is better to be prepared. Wear boots as it will probably be wet. Bring drills and hammers if you can.

We will have a potluck dinner and probably entertainment on Saturday night. We are working on renting out a hall of some sort to house lots of sleepers and to host the potluck. We will keep you posted as that develops.
Please RSVP to me at [email protected]. I need to know how many people will be sleeping over and how much food we will need. When you RSVP, also tell me how you are getting here. I want to connect as many people as possible for carpooling. The Bard Shuttle runs from the train station in Poughkeepsie to Bard. It is free and easy. Go here and then click on Bard train station shuttle (weekend) http://inside.bard.edu/community/transport/#.
We have 70 new sheep! You can look at pictures of them on our blog: www.awesomefarmny.com/weblog.
We will also be delivering chickens and lamb to Brooklyn this year, so tell your friends and neighbors if you live in Brooklyn. The order form is conveniently attached!

Ready for spring,

Awesome Farm
Your source for local protein


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