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the organic mechanic

Posted: September 3 2012

super idea!

The Organic Mechanic - 2012 Tour
Organic farmers in the western United States:
I am currently traveling and visiting organic farms in Washington State, Oregon, and California.
At each farm, I would prefer to stay between three (3) and ten (10) days. It is preferable if you are on-site and available to spend time with me to learn about maintaining your equipment.
I am familiar with the following machines:

  • Farm tractors: Ford, John Deere, Case, International, Kubota, Massey-Ferguson, New Holland, Montana, Allied Tractor.
  • Small farm machines: lawnmowers, chainsaws, weed whackers, roll/soil tillers, small generators, power steamers, water pumps.

Farmers should prepare the following in advance of my arrival:

  • Oil (engine, transmission, hydraulic);
  • Antifreeze;
  • Grease and grease gun;
  • Lugs;
  • Oil containers;
  • Oil filters, fuel filters, and air filters; and
  • Owner's manuals and/or service manuals/books.

I will be traveling in my camper/cargo van, so I do not require accommodations. I will need electricity, food and access to a shower.
If you are an organic farmer and interested in hosting me, please contact me as soon as possible at tykamiya [at] gmail.com, as I am planning my trip now. If a group of farmers in your area are interested, I could instead offer a group workshop if you prefer.