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big brother is coming to the farm: the digital takeover of food

If you are one of the many people worrying about our food and where it comes from, you’re not alone! And now there’s a new reason to worry. A silent earthquake is fracturing our food systems. These new cracks are spreading all the way from digital giants in Silicon Valley and Seattle and shadowy asset […]

Posted: May 5 2021
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all watched over by machines of loving grace (tv series)

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a BBC television documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis.[1] In the series, Curtis argues that computers have failed to liberate humanity, and instead have "distorted and simplified our view of the world around us."[2] The title is taken from a 1967 poem of the same name by Richard Brautigan.[3] The first episode was originally broadcast at 9 pm on […]

Posted: January 21 2021
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agtools technology to reduce waste for growers, shippers and buyers

Despite the fact that 1 in 7 Americans if food insecure, every year, American consumers, businesses, and farms spend $218 billion a year, or 1.3% of GDP, growing, processing, transporting, and disposing  of food that is never eaten. That’s 52 million tons of food sent to landfill annually, plus another 10 million tons that is […]

Posted: October 25 2017
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the right to repair and the role of open source technology.

The right to repair movement is gaining traction across the globe despite pushback from powerful industries, however there is little dispute that it is being led by farmers seeking alternatives to costly licensing restrictions. Farm Hacks and open source technology are issues that are close to our hearts here at Greenhorns and we are delighted […]

Posted: June 29 2017
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if you wanted to track your local wind patterns...

A great tool for those of us who a. love beautiful interactive maps, and b. rely on up-to-date weather information.

Posted: April 12 2017
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the open source ethos in agroecology

A great read on open source in agroecology-- its history, potential, and-- ultimately-- its utter necessity.

Posted: April 5 2017
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mapping perennials

An interactive website that allows you to find perennial farms anywhere in the US.

Posted: April 4 2017
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it's art, it's recycle, it's fuel, it's interfaith, it's awesome

A great initiative coming out of Amsterdam, that brings a community, professionals, and artists together to solve a food waste challenge

Posted: March 11 2017
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the incredible american-made, open source, radically accessible, and utterly adaptable tractor

The Oggún company created an innovative business model to build the perfect tractor-- and to make it affordable to small farmers everywhere.

Posted: February 28 2017
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ever needed help renting farmland? then you can help these people make an app for that.

Farmers who have, would like to, or are currently leasing farm land, you input is needed! Imagine that after a tiring search of rental properties, you have finally found the right plot of land to farm on, but you have little experience with legal matters and feel like your lease agreements are written in a foreign language-- […]

Posted: October 11 2016
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Posted: July 19 2016
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yikes!!!!! the future of agriculture or science fiction?

In a recent ECONOMIST article, the future of agriculture is controlled by computers, genetic manipulation, big data, and the assumption that we humans know what is going on with soil-plant relationships (*sarcasm*). This article reads scarily of science fiction. "Farms, then, are becoming more like factories: tightly controlled operations for turning out reliable products, […]

Posted: June 16 2016
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does food tech hurt small farmers?

"Does Food Tech Help Farmers?,"was the central question of a Civil Eats article from last week. Reporter Dave Holt spoke to several small scale CSA and market farmers about their experience with the recent glut of internet startups-- from Farmdingo to Good Eggs-- asking mainly if e-commerce was good for business. Some farmers said yes, […]

Posted: May 11 2016
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the year that ended dangerously: the ETC's ireverant, snarky, and spot-on end of year review

Every year, our friends at the ETC (stands for Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration) puts out an, as they say, "irreverent," year-end recap-- and this year's is out now! We've compiled a brief list of the highlights from the 2015 edition of the ETC's yearly End of Year Review: Comparing itself to the […]

Posted: January 31 2016
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weather app for farmers

For the more obsessive among us, for those of us who want a minimum of ten minutes warning before the clouds break, for farmers, there's a great app for monitoring the weather of your own special microclimate-- even from remote location. Place censors wherever you please and the AcruLink app tracks, stores, and shares temperature, humidity, wind, […]

Posted: January 3 2016
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old timey


Posted: June 8 2015
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[vimeo] Thirty years after Koyaanisqatsi, Godfrey Reggio–with the support of Philip Glass and Jon Kane–once again leapfrogs over earth-bound filmmakers and creates another stunning, wordless portrait of modern life. Presented by Steven Soderbergh in Black and White digital 4K projection, VISITORS reveals humanity’s trancelike relationship with technology, which, when commandeered by extreme emotional states, […]

Posted: March 24 2014
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technology criticism from the beef world

    Here's an excerpt from a recent post in the Ranching for profit blog. The whole post can be found HERE "According to one cattle industry leader quoted in a prominent publication, Those who are not willing to take advantage of the new technology may not be able to survive. He isn’t alone in believing […]

Posted: March 13 2014