revolutions start from the bottom: film series on agricultural solutions to climate change
[vimeo 173969073 w=640 h=360] Unbroken Ground from Patagonia Provisions on Vimeo. Film maker Chris Malloy asks, how can different aspects of agriculture and our food economy alter to change our […]
so(/e)wing hemp in Kentucky
[vimeo 165600324 w=640 h=360] "In the end there is more than just fiber that tears and fades when you use cheap goods to hold things together." Harvesting Liberty, about Michael Lewis […]
PARENTS: a good present for your agrarian
this is a good time of year to get your gear fixed...
packaged foods with a mission--- now there's a supply chain trend we'd like to see deepen
Imagine if all the young farmers who scale up their pop corn, millet, broom corn, chestnuts or filbert crops could find a buyer that adds value, champions our diversity, and […]
letters from young farmers: dearest Patagonia
Dear Patagonia and Kim, I'm writing to request Patagonia reflective tape for use in a bicycle based action to take place in San Francisco during Slow Food Nation and the critical mass. […]