learn about rooftop farming: virtual talk and farm tour with Lindsay Allen, Higher Ground Farm
EVENT LINK: FLP SPEAKER SERIES: LINDSAY ALLEN, FARMING OPERATIONS DIRECTOR, HIGH GROUND FARM (registration required for an emailed Zoom link) Hosted by the Food Literacy Project, join this FREE online […]
dogfish: a shark for breakfast?
NPR's The Salt on why dogfish, a shark that is plentiful off the coast of New England, is primarily exported to Europe for consumption while Americans import 90% of the fish they consume.
silvopasture practices and perspectives in the northeastern us The use of silvopasture systems on farms in the Northeastern United States has never been documented. Our objective was to gather baseline data to describe silvopasture practices and perspectives […]
farm classes online this winter
Winter is a great time for farmers to rest, slow down the pace, and build new skills for the coming growing season. The Cornell Small Farms Program is pleased to […]
northeast new farmer winter gathering: dec 12
For more information, click HERE!
sail freight projects abound! meet the new FoodBargeHack @ It Takes a Region
We are SO HAPPY to see continued discussion of SAIL FREIGHT! As you may remember, we've been obsessed since our first sail freight project in VERMONT a few years ago, and then […]
SARE grant proposals due nov 12
Every year the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture and Research and Education (SARE) offer grants capping at $15,000 to commercial farmers who are looking to explore and innovate. Last years winners included […]
it takes a region, saratoga springs, nov. 12-14
Back in June, we posted about the upcoming NESAWG (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group) It Takes a Region Conference. And maybe, at that moment, you thought that this year's theme of […]
online courses from NE beginning farmers
Terrific offerings and a guide to choosing which courses are best for you. With the growing season at its peak, it's hard to believe that the "down" season is just […]
small farms quarterly seeks writers
Small Farms Quarterly As the new farmer editor I invite anyone who is located in the Northeast (Maine-Pennsylvania & points east) to submit an article. These can be focused on […]
a new seed company in the finger lakes!
we love seeing new companies pop up. Fruition Seeds! Check out their Kickstarter, Blog and Facebook page. Fruition Seeds grows three acres of certified organic seed in the Finger Lakes […]
for you beginning women farmers out there
Whole Farm Planning Training Program accepts applications for upcoming sessions – The Central New York Resource Conservation and Development Project, Inc. (CNYRC&D) recently announced that applications are being accepted for […]
NOFA summer conference
This weekend! August 10-12, 2012 at UMass Amherst in Massachusetts. View a list of the 200+ workshops offered for 2012 on organic farming, gardening, land care, draft animals, homesteading, sustainability, […]
NESAWG network coordinator position
The NESAWG Network Coordinator manages one of the largest and most influential sustainable agriculture and food systems networks in the Northeast. With participation of more than 500 organizations and 1,500 […]