upcoming: heritage livestock conference
The Livestock Conservancy are holding their annual conference in Williamsburg VA from November 9th-12th 2017. The Livestock Conservancy, is a national nonprofit which plays an important role in educating the […]
the shortage of livestock veterinarians is reaching "crisis levels"
Even after the lamb comes, the ewe continues to strain. Sticky with afterbirth, the ram lamb calls to his mother in quavering tenor, but though she lifts her head in […]
soil is life
Herbivorous Solar Conversion and Sequestration in the Shenandoah Valley By Joeal Salatin, Rural America, August 16th, 2015 Soil is a world. A community of beings as unbelievable as you can […]
great listen: farming without labels
To listen to the radio piece, click HERE! Who is a good farmer? This question of goodness has been important to the popularization of the sustainable food movement. However, consumer […]
gluten intolerance: is it because we aren't around enough poo?
In a recent NYT opinion piece about gluten, the author ends with the following advice: Maybe we should stop asking what’s wrong with wheat, and begin asking what’s wrong with […]
conference: artisans of the grasslands, oct 2-4
Join the Savory Institute’s annual international conference “Artisans of the Grasslands - Crafting the Future for Food & Agriculture,” on Oct 2-4 in San Francisco this year. Click here. Convene […]
bookmark for winter: alan savory videos! (think holistic management)
Click HERE to watch the videos! The Savory Institute's Annual International Conference, was held in London on August 1st and 2nd. This central location allows our partners and collaborators from […]
csa/grazing manager - TN
Rural Resources is a non-profit organization based on a 15 acre farm in the mountains of East Tennessee. The farm, complete with barns, creek, greenhouse, high hoop house and walk-in […]
another animal to consider
the Yak! Check out Vermont Yak and the International Yak Association Why Yaks? Click HERE
grazing top ten - from jim gerrish
Jim's Top Ten Links The BEHAVE project Many visitors will recognize the name of Dr. Fred Provenza from Utah State University. This is where you can hook up with Fred […]
save this hereford breeding stock!
Time to step it up, Greenhorns. Go Go Northwest Farmerfolk! We need to find a home (or as many homes as possible) for a group of pure blood, AHA Registered […]
amazing grazing
Rare animal breeders in many countries are supported in this critical work by private foundations. As you are probably well aware the results of careless or greedy breeding is a […]