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the shortage of livestock veterinarians is reaching "crisis levels"

Even after the lamb comes, the ewe continues to strain. Sticky with afterbirth, the ram lamb calls to his mother in quavering tenor, but though she lifts her head in his direction and lets out a low moan of response, her heaving sides won’t let her rise and go to him. In the compounded darkness […]

Posted: May 9 2017
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so(/e)wing hemp in Kentucky

[vimeo 165600324 w=640 h=360] "In the end there is more than just fiber that tears and fades when you use cheap goods to hold things together." Harvesting Liberty, about Michael Lewis (of Growing Warriors) and Rebecca Burgess (of Fibershed), who have received a grant from Patagonia to support their incredible budding hemp projects in Kentucky. Like most […]

Posted: June 7 2016
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need more acres: great farm name, sweet video

[vimeo 126262573 w=640 h=360] Need More Acres farm owners Nathan and Michelle discuss the necessity of diversified vegetable farms and increasing food access. This is a beautiful and heart-felt little video about a family passionate about the work that they do: providing a multi-farm CSA to 35 families; organizing a community market to make more […]

Posted: May 3 2016
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new documentary on wendell berry premiers at SXSW festival

The Seer: A Portrait of Wendell Berry, premiered yesterday at SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin. The film spans four seasons; revolving around Berry; his muse of Henry County, Kentucky; and this pivotal contemporary moment in agrarian America. Barbara J. King did a great piece on the film yesterday for NPR, ripe with great Wendell Berry quotes and some contextual food for […]

Posted: March 13 2016
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slow money gathering


Posted: September 15 2014
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greenhorns kentucky mixer & screening

More information HERE

Posted: February 25 2013
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farm manager at pine mountain

Pine Mountain Settlement School has an opening for the position of Farm Manager. The Farm Manager is responsible for the School’s gardens, which supply food for Pine Mountain’s dining hall. The Farm Manager cooperates with the School’s food preparation staff to grow what the School needs for its dining operation. The Farm Manager supervises and […]

Posted: January 9 2013