draft animal
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our horses are bigger than your deere. support draft animal power field days!
Help us create a sustainable fund to support Draft Animal-Power Field Days in the Northeast! As American agriculture is struggling with aging farmers and a shrinking number of farms, sustainable agriculture and new farmers are repopulating the American food system. Increasingly, these farmers are moving towards draft animal power—the use of mules, horses and oxen—to […]
Posted: November 6 2014
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ny: introduction to draft animal power
Sept 20-21 Northland Sheep Dairy, Marathon, NY Come participate in a hands-on experience with one of the region's most wonderful draft animal gurus. Donn Hewes is an experienced teamster and a passionate educator, and loves teaching others how to think like a horse. This is your chance to learn the basics of working with draft […]
Posted: August 8 2014