supporting black and brown farmers: NC's earthseed land cooperative is doing beautiful transformative work in their community, and they need our help
Support Earthseed Land Cooperative: a group of young black and brown agrarians who are on a mission to create community resilience through cooperative ownership of land and resources.
farm hack needs you! help fun the patriot weeder!
In the grand tradition and the innovative spirit of Farm Hack, Lu Yoder is embarking on an engineering adventure to respond to the lack of effective, versatile, adaptive, and cheap weeding […]
funding great nonfiction
[vimeo 187600906 w=640 h=480] It's no secret that we're suckers for a beautiful crowd-funding campaign... In this funding crusade, North Carolina author Trace Ramsey, has five more days to fund […]
crowdfunder: the pig revolution
[youtube] Farms Not Factories is a small UK-based nonprofit that advocates for ethical farming practices and meat consumption. With 15 days to go, they hope to raise £10,000 "to […]
ever needed help renting farmland? then you can help these people make an app for that.
Farmers who have, would like to, or are currently leasing farm land, you input is needed! Imagine that after a tiring search of rental properties, you have finally found the right plot […]
know someone who knows someone in London that wants to save a farm ?
OgranicLea, a very awesome workers collective near London in the Lea Valley put out the following call for help on their blog: "A coalition of growers is working with Haringey Council […]
street goat: an exemplary crowd-funding campaign
[vimeo 146758688 w=640 h=360] Street Goat - Crowd Funding Campaign Film from Joanne Barker on Vimeo. The money's all been pledged and raised, but this sure was a great idea […]
fund the library for food sovereignty!
[youtube] Donate at the indigogo page here! In the creators' own words, "A Growing Culture (AGC) is a global coalition that connects farmers to each other and to the […]
peace of earth's amazing cold storage scheme
We have a stubborn and delicious dream that farming can evolve to exist without a constant input of fossil fuels, and Peace of Earth Farm in Albany, VT is dreaming it too! […]
barnraiser: a new crowdfunding site for the food movement
Barnraiser is the community to power the food movement, one project at a time. To learn more or check out the stories and projects, CLICK HERE!
farmer sayings: almanac needs your help!
Dear Loyal blog readers. We've got a request today. Brooke is illustrating farmer sayings for the next almanac. And is looking for suggestions from the crowd. " Knee high by […]
a finance mechanism for inventors, makers
This is just great. Wow. Glad that the crowdsource platform sector continues to grow and grow. Christie Street Christie Street’s marketplace empowers inventors to realize their dreams while ensuring that […]