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such a power resource

Posted: February 16 2011

Organic Seed Alliance's mission is to support the ethical development and stewardship of seed. Our advocacy program pursues the implementation of ethical values in seed systems. In particular we believe that organic agriculture holds the potential for the development of a new model of decentralized seed systems that serve community needs.
While there are many risks to organic seed systems - contamination by genetically engineered (GE) crops, concentration in the seed industry and patents, lack of infrastructure and funds for public and open-source breeding - there are also advances and opportunities at hand. The organic seed community does not define itself by what we are not (genetically engineered) but rather by what the value and benefits we bring to organic farmers, consumers, and the environment. OSA advocates for decentralized, farmer-oriented, regional seed systems. The development of such systems will provide us with the integrity and quality of organic seed we need, and food integrity begins with seed integrity.
OSA Advocacy staff are regular contributors to the OSA blog, Seed Broadcast, and are at work on a series of white papers on the benefits of organic breeding and seed, alternative seed ownership models, and a and Action Plan, and updates on our work fighting to protect the integrity of organic seed. Please – consider donating to our work.



