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raise the barn by bill day

Posted: November 1 2012

Project Update #3: In The Path of Hurricane Sandy
Chestnut Ridge, NY - The winds are picking up here at The Pfeiffer Center, where we're working into the night to outrace Hurricane Sandy before we lose power.

We have until 10 p.m. this Thursday to raise $75,000 or you don't get billed and we don't get a penny. That seemed like plenty of time until local officials told us that 70 mph winds very likely will leave us without power for the next week.
We must outrace this storm! We're raised almost $40,000, more than half our goal!
Thanks to so many of you, an amazing number of backers who have doubled and tripled their initial pledges. Wow! And thanks to all of you who are posting www.KickstartTheBarn.org on your facebook pages or twitter feeds, and emailing and phoning friends with a direct appeal to help.
If you're lucky enough to keep the lights on through the storm, you can help us by keeping up the momentum. We have four days to go and every, pledge, every penny, every tweet gets us closer to our goal!
Care to comment? View this update on Kickstarter

