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psilocybin cancer anxiety study

Posted: December 17 2015

[vimeo 122278721 w=500 h=281]
Richard- Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study from T. Cody Swift on Vimeo.
[vimeo 122267529 w=500 h=281]
Tony- Psilocybin Cancer Anxiety Study from T. Cody Swift on Vimeo.

The Phase 2 trials have just been completed at NYU and Hopkins, largely supported by funding from Riverstyx Foundation and the Heffter Research Institute. Final analyses are underway, already showing acute and sustained reductions in anxiety and depression scores, even months after treatment with a single, high dose of psilocybin. We are now working with the FDA to design a Phase 3 safety and efficacy trail, which will provide the merits to reschedule this medicine to be used by trained psychologists and psychiatrists in a supportive clinical context.