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pledge for local radio COLUMBIA COUNTY

Posted: October 23 2011

ROOTS DOWN [root]: the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant.

In the wake of devastating flooding and in the midst of an always-uncertain economic and political climate, we believe that building a local community media infrastructure is more important than ever.  A media that supports the organizations and individuals already doing critical and creative work in the area – and moves forward our imagination about what else we can be. That’s why we believe so deeply in listener-supported media, and in WGXC: Hands-on Radio, 90.7-FM.We need your support to meet our most basic monthly operating expenses – to continue to give voice to the station’s volunteer programmers, to continue our media trainings and workshops, and to help build a culture of participation and conversation in our region. Community radio is only possible with the support of its listeners and neighbors –- that’s you.
At WGXC, we are only just beginning. The process will be human, incremental, and wildly exciting. It might be infinite. Our doors are open, and there are many ways to be involved. The time to join is now.
Help us dig deep roots in Greene & Columbia counties.


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